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Hazaras leaving for Australia to take refuge

Why are the Hazara people leaving?-
They should demand for a separate country-
As far as I know, there are middle tier authorities that wet your capability and skill level up to the required Aussie level. Its not the embassy's fault if they those middle tier authorities are not doing their jobs properly, they will go with what those authorities say.

If you have a support system in Australia (and many ethnicities are amongst the best organized groups which know all the loopholes in Western migration schemes), then you can set up local experience, etc. Also, Australia doesn't want bad press and to damage relations with countries like India, China, etc. so no one raises much stink about it.

How are boat people more genuine? Define genuine?

After going through the lengthy and stringent refugee screening process, a higher percentage of boat people are deemed to be genuine refugees and are granted asylum than are air arrivals.

The air arrivals are the (relatively) rich refugees who can buy a plane ticket. The boat people often escape with the shirt on their back.
We cannot bear such demands in the country dear, needs (i) to remove terrorism by hook or by crook (ii) remove foreign hands/forces completely from the country

The problem seem to be solving itself- they are leaving- they should stay and maybe a demand like such will get the authorities to do their job--
Here is a few media links for you to read about the flood of bogus asylum seekers being let in.

Did you even BOTHER to read the links you posted?

They are saying EXACTLY what I have written above: that the fraud is mainly in the air arrivals, NOT the boat people.

The bogus claimants who come by air are from China, India, SE Asia, etc.

The boat people are mostly genuine refugees, yet the media always talks about the boat people.

Here are the statistics, as in actual numbers decided by Immigration officials and judges, as opposed to media hype.


In particular, look at Table 22 on page 21 for non-IMA (= air arrivals) and the acceptance/rejection rates.

Now, look at Table 36 on page 31 for IMA (= boat people) and see the acceptance rates for these applicants.
The problem seem to be solving itself- they are leaving- they should stay and maybe a demand like such will get the authorities to do their job--

No hope with conventional authorities, aka PPP and Ganja league (PML-N).........we need revolution, no hope to see it in my life sadly. Maybe PTI bring some positivity:(
Australia is a huge country with small pockets of population. Its more than a country. It is a continent. With huge natural resources and land. They should throw open their doors to anyone who wants to come over, as long as he is not a security threat.
and australia is mostly a desert continent?

regarding hazaras, why don't they just convert to sunni sect? is that not enough? are they living as 2nd class citizen in that pashtun dominated region?
Kashmiri Pundits are living as refugee in their own country and yet, few of them have gone for assylum.
@Safriz Care to explain more about why they are given asylum in remote islands ? Some sort of keeping them segregated from their own society ?

Hearing it first time.

That story is simply Cr@p. @Developereo has explained the facts in post#5.
Read that to get the truth of the matter, @KRAIT.
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It's unfortunate the situation has gone that far, but it's understandable and hope they can build a new life until it is safer to see their motherland again.

Edit: Nevermind, it's unnecessary.
Kashmiri Pundits are living as refugee in their own country and yet, few of them have gone for assylum.
yes mate they are living as refugees in their own Motherland and they are still suffering just for being an innocent,non-violent race of people.everytime i hear about their condition my heart cries out for them:cry:.perhaps they should all migrate to Kolkata and we'll be happy to have them here in our state and will receive them with open hands.here they will find many opportunities to thrive as a community and no one i mean no one will look down to them,as a matter of fact we Bengalis will be more than happy to have our Kashmiri Pundit brothers living with us in our state:smitten: and in a few years they will thrive because of the vast opportunity that Kolkata offers to them and they can live here as long as they want until situation gets better for them to return to their original home:tup:!
Australia offers asylum to 2,500 Hazara families

The Australian government has offered asylum to 2,500 Hazara families of Pakistan who have been affected by terrorism, reported Express News on Thursday.
The asylum was offered on humanitarian grounds.
Last week, a representative of Australian immigration department met with United Nations officials to make the asylum offer.
Over 80 residents of the Shia Hazara neighbourhood in Quetta were killed when over 800 kilogrammes of explosives packed in a vehicle detonated in the middle of a busy bazaar on February 6.
The attack led to countrywide agitation, with families refusing to bury their loved ones till their demands of the army taking over the city and targeted operation against the perpetrators were met.
In January, twin blasts in Quetta killed over a 100 people and left over 300 injured. After being continuously attacked by militant outfits, the Shia Hazaras went on strike across the country demanding the government to take immediate action.

Victims of terrorism: Australia offers asylum to 2,500 Hazara families – The Express Tribune
and australia is mostly a desert continent?

regarding hazaras, why don't they just convert to sunni sect? is that not enough? are they living as 2nd class citizen in that pashtun dominated region?

Preposterous proposition. Why should they? If the world around them has a problem with their beliefs then it should change itself. These are poor and helpless people. They have been persecuted for ages in Afghanistan and now in Balochistan. I think their situation is a little better in Iran though.
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