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i dont know what u PTI can't accept the majority of PMLN.....
did PTI won in KPK by rigging????????? if its true why only the BIG names of PMLN lost in election... did PMLN also did rigging in Baluchistan? and in KPK? accept it. this is a mature party who also delivers a lot in past (you starts on laptop... what about yellow cab. motor way, march for chief justice, jawader port, economy in both term although both are not more then 3years... its a long list)... Say Thanks to Allah they Gave you a chance to prove your worth in KPK.... people like me wants result and only result.

Brother we have no grudge against PMLN. We just want an end to Corruption and bad Management and Governance. We are not Power Hungry and all we want is that whoever comes to Power must maintain some basic standards of Ethics and Honesty and transparency. In the past, PMLN has been involved in massive frauds whether by looting the Banks through fraudulent loans or Non payment of Utility Bills or Taxes, etc. We want all these frauds to stop.

If PMLN can provide clean leadership we will support them. But our experience with the Corrupt PMLN and PPP has been very disappointing and after giving them many chances we have seen no improvement. Just because you have the ability to buy votes does not mean you have gained legitimacy because all you have managed to do is to pervert the process of Democracy into Sham Democracy.
The thing is that PTI has gifted Pakistan a Unity & not only that but PTI has targeted the youth & young ones, today even 15 year old loves PTI. So there is the hope. Allah has given PTI a great opportunity to prove itself in KPK & get mature sitting in opposition, who knows if PTI would've come to power & would've failed to perform due to being unexperienced party, it would've damage a wave of hope which is still alive in Pakistan youth. It would be very hard for Pakistanis especially youth to trust him again. Remember it take very long to get a leader, after Pakistan lost Sir Jinnah(R.A) & Sir Liaqat Ali Khan(R.A) it took almost 3 decade to get a leader i.e Zulfikar Ali Bhutto & after Zulfikar A Bhutto it took 3 decades to get Imran Khan.

I wish PTI best of luck in KPK, transform Peshawar into Paris, Swat into SwitzerLand, Abbottabad into London, Mardan into Dubai, etc. Industrialize the province like South Korea or Germany, educate the locals & make sure Law & Order situation = First world countries. Inshallah 2018 PTI will conquer whole country. Ameen.
they are least corrupt Party and delivers a lot, the whole nation is corrupt what else you what, Even US gov do a lot of corruption there lobby system is termed as " legal way of corruption" as far PTI concern they have the chance to prove they are better in no-corruption, management and delivering the people, i will me much happy if they even come closer to the last 5 years of PMLN. if PTI is so clean why they didnt tell the nation where this hell of money comes from. 90 Jalsey in 10 days super do you even now the amount spend on just 1 if you actually knew then multiply it with 150 plus campaign on TV and other... now just give me a rough idea the total amount, where it comes from PMLN (ok they fraud a lot), rich members but they can't spend this kind of money........
My message to our Pakistani Youth is please do not lose Hope Young People. This is a process that PTI has to go through to become a mature Political Party. I know many of our Young People are very DISAPPOINTED by the results of this Election 2013, but remember nothing in life comes easy. You have to fight for the good things in life.

Have Faith in ALLAH SWT and trust that Allah does everything for a reason and his will is carried out in his time frame.

PTI has been blessed to have such a wonderful Leader and we should stay faithful and persevere with him to build a better Pakistan. Inshallah , we will have a Chance to have our Govt. in KPK and we should put our efforts in KPK to showcase our capabilities there.

Mayussi kufr hai bhaiyoon. Upna Imaan muzboot Rukho aur Allah per tawakul kartay raho. Inshallah fateh hogi.

Innallaha maa Sabireen.
Thats what i'm talkin abt. dont insult other's opinion and Majority (minus Karachi situation - hell of rigging). Mature and senior Pakistanis will convince ones u delivers the result, not just by BIG HO HA (lot of such bad experiences).
although i like PMLN but i really love PTI as second option for nation rather then PPP. so even supporters and voters of PMLN like me wants and hope that your party, if not surprised us, then at least give a satisfactory result. Plus to this youngster of PTI Please don't Expect to much from PTI, coz its there first Inning.
Thats what i'm talkin abt. dont insult other's opinion and Majority (minus Karachi situation - hell of rigging). Mature and senior Pakistanis will convince ones u delivers the result, not just by BIG HO HA (lot of such bad experiences).
although i like PMLN but i really love PTI as second option for nation rather then PPP. so even supporters and voters of PMLN like me wants and hope that your party, if not surprised us, then at least give a satisfactory result. Plus to this youngster of PTI Please don't Expect to much from PTI, coz its there first Inning.

Brother, we feel the same way. Although we feel our leader is the most qualified and deserving candidate to run Pakistan, but since he did not win we are comforted by the fact that at least Zardari didn't win. The Sharif's are better than Zardari. If only Sharif Brothers would give up HAYRA-PHAYREE and cooperate with Imran Khan and we can together build a better PAKISTAN.

We have no doubt that you are also Patriotic Pakistani like us. If only we can have common values of Corruption-free, Nepotism- free, Bribery-free Pakistan with good governance and transparency, then we can be on the same team.
i dont know what u PTI can't accept the majority of PMLN.....
did PTI won in KPK by rigging????????? if its true why only the BIG names of PMLN lost in election... did PMLN also did rigging in Baluchistan? and in KPK? accept it. this is a mature party who also delivers a lot in past (you starts on laptop... what about yellow cab. motor way, march for chief justice, jawader port, economy in both term although both are not more then 3years... its a long list)... Say Thanks to Allah they Gave you a chance to prove your worth in KPK.... people like me wants result and only result.

Good one. Mate we accept the win of PML(N) and overwhelming manadate given by the people of Pakistan.

Being a PTI supporter i understand where the opinion of people lies and we accept our defeat hands down. This is what happens in democratic countries but mind u the democratic process which involves the procedure of voting is flawed here in pakistan. Had the electronic voting been introduced or proper check and balance put in place, people would not have raised the eye brow and would have accepted the verdict though i hardly believe the results would have been majorly different.

Let me make it clear here. PTI members are not saying that whole election is rigged by PML-N or MQM for that matter but certain places where the doubts exists such as karachi and couple of constituencies of lahore. Its was the duty of ECP to hold fair n free election. And i have no doubts that fair and free elections were conducted in about 80% of pakistan. But wherever the evidence exist, Ecp shoud investigate and conduct re- election.

Ur last line is most encouraging that u r result oriented. Everyone must be in democratic countries. But unfortunately what is the criteria of performance/result/progress? People here in pakistan find it hard to determine. for example when asked most of the people in Lahore, why to vote for PML-N? they said only one thing "Roads". well unfortunately these thing which people mention are the basic requirement of the government for which they collect tax.

To cut the long story short, can we all Pakistanis shortlist certain objectives which will entitle political parties for our vote? and in this case PML-N. When people will understand the electricity, health & sanitary , peace, Schooling and roads are basic necessities, you will see a better democratic process. What is progress and what will make parties entitle for vote? I will rest my case with the people of pakistan to decide.

Can u answer this question? How come in interior sindh PPP won major seats? I am not saying rigging but what was the criteria of performance there? same is the story for interior punjab for which PML-N has ruled for more than 10 years since 1980.

"We all should take oath that we will not blindly follow our parties but the vote will be only on performance".

lets make the better pakistan or "Naya pakistan" :)
they are least corrupt Party and delivers a lot, the whole nation is corrupt what else you what, Even US gov do a lot of corruption there lobby system is termed as " legal way of corruption" as far PTI concern they have the chance to prove they are better in no-corruption, management and delivering the people, i will me much happy if they even come closer to the last 5 years of PMLN. if PTI is so clean why they didnt tell the nation where this hell of money comes from. 90 Jalsey in 10 days super do you even now the amount spend on just 1 if you actually knew then multiply it with 150 plus campaign on TV and other... now just give me a rough idea the total amount, where it comes from PMLN (ok they fraud a lot), rich members but they can't spend this kind of money........

First of all congratulations on ur Party win. May PML-N help pakistan develop into better pakistan and not follow into the footstep of ppp.

Brother First lets not compare us With US, i have lived in England, the trem u have used "legal way of corruption" is interpreted as "what u can not control make it legal". We dont have to follow or copy others becz that will make us the dumb country.

Secondly u say where do IK get the money? I am not his personal secretary, but the Analyst on Geo TV said yesterday that only "one" account open in peshawar branch under the IK campaign fund was collecting a hundred million or 10 million a month. There was a news on PDF that PTI australia collected one million dollar for IK campaign etc. These are few things among others. Plus IK is the most trusted person in Pakistan and overseas u dont have to take my words, just google it.

U could have asked the same question to PML-N as well?

I am not going to blindly follow PTI. They have not been in power ever so there is no system exist to audit the accounts of all parties from where the money comes from and how do they get spent. DID PML-N or PPP or for that matter or any other party expedite such a process in the past? Or can PML-N put it in place such a system now or will u force ur leadership to do it to make the process more transparent for all the parties? i rest the case with u and PML-N supporters. But remember brother its pakistan first not PML-N or PTI.

Irony is people accept that PML-N is corrupt yet vote for it. But when it comes to PTI they take a shelter of assumptions. Lets give a chance first and then raise ur finger. Dont indulge in conspiracy theories.

I love Pakistan and PTI. But i have made pledge to myself that i will not follow PTI or ny other party blindly. Have u?
Let us hope that both parties ( PMLN and PTI ) can find it in their hearts to set aside any personal differences and agree on main Principles of Honesty and Transparency and try to promote the principle of MERIT in their style of Governance.
I dont understand when People here saying that Indians wanted Nawaz Sharif to be PM. In fact apart from PPP government, which was good for nothing, we were ready for any of them. Do you guys believe that IK would not be a pro Indo-pak Relation? Then please listen his speeches which he gave in India as well as in Pak.

If IK could become PM then benefit for Pak would have that he could maintain positive relation with AF along with IN as well which in my opinion NS will not be able to do.
India is Pakistan's neighbor and Imran Khan has repeatedly said that his first Priority would be to improve Pakistan's relationship with all of its neighbors. So yes, you are correct in your stance. But just as I am sure that it takes two hands to clap for applause, so I am certain that he is aware that for relations to improve between Pakistan and India, both countries would have to come out of their comfort zones and work hard to make compromises to resolve outstanding issues.
Can i ask a simple question.
why there is a need of election in PAkistan.
I dont think so
ARmy, USA, should choose people from parties and make them our ruler, why pakistan spend huge money if all such things happen,
its like an entertainment to us.
its basically a public show where jokers like us perform in circus.
Can i ask a simple question.
why there is a need of election in PAkistan.
I dont think so
ARmy, USA, should choose people from parties and make them our ruler, why pakistan spend huge money if all such things happen,
its like an entertainment to us.
its basically a public show where jokers like us perform in circus.

Some wise man once said " Democracy is not avery good system, except all others are even worse"
I congratulate PML (N) on its victory and I welcome the emergence of PTI as a third force in Pakistani politics. It has come from nowhere to become the second largest party in National Assembly and the new governing party in KP. It has the potential to transform the future of Pakistan if PTI does well in governing KP and forces change at the center to bring in much needed reforms. It's a big test of PTI and and a great hope for Pakistan.

No need to welcome the corrupt people, fake degree holders and gang party. What to expect from them??
They are snatching our seats. Huge rigging in all over Punjab!!
That's incorrect. You are basically misinforming the entire world (whoever is reading this from other countries) and that's a lie within your own religion and not allowed.
It's easy to pass the blame and cry fool. Majority of ALL tv stations had cameras in them, some of them, even had monitoring from the international bodies. I know it for a fact. So please, stop disrespecting millions of people who voted JUST to get a better life. Whether they elect your guy or someone else's, it doesn't matter. This is PRECISELY the reason why you guys are behind the rest of the world and particularly India. The Indians do believe in the democratic system and accept defeat with respect. You guys....are totally other story, egoistic and self centered. You have 200 million people to care for, so let it go and play with democracy. Days of crying fool should be over now. I don't even have a voting right in your country and I feel bad reading these silly posts. When will Pakistanis mature up????
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