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Head of Ahmadiyya condemns Israeli offensive in Gaza, calls on Muslims to unite

Mirzais are traitors. They always damage the inner and outer splendid of Islam and the Muslims..
We need not your opinions about Muslims Unity.....

Such people are advising us who are also out of their senses and have no mind to think..Hypocrites and double faced ...
Mr. @Ehsan you show up only when you need to do some propaganda for your jamaat by making religious threads.

What unity do you speak of? Just look at the history of your jamaat. Your khalifah sits in the lap of the former colonial power which created, nurtured, and established Israel.

None of the Muslims recognizes your jamaat and no one recognizes your khalifa.
That remains to be seen.

I do admire him for speaking out against injustices and atrocities of the Israelis even at a risk of losing their support.

Frankly, he gets all the protection he needs from the UK Government.

Losing who's support exactly?

I'll not make it political or religious debate I am capable and loaded to debunk certain wrong beliefs of certain Religion "not Islam" to be precise.

So whatever someone paints it now two opportunist are contesting for Khalifat of twisted beliefs but any how mr. unknown raised voice too late.

And bhai do not preach us here of certain religion it is banned on this Forum.

I am not preaching. I don't preach on the internet. You made a statement about Ahmadis, that was your right. I replied to you however I wanted. That was my right. You are free to ignore etc.
Why do you assholes seem to be on a witch hunt for Qadiyanis? Dont like them, ignore them.
It would be damaging to the PR of the community if nothing was said.

Yar, you can be anti ahmadi without being prejudiced to ignore historical realities. Our Jam'at was raising voice for Palestine before Israel even came in to existence. Our second Khalifa even warned the arabs, I know you are a sensible member of this forum, there is no need to ignore realities to oppose Ahmadis.

'The problem of Palestine entered on a new phase after 1 December 1947 when, through the joint efforts of the United States and the USSR, the General Assembly most unjustly adopted its resolution recommending partition of Palestine. Hazrat Mirza Bashirud Din Mahmud Ahmad Sahib, Khalifatul Masih II, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, wrote two strong articles revealing the background of the partition of Palestine. The first of these was published on 28 November and the second on 11 December 1947. In these articles he established clearly that Jewish settlement in Palestine had been carried out under a conspiracy to which the USSR, USA and Britain were parties. He pointed out that these great powers appeared to be opposed to each other in pursuit of their political objectives but that they were united in their hostility towards the Muslims and that they had no sympathy with the Arabs and Muslims. He urged the Muslims to stand upon their own legs and that they should put forth every effort to do so.

These revolutionary articles of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II made a great stir in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab Countries. 'The Syrian radio broadcast a special summary of them and thus conveyed their purport to all corners of the Arab world. Leading Arab newspapers like the Al-Yaum, Al-Akhbar, Al-Qabas, Al-Nasr, Sautul Ahrar and AI-Urdon etc. published extracts of these articles and unanimously praised and upheld the stand of the writer.

In June 1948 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II delivered an address in Lahore in which he strongly urged the Muslims to unite so as to rescue Palestine from the grip of the Zionists. With reference to this address the AI-Shura of Baghdad in its issue of i8 June 1948 observed:

  • An address by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad

    We have received a tract which has been published in Baghdad in which a powerful address off Hazrat Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, Qadian, is set out which he delivered in Lahore after the setting up of the so-called State of Israel. This address is captioned 'The disbelievers are all one community'. We appreciate the Islamic indignation and Islamic efforts of the people who have published this very useful tract.
The AI-Nahzah of 12 July 1948 wrote:

  • We have received a tract which comprises an address of Al-Syed Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahib which he delivered in Lahore. In this address he has urged the Muslims to unite and has drawn attention to the need of solid and effective efforts towards rescuing Palestine from the grip of Zionist criminals and has asked the people of Pakistan to render immediate help to the Palestine Arabs. Reminding the Muslims of their common allegiance to the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and arguing from verses of the Holy Quran the speaker has urged them to organize themselves to with-stand the onsets of the Zionist criminals who are being supported by the United States and Communist Russia in pursuance of their interests and special purposes. He has asked the Muslims not to display weakness or distress, but to keep in mind their obligations of Jihad for the upholding of Islam and Muslims.'

Why do you assholes seem to be on a witch hunt for Qadiyanis? Dont like them, ignore them.

It's that simple.:tup:
lols ... What Khalifa, which khalifa ? who make all these people khalifa ? Now make another ISIS operating from London :butcher:
Lets see what Israelis do to him when he lands in Haifa next time.

He has never been to Israel.:cool:

Oh and this thread shouldn't have been opened. Anything related to Ahmadis automatically ends up becoming a kafir kafir game.
This so called Khalifa should, for a start, declare that Ahmadis have withdrawn from any alliance/understanding with the Zionists.
Baat chal hi nikli hai tou!
This is not new that Ahmadiyya community voicing for Palestine, history goes back to 1947.

A forgotten hero
Sir Zafarullah Khan and the tragedy of Palestine and Pakistan

“This is a solemn moment, solemn in the history of the world, in the history of this great — let us hope, at least — great Organisation. The United Nations is today on trial. The world is watching and will see how it acquits itself — again, perhaps, not so much from the point of view of whether partition is approved or not approved, but from the point of view of whether any room is to be left for the exercise of honest judgment and conscience in decisions taken upon important questions.”

-Sir Zafarullah Khan’s Address to UN Security Council on the issue of Palestine. (October 7, 1947)

The Gaza death toll is nearing a bloody 1000 as Israeli barbarities continue.

Since the atrocious bombing began, ******** of sympathy and solidarity with Gaza have been released from all quarters all over Pakistan.

And with them, there has been a caustic expression lamenting and bemoaning Pakistan and the Muslim world’s sickly response to the barbarities in Palestine.

However, what has been rendered unknown today is that Pakistan once played a significant role on the international stage.

Born on 6th February, 1893, in Sialkot, ChaudhryZafarullah Khan rose to become a leading politician, diplomat, an international jurist and one of the founding fathers of Pakistan.

The man behind the famous Lahore Resolution, Zafarullah Khan went on to be appointed as Pakistan’s first foreign minister by Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1947.

Hardly two months after its creation in 1947, he represented Pakistan in the United Nations General Assembly meeting as the head of its delegation and soon emerged as the most excellent spokesperson for the Muslim and the third world.

Through his stupendous championship of such causes, he became a prominent proponent of the advance of the universal values of peace, freedom, liberty, human rights, democracy and justice as from 1948 to 1954 he represented Pakistan at the UN Security Council and outstandingly spoke for the liberation of Algeria, Libya, Northern Ireland, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Malay, Morocco, Nigeria, Indonesia and occupied Kashmir.

Through his unsurpassed and principled diplomacy, he practically put Pakistan on the map of the world, beyond mere name.

Perhaps, the greatest of the countless incomparable services he rendered was his exemplary advocacy of the cause of Palestine and Kashmir. With brilliant advocacy, including a speech which went on for seven hours, it was largely Zafarullah Khan’s efforts which materialised into the UN Resolutions on Kashmir.

His promotion of the Palestinian cause garnered enormous appreciation, acknowledgement and reverence from almost all Muslim countries and leaders at that time.

His speech in October 1947 on Palestine is considered to be one of the most powerful cases presented for Palestine.

Realising the lack of national recognition for him, several blogs and publications by his community have sprung up and sought to compensate for it by detailing his life, services and legacy themselves. One such blog post quotes from what it has identified as the editorial of The Statesman, Delhi, dated October 8, 1947:

“For the first time the voice of Pakistan was heard in the counsels of the United Nations on a burning topic of worldwide significance when leader of this country’s delegation, Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan, addressed the United Nations Palestine Committee at Lake Success on Tuesday. It was a telling speech which tore into shreds the specious pleas put forward by the advocates of the partition of Palestine. Chaudhry Zafarullah did not merely indulge in rhetoric when he described the partition plan as ‘physically and geographically a monstrosity’, he proceeded to prove this by unassailable arguments. Answering the contention that the migration of more Jews into Palestine should be permitted because the displaced Jewish people desired to go to that country, Pakistan’s spokesman asked whether the Americans would consent to relax or abrogate their own immigration laws if displaced persons of various other nationalities desired to enter the United States and settle there? Would America, he further asked, agree to take in the five million displaced persons of the Punjab if they desired to leave the scene of their suffering and cross over to the United States? We have little doubt that the Arabs will rejoice to find the voice of Pakistan so powerfully raised in the United Nations in defence of their cause. The addition of the independent sovereign state of Pakistan to the comity of free Muslim peoples of the World is already beginning to have its effect on international affairs.”

Mr Fadh el Jamali, a late former foreign minister of Iraq is also said to have penned in a tribute in Al-Sabah of 10th October, 1985:

“In fact, it was not possible for any Arab, however capable and competent he may be, to serve the cause of Palestine in a manner in which this distinguished and great man dedicated himself. Mohammad Zafarullah Khan occupies a pre-eminent position in defending the Palestinians in this dispute. We expect from all Arabs and followers of Islam that they will never forget this great Muslim fighter. After Palestine, the services of this man for the independence of Libya also deserve admiration.”

Distinguished British journalist Alan Hart mentions Zafarullah Khan in his book ‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the False Messiah (Volume I)’ saying that the partition of Palestine was a result of bribery and pressure. He deemed Zafarullah Khan’s thoughts to have been the best expression of the feeling of the majority of states.

To date, none have come into sight who could rival the towering statesman; who was honoured and held in the highest esteem by numerous countries, leaders and nations, especially Muslim, honoured by all but his own. And that was so because of his faith. He was an Ahmadi, and like all others of his community, he has been disowned by the state and its people.

In a post for All Things Pakistan in 2007, Yasser Latif Hamdani poignantly wrote: “Ironically, today Jinnah’s most trusted lieutenant is not even remembered by the state which owes him so much, including its own founding document.”

Today, Sir Zafarullah’s speech on Palestine reads as a tragedy for both Palestine and Pakistan. It resonates as a striking reminder of the injustice inflicted upon the Palestinians, and the injustice Pakistan has inflicted upon itself: the injustice of bigotry, prejudice and myopia.

As the saying goes: “Poor are nations that do not have heroes, but beggared are those who forget them.”

Hafsa Khawaja
The writer, a student, has a keen eye for socio-political issues, national and international affairs. She blogs at: hafsakhawaja.wordpress.com.
Mr. @Ehsan you show up only when you need to do some propaganda for your jamaat by making religious threads.

What unity do you speak of? Just look at the history of your jamaat. Your khalifah sits in the lap of the former colonial power which created, nurtured, and established Israel.

None of the Muslims recognizes your jamaat and no one recognizes your khalifa.
Why does anything that Ahmadis do is propaganda

Damn some people so the going
Has a curfew when to show up and when to not ?

Bro it's a free world you have the right to disagree with what I post. You see my join date right there I was the one of the first guys to have started this up I forgot the name of the guy who was admin at the time may be he still is.

I am sincerely doing this so people can see through the average anti AHMADI propaganda of us being Jewish British Alien Martian agents.

You guys gotta go past the AHMADI Muslims are kafir game man it's old if I was in Pakiland and had nothing better to do I would have debated more btw it was AHMADI Zafrullah khan who debated on Palestine issue in the UN just
He has never been to Israel.:cool:

Oh and this thread shouldn't have been opened. Anything related to Ahmadis automatically ends up becoming a kafir kafir game.

seriously. You guys are best ones in islam according to me . Atleast you keep peace and renounce terror and mass murder. exception of shias ,most other sects are interested too much in violence. I hope you guys succeed in your mission .
zionest .jpg
This so called Khalifa should, for a start, declare that Ahmadis have withdrawn from any alliance/understanding with the Zionists.

Ahmadis have no alliance with Zionists. Your country and Pakistan receives aid from rest of the world which is according to you controlled by Zionists. First free yourself from Zionists and stop begging.
Ahmadis have no alliance with Zianoists. Your country and Pakistan receives aid from rest of the world which is according to you controlled by Zionists. First free yourself from Zionists and stop begging.

Post of the century!!!
It would be damaging to the PR of the community if nothing was said.
It would be if nothing was said in the first place and this PR stuff came out of the blue Ahmadis have fought for the Kashmir and Palestinian cause since the start and the Pakistan cause if you need a history lesson go look up UN archives Myths & Facts: Israel-Palestine conflict and the Ahmadiyya | Rabwah Times
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