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Hazaras leaving for Australia to take refuge

@Safriz That means we are big heart people or kind idiots. :D

We give refuge to millions.

You can google asylum success rates of countries..
Highest is i think canada..with 36%.
The rest of 64% asylum seekers fail..
For western europe its much lower and similar for Australia.
More than 70% fail... Then its a life in the shadows...living illegally in slums...surviving on bare essentials..all the time afraid of being caught and deported..
Ever heard of the phrase..
"Door kay dhool sohaanay" ?

The 30% who are given asylum, many if not all,have usually a very long legal fight with immigration,spanning over a decade.
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Hazars people can't leave Pakistan, if they does with illegal way, then they will again suffer and shot at the spot.
Look at the stats... Its not a walk in the Park as many think.
The asylum system is a cold war era scheme to show the good face of the west,and how humane they are,and at that time when USSR was to be shown as evil...people used to get instant asylum even on airport.
I heard stories of soviet sailors jumping in the sea from their ships while transiting Bosporus,and Americans picking them up and sending them to USA on asylum on the next flight...
Now its all fairy tale...doesnt happen.
The west dont need to show their good face to anyone.they are the unopposed chapions of the world.
I have heard this from others too, that Australia is one of the few Shia friendly countries left in the world.

Other than Iran. There is a perception that Shias are always in a do or die mode for Iran and hence other countries view them with suspicion too.
@Safriz Care to explain more about why they are given asylum in remote islands ? Some sort of keeping them segregated from their own society ?

Hearing it first time.

Read Developereo post.

Refugees who arrive illegally by boat are taken to off shore processing centre's which are located on a few islands(still Australian territory) Once their asylum application is verified and accepted, they are free to come to the Australian mainland and settle anywhere they like.

Western countries dont make it easy..
Its their way of deterring immigrants and asylum seekers.
Here in UK i seen people from war torne countries like somalia wait 10 years while their case is being processed...and another 5 years until they get Passport...
And all these 15 years of waiting they can be deported on trivial things.

It's a way of deterring fake refugees who want to take advantage of wealthy nations from coming illegally and claiming false refugee status. There is a correct procedure for seeking asylum but these people don't follow it in order to come here faster.

Do insult intended but some time ppl use asylum as tool for Migration. Imagine getting World class life in Europe or AUstralia in the name of asylum.

Trust me if luck permits, I will also apply asylum in Europe (esp Swis land)

Yeh this is a major problem. I find it sickening that these bogus people take advantage of genuine refugees.

At the moment, Australia has a problem with fake refugees from Sri Lanka.

@Safriz Care to explain more about why they are given asylum in remote islands ? Some sort of keeping them segregated from their own society ?

Hearing it first time.

Read Developereo post.

Refugees who arrive illegally by boat are taken to off shore processing centre's which are located on a few islands(still Australian territory) Once their asylum application is verified and accepted, they are free to come to the Australian mainland and settle anywhere they like.

Western countries dont make it easy..
Its their way of deterring immigrants and asylum seekers.
Here in UK i seen people from war torne countries like somalia wait 10 years while their case is being processed...and another 5 years until they get Passport...
And all these 15 years of waiting they can be deported on trivial things.

It's a way of deterring fake refugees who want to take advantage of wealthy nations from coming illegally and claiming false refugee status. There is a correct procedure for seeking asylum but these people don't follow it in order to come here faster.

Do insult intended but some time ppl use asylum as tool for Migration. Imagine getting World class life in Europe or AUstralia in the name of asylum.

Trust me if luck permits, I will also apply asylum in Europe (esp Swis land)

Yeh this is a major problem. I find it sickening that these bogus people take advantage of genuine refugees.

At the moment, Australia has a problem with fake refugees from Sri Lanka.
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I'll give an example for Indian readers to further demonstrate the problem of fake refugees coming to Australia.

Just say there was a civil war in India, in and around Bangalore. You lived their with your family and you were directly under threat and needed to flee. You then come to an Australian embassy to seek asylum only to be told "Sorry, we have already accepted our quota of refugees" You then later find out that the people filling this quota are Indians from New Delhi who are obviously extremely extremely far away from Bangalore and the war, yet these people have got om a boat and traveled to Australia illegally and have been accepted as legitimate refugees despite not being under threat but are wanting to take advantage of being in a rich western country.

This is what is currently happening with Sri Lankans and to some extent Afghanis and Pakistanis. There is loads of Afghans coming to Australia who use the war as an excuse despite living in areas of the country where there is little fighting. Sri Lankans still use the civil war as an excuse despite it ending 2 years ago. There has been evidence of Pakistani's getting fake Afghan passports to come here too.

All these bogus refugees take the spot of legitimate refugees.
Many of applicatns are fake for sure. At the same time Pakistan media sure knows how to spread propaganda & lies.
I'll give an example for Indian readers to further demonstrate the problem of fake refugees coming to Australia.

Just say there was a civil war in India, in and around Bangalore. You lived their with your family and you were directly under threat and needed to flee. You then come to an Australian embassy to seek asylum only to be told "Sorry, we have already accepted our quota of refugees" You then later find out that the people filling this quota are Indians from New Delhi who are obviously extremely extremely far away from Bangalore and the war, yet these people have got om a boat and traveled to Australia illegally and have been accepted as legitimate refugees despite not being under threat but are wanting to take advantage of being in a rich western country.

This is what is currently happening with Sri Lankans and to some extent Afghanis and Pakistanis. There is loads of Afghans coming to Australia who use the war as an excuse despite living in areas of the country where there is little fighting. Sri Lankans still use the civil war as an excuse despite it ending 2 years ago. There has been evidence of Pakistani's getting fake Afghan passports to come here too.

All these bogus refugees take the spot of legitimate refugees.

Add to that, that Hazaras are basically Afghan refugees in Pakistan who have been in Pakistan for say 10+ years now. So one can say if Pakistan is not safe, go to Afghanistan! Sure there Afghanistan might be unsafer due to the war, but they should be applying as Afghans, not as Pakistanis.

What I've seen about refugees is that most of them exaggerate and those who are genuine cases, tend not to leave.

I mean you're saying a quota is filled, but they still accept the application so if not this year, then next year? How hard is it to prove your life is in danger. Spray your house with some bullets, call in the cops, make a report how you were attacked, call a few journalists, take the newspaper clippings and police report to the embassy.
Reality always beats random internet 'experts'.


the final protection visa grant rate for 2009–10 for people from Afghanistan (the majority of
whom would have arrived by boat) was 99.7 per cent (this figure does not include those boat
arrivals with a negative RSA outcome who would not have been able to lodge an application for a
protection visa). Grant rates to people from Iraq, Iran and Burma, many of whom would also have
arrived by boat, were also high, ranging from 96 to 98 per cent.

In other words, the Australian government, with its resources and experts, came to a far different conclusion about the genuine nature of refugees than is being claimed here.

The document also refutes most of the lies spread by anti-refugee scare mongering.
Reality always beats random internet 'experts'.


the final protection visa grant rate for 2009–10 for people from Afghanistan (the majority of
whom would have arrived by boat) was 99.7 per cent (this figure does not include those boat
arrivals with a negative RSA outcome who would not have been able to lodge an application for a
protection visa). Grant rates to people from Iraq, Iran and Burma, many of whom would also have
arrived by boat, were also high, ranging from 96 to 98 per cent.

In other words, the Australian government, with its resources and experts, came to a far different conclusion about the genuine nature of refugees than is being claimed here.

The document also refutes most of the lies spread by anti-refugee scare mongering.

The fact is that the Australian government MUST accept an asylum request unless there is obvious evidence that the claim is not genuine.

So refugees don't have to prove they are legit, the Government has to prove they aren't. How can the Australian government prove a story of an Afghan villager? They aren't going to send a government official over to Afghanistan to verify every single story thus alot of bogus people get through.

The fact sheet you are reading off is pure Labor party propaganda. It's well documented a lot of bogus people are getting their claims accepted. Everything in my post above still stands.

The document also refutes most of the lies spread by anti-refugee scare mongering.

Oh please. This is a typical Labor party line to try to paint anti-bogus asylum seekers as bad people.

The fact is that under the Howard government, refugee intake increased and not a single word was said from the public. This proves that Australians don't have a problem with LEGITIMATE refugees.

When the Liberal party is elected in September, all boats from Sri Lanka will be turned around as the people coming are not legitimate.
The fact is that the Australian government MUST accept an asylum request unless there is obvious evidence that the claim is not genuine.

So refugees don't have to prove they are legit, the Government has to prove they aren't. How can the Australian government prove a story of an Afghan villager? They aren't going to send a government official over to Afghanistan to verify every single story thus alot of bogus people get through.

The fact sheet you are reading off is pure Labor party propaganda. It's well documented a lot of bogus people are getting their claims accepted. Everything in my post above still stands.

Oh please. This is a typical Labor party line to try to paint anti-bogus asylum seekers as bad people.

The fact is that under the Howard government, refugee intake increased and not a single word was said from the public. This proves that Australians don't have a problem with LEGITIMATE refugees.

When the Liberal party is elected in September, all boats from Sri Lanka will be turned around as the people coming are not legitimate.

Unlike popular belief the verification system is quite robust..to the level that most legit asylum seekers also get refused...
mainly they use psychological tactics... (I have been a translator in UK so i know)

Repetitive questioning and cross questioning...
If a person is lying,they will make errors when asked the same question another way after some time...
Basically the interviewer asks same questions with different wordings a few times and then matches the answers given..
Unless the person is Ultra smart and have steel nerves..Most lyers will make visible errors and fail.
I mean you're saying a quota is filled, but they still accept the application so if not this year, then next year? How hard is it to prove your life is in danger. Spray your house with some bullets, call in the cops, make a report how you were attacked, call a few journalists, take the newspaper clippings and police report to the embassy.

Australia like most Western nations take a quota of Refugees per year. To avoid this quota and to bypass all the proper processes of claiming asylum, these people get on boats and come directly to the mainland because under international law, Australia is then required to take them.

For example, Just say the refugee quota for Australia is 5. 5 Afghans walk into the Australian Embassy in Kabul and begin the process of claiming asylum but then the next day 5 Afghans arrive by a boat in Australian waters, Australia is required under international law to take those 5 who arrived by boat and the 5 who arrived in the embassy and had started going through the proper processes miss out and have to go on a waiting list.

We call it queue jumping. A lot of people deny it exists, but it's fact.

Unlike popular belief the verification system is quite robust..to the level that most legit asylum seekers also get refused...
mainly they use psychological tactics... (I have been a translator in UK so i know)

Repetitive questioning and cross questioning...
If a person is lying,they will make errors when asked the same question another way after some time...
Basically the interviewer asks same questions with different wordings a few times and then matches the answers given..
Unless the person is Ultra smart and have steel nerves..Most lyers will make visible errors and fail.

Maybe the UK system is, but Australias isn't.

Example; The Australian government is always targeting people smugglers who bring these refugees here by boat. People smuggling is illegal. Last year it was discovered that large amounts of people smugglers were living in Australia and had been approved as "legitimate" "refugees" by this so called "robust" vetting process.

Even staff running these processes have come out and told the media how unrobust they are.
That 'Quota' is via UNHCR and i dont know for Ausis..but UK quota is 2700 per year....which is nothing compared to the country's economy...interference in world politics and the amount of noise they make.
Then there is an undisclosed quota for 'banana boat' refugees,which hovers around 30,000 per year..
Way less than what Pakistan gets from Afghanistan,somalia and other countries...despite being a poor,crowded country.
It kind of sucks for the Australian economy and they already have a proper process oriented way of coming there if you are applying through skilled migration.

There should be some sort of money demanded from refugees instead of according them benefits straight away. I've heard even skilled immigrants don't get benefits for 2 years, but refugees get them straight away. One sort of immigrant is beneficial to Australia, the other sort is not.

Refugees should be given work permits, sure, they need to eat, but work your way and pay xyz amount (on top of taxes, or tax them more) for certain amount of years and then they become Australian residents.

I mean if they are beating the system, make some money out of it.

I'm sure educated immigrants who can bring some money into Australia or work for Australia are not going to come by boat, its going to be mostly poor people. So this may be a problem for the nice guys in Australia, since its akin to taxing the poor.
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