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Hasina wants to punish Bangladeshis still in "Love with Pakistan"

But we bengalis r soft hearted ppl, there's a reason why we spared the lives those 93k, right?
Spared the lives??? Hahahahahahaha! You turned to Hindus, worshiped them so they can give you independence. What should have happened, you should have turned to Allah S.W.T, fight the oppressors, liberate the whole country rather than liberating Bangladesh.
You sided with Hindus to kill Muslims. You're siding with an oppressor, that black bitch, by still killing fellow Bangalis. Where are you leading yourself to? let me ask you a question, Are you still a Muslim? Do you think by killing Muslims after siding with Hindus, you could be called a Muslim?
The fact of the matter is, your entire nation is a pu$$y nation. You couldn't fight yourself, your own war and brought Hindus. Then you talk about killing those 93,000 soldiers? You ball-less people would have killed them? Really? Tell that to a fellow pu$$y bangali, not a Pakistani ;)
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Oh are you so innocent that you can't now about the grand scale human killings of Hindu extremists and Dogra raj before partition............... Please don't act like a innocent infant
Sorry in advance if you mind my words
No need to say sorry bro. We are here to exchange our opinions weather they are fact or not only God knows.
Did you forgot thousand years Slaughter of Hindus.
Ignorance is bliss my friend. Keep believing that, meanwhile let us do our jobs which is making Bangladesh free from these traitors.:wave:
Absolutely! Which is making entire Bangladesh ball less and Indian cock $ucker hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You're weak pu$$y, entire nation is weak coward pu$$y.
Situations were different back then. We had refugee crisis with some 10 million people in our refugee camps. Most Hindu intellectuals were shot in open grounds without trial. Thousands of women were victims of rape. East Pakistan faced one of the worst cyclone at that time killing some hundreds of thousands. There was ground swell of anger against your government for not coming to their rescue. On top of that you guys denied the results of their elections and rewarded them with bullets and rape of their women.
That's absolutely B.S, nothing more, nothing less. This matter was a political matter. As a matter of fact, Mujib was Indian tout. He had sold his soul to his Hindu masters. In such a situation, what do you do? Do you let an Indian tout run the country? Killing, rape etc is all B.S. The only reason why he was denied mandate was he being a traitor. So were his supporters.
Now, here is the thing, if Haseena bitch killing these people is correct because they are traitors then what we had done back then was correct as well because these bastards were traitors of their motherland. They sold their country, their mother to India. What do you call a person that sells his mother? Bangalis sold their mom.
India saw a great opportunity hen Mujib sided with them. They used him and attained the results. Nothing against India, they're an enemy country that was expected but Mujib, the leader of Bangladesh sold his soul to India?? That's where we've problems.
One example before partition. All these happened because of you guys.
This question is wrong in so many ways. Pre British India, the idea of Hindus and Muslims hating each other did not exist like it does today. Arugnzeb, the guy Hindu loons hate the most, had more Hindu Princes in his court and army than Akbar. So idea of Hindu Muslim backstabbing didn't exist.

After the British came, they divided and conqured by telling us that Hindus and Muslims were different. They told the Hindus that they were victims in History, and they old Muslims that they were Superior becuase they had conqured India. Both sides belived the British and so were divded...to the point of creating 2 seperate countries.

So you can't say that "Hindus never backstabbed" because the idea never exist
We really don't care what kashmiris think of us.
Of course, you can care less because you know they would never side with you. They love Pakistan and want to join us.

Sure if you are able to take kashmir from us.
Absolutely! We'll keep on trying, we would like to go down fighting rather than be like Bangali pu$$ies :)
Of course, you can care less because you know they would never side with you. They love Pakistan and want to join us.

Absolutely! We'll keep on trying, we would like to go down fighting rather than be like Bangali pu$$ies :)
You are right kashmiris will always side with Pakistanis cause religion nothing else.
For second part of your post Your choice and I respect that something we should learn from you guys.

Please, Indians are like roaches online. You will find them in every corner of the internet spewing their crap.

Because Wikipedia can be changed by anyone, Hindus have taken to it to spew their crap.
Just read the article it:s so biased in even it"s language
So you are saying nothing bad happened with Hindus in thousand years Muslim rule?
You are right kashmiris will always side with Pakistanis cause religion nothing else.
That's one big reason why Kashmir should have been part of Pakistan. Why during partition, Pakistan hasn't gotten any land with Hindu/Sikh majority?
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