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Hatf 7 Babur Cruise Missile Multi-tube Version Tested

when will they ever show the missile hitting a target?
hmmm.....thx to Almighty God, but hope we'd not find any need to spark them. inshallah.
In today’s test, National Command Authority’s fully automated Strategic Command and Control Support System (SCCSS) was once again employed. It enables robust command and control capability of all strategic assets with round the clock situational awareness in a digitised network centric environment to decision makers at National Command Centre (NCC).
The system has the added capability of real-time remote monitoring of missile flight path. The test consolidates and strengthens Pakistan’s deterrence capability and national security.

Pakistan test fires nuclear-capable Hatf-VII Babur – The Express Tribune
Any idea what is this,,, never saw this thing before in previous tests.


Highlighting the correct part

No PR204/2012-ISPR Dated: September 17, 2012
Rawalpindi - September 17, 2012:

Pakistan today conducted a successful test fire of the indigenously developed multi tube Cruise Missile Hatf-VII (Babur), having a range of 700 kilometers. Babur Crusie Missile is a low flying, terrain hugging missile, which can strike targets both at Land and Sea with pin point accuracy. It carries stealth features. Equipped with modern cruise missile technology of Terrain Contour Matching (TERCOM) and Digital Scene Matching and Area Co-relation (DSMAC), it can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads. The missile was launched from a state of the art Multi Tube Missile Launch Vehicle (MLV), which significantly enhances the targeting and deployment options of Babur Weapon system.
The test was witnessed by Director General Strategic Plans Division Lieutunent General (R) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Chairman National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM) Mr. Muhammad Irfan Burney, senior officers from the armed forces and strategic organizations. In today’s test National Command Authority’s fully automated Strategic Command and Control Support System (SCCSS) was once again employed. It enables robust Command and Control capability of all strategic assets with round the clock situational awareness in a digitized network centric environment to decision makers at National Command Centre (NCC). The system has the added capability of real time remote monitoring of missile flight path. The test consolidates and strengthens Pakistan’s deterrence capability and National security.
The successful test has also been warmly appreciated by the President, Prime Minister of Pakistan and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, who have congratulated the scientists and engineers on their outstanding success.
Probably the basic prerequisite to send mid course guidence to strike moving targets at sea.

Integration of Beidou is now confirmed..
Only Beidou has two way communication capability....Making it possible for the missile to continuously transmit its position for commanders..On demand..
Probably the basic prerequisite to send mid course guidence to strike moving targets at sea.

Thats what i would like to know..
Beidou can establish two way communication between command module and the receiver,which in this case is Babur..
But the messaging is currently limited to text message format or command lines.
The missile can be sent new coordinates but cannot be sent large files of nww tercom or digital scene matching data.
So we can establish that while being used for land targets mid course change of target may not be possible.
But while being used for sea targets,the missile wont need tercom data and only lat,long data will do,and its plausible that Babur's target can be changed mid course while used at sea.
Now for hitting moving targets at sea,such as ACC,Babur will need active homing radar.. Does babur has such capability?
Or may be an external monitoring system,such as Awacs or a ship based radar can update babur on latest position of moving target?
But for shore based stationary targets,only sending coordinates once will be enough,and we are on about mid course change of targets.
My thoughts on some of th epoints you raised.

I believe all commands are in text format (I am not an expert and can be totally wrong on this.)

You don't need to send complete tercom or digital tercom files. These should already be stored on onboard computer. Yoiur command should only communicate new co-ordiantes, onboard computer should be able to compute the new route from its present location and access the relevant digital tercom data on the onboard computer.

If it works as above we should be able to command a change in target on land as well.

Regarding moving sea targets: Missile range is 700 KM, missile speed (actual speed is classified) and max subsonic speed at sea level at 20 degree celscius should be about 1235 KM per hour.. Lets assume missle speed is 1000 km per hour.

At this speed missile would take about 42 minutes to reach a moving target at sea. In 42 minutes what is the maximum distance a sea vessel can travel at lets say 45 knots? (45x1.852=83.4 km/hour x42 minutes) approx 58 km. Now how big a radar (active or passive) do you need to track a big sea going target in a known direction from a high altitude?

Do we actually need a radar forthe final stage or can a specialized, embedded targetting pod can do the job? Can we integrate any of the above with the missile navigation system? What is current system on Babur to justify the statement that it can hit any land or sea target with pin point accuracy? Is this valid for stationary targets only? We know thre are no stationary targets at sea, then what does this statement signify?

Thats what i would like to know..
Beidou can establish two way communication between command module and the receiver,which in this case is Babur..
But the messaging is currently limited to text message format or command lines.
The missile can be sent new coordinates but cannot be sent large files of nww tercom or digital scene matching data.
So we can establish that while being used for land targets mid course change of target may not be possible.
But while being used for sea targets,the missile wont need tercom data and only lat,long data will do,and its plausible that Babur's target can be changed mid course while used at sea.
Now for hitting moving targets at sea,such as ACC,Babur will need active homing radar.. Does babur has such capability?
Or may be an external monitoring system,such as Awacs or a ship based radar can update babur on latest position of moving target?
But for shore based stationary targets,only sending coordinates once will be enough,and we are on about mid course change of targets.
Every test is aimed at evaluating a new addition to the missile...
The exact details are either not released or too technical for every "Natthu,bootaa and Khairaa" to understand...
ISPR or Pak Army cannot afford to burn a million dollar (which is presumably the cost of Missile and equipment used in the test) just for a news report or some media coverage.
Why Pakistan is not testing this Missile from a Frigate ?

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