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Hasina & her pro India policy at work !

These are demographically overlapping territory.. For instance in sylhet we have a lot of indegenious people called Tipra. They are basically aboriginal Tripura. What should we do? Should we throw them out of the land where they lived for milleniums????
Unless and otherwise India has a reconcilliation mechanism in those NE territory where so many different ethnic groups live.. will destine to break. The central leaders instead of working towards this, they themselves are fueling those sentiments..
NE needs better Administrators and need to be developed on Par with the rest of India. Never say that it will break off, because I firmly believe if you think Ill of others it befalls you. Pakistan was waiting for India to Break up when Bangladesh Happened. Still people are waiting for India to Break up, but I dont see it coming.
tripuras locales have been turned to minorities. They are now just 30%.

Don't ever think the same propaganda will work in assam as well, although this is becoming more reality now that assamese are becoming minorities, because of immense breeding rate of the foreigners and also continued influx.

But Assamese will fight if they have to. and when they do they are at their best. An average assamese took 40 mughal during the attacks.

If they were actually Bangladeshi, how that could be so immense???? :rofl::rofl:
BD got the lowest breeding rate in sub continent...
No it is not. You don't have to say if you don't know.

Assamese script is a variant of Eastern Nagari script(a precursor of Devanagari script). Bengali and Vishnupuri Manipuri are also derived from the same Eastern Nagari script. Assamese script and assamese language have nothing to do with Bengali script and language thus.

And if you want to know more why?
Earliest form of evidence Assamese script is found in the Charyapada, the Buddhist songs. They are supposed to be composed within a time-frame of four hundred years from 8th century A.D. to 12th century A.D. In 14th century Madhava Kandali used Assamese script to compose the famous Kotha Ramayana which is first translation of Ramayana in a regional Indian language after Valmiki Ramayana in Sanskrit. Assamese existed way before you could think of.
Yes we still had that script in sylhet (I saw some puthis were written in that), but virtually in extinction and same goes for Assam as well...
Sylhet or Shilhat, as it was known in ancient times, was an expanded commercial center from the ancient period, which explains its original namesake. During this time, Sylhet was Indo-Aryan Brahmins, though ethnically the population would also have traces of Assamese. It has also been suggested that Ancient Kingdom of Harikela was situated in modern Sylhet. Sylhet was certainly known by the rest of India, and is even referred to in the ancient Hindu sacred Tantric text, the Shakti Sangama Tantra, as 'Silhatta'. The last chieftain to reign in Sylhet was Govinda of Gaur, also known as Gaur Govinda.

The 14th century marked the beginning of Islamic influence in Sylhet. A messianic Muslim saint, Hazrat Shah Jalal, arrived in Sylhet in 1303 from Mecca via Delhi and Dhaka with the instructions for aiding Sikhander Khan Ghazi in defeating Govinda of Gaur.Saints such as Shah Jalal or even, Shah Paran were responsible for the conversion of most of the populace from native religion of Hinduism or Buddhism to Islam. Shortly thereafter, Sylhet became a centre of Islam in Bengal. In the official documents and historical papers, Sylhet was often referred to as Jalalbad during the era of the Muslim rule.After the British administrative reorganization of India, Sylhet was eventually incorporated into Assam. It remained a part of Assam for the rest of the era of British rule.

You know more Sylhet history that I do... Good ... Very good...
Shahjalal was originally from Yemen though....
Forget who i am . I have my own land and am proud of it. But from how BD govt and its people behave. It appeares that you have way to go before getting civilized.

But remember I have saved my grandpas sword , the same that he used to save us from japanese , and the same kind that saved us from the Mughals. just in case , i still have the feeling that I might have to do honours again.

the sword is called "Hengdang" and it will rise when needed. Now you will have some idea whi I am.

Thats terrifying man!!!!! Wrong person.. I advocate for PEACE.. not violence...
Your grandfather's sword is a honor to your familly.. Save that for your grand children...
Let's get back to topic friends.

This is a different topic, though highly emotional for all involved.
sorry man. I am not trying to be violent. Just seeing our crippled govt doing nothing . The reason I saved the sword is because my farm in my village is now completely sorrounded by immegrants. the land where we grew up just like our ancestors. Now the immigrants gets powerful and attacks our farm. eats our cows and kills our pigs. When the village gets angry, they shows AK-47 saying they are minorities protection force. I know who they are and where they come for.

So i have saved my sword. You can imagine when someone comes from outside, attacks your home, loots. And all you can do is watch.

God forbids there is no blood on the street. But I am not sure how long this situation can be held.

From this discussion, I could come to conclusion that there are issues in Assam. We had same problem in Chittagong Hill Tracts, but things are settle there now. Basically it was not the ouside settlers but rather the native people were not integrated into the main stream. People are working to bringing them back to our mainstream development. They are more involved in decission making in Dhaka than ever before. They participated in the political process. Even this time they tried to launch their political parties but were denied on the ground that they have to open their office in other part of Bangladesh as well.. They seemed happy with that concept..
I am very sympathetic to the cause, but saying that I am also sympathetic to the people who are repressed and marginalized by labeling them as illegal mirgrants..
Bangledeshis are a major problem not only in the NE bu also the rest of the Northern states.With ministers like Ram Vilas Paswan of the JDU who openly welcome the banglis by saying that they should be provided with Voter id cards,dont think anything could be done.The borders are open....give 200bux to the agent and welcome to India.
You have no clue,how many banglis are brought to India because of "vote bank" politics.And now they are stinging us back.You can also blame the population density of Bangladesh which comes in the world's top 10.

And i totally agree with danny,banglis are a scum over here.
Bangledeshis are a major problem not only in the NE bu also the rest of the Northern states.With ministers like Ram Vilas Paswan of the JDU who openly welcome the banglis by saying that they should be provided with Voter id cards,dont think anything could be done.The borders are open....give 200bux to the agent and welcome to India.
You have no clue,how many banglis are brought to India because of "vote bank" politics.And now they are stinging us back.You can also blame the population density of Bangladesh which comes in the world's top 10.

And i totally agree with danny,banglis are a scum over here.
BJP was in Power for 5 Damn Years! Why didnt they fuckin address this issue and call the BDs scum? Get rid of all these freaking Politicians who just talk and divide people on the lines of Religion and then only will we be able to address this issue! Who gave you the freaking right to call them scum? Who is danny? PM of India kya? Refrain from Labelling a whole country scum just by the deeds of a Few. I hate the way Some BD members Hate India here, But I dont Generalise! You will only spoil the name of India by posting such fanatical stuff!
I think the gov in BD is not in full command. This milletery establishment still holds the checkmate move .
There are lots Bangladeshi in india ,most of them resides in Assam and then Delhi,now they are moving to orrisa also ,just in 2 decades there is 80% rise in Muslim population of Assam i don't think the refuge of 71 war can produce so much children in 2 decades so when B.S.F try to stop the influx of migrants they blame it on India.Even after liberating their countary they still blame India for their trouble post 71 they were blaming west Pakistan now they blame India for their trouble instead of solving their problem they just blame it on others.
There are lots Bangladeshi in india ,most of them resides in Assam and then Delhi,now they are moving to orrisa also ,just in 2 decades there is 80% rise in Muslim population of Assam i don't think the refuge of 71 war can produce so much children in 2 decades so when B.S.F try to stop the influx of migrants and some people are called they blame it on India.Even after liberating their countary they still blame India for their trouble post 71 they were blaming west Pakistan now they blame India for their instead of solving their problem they just blame it on others.
I must say that some BD members here have a RAW fixation, they blame it for the silliest of reasons!
Bangledeshis are a major problem not only in the NE bu also the rest of the Northern states.With ministers like Ram Vilas Paswan of the JDU who openly welcome the banglis by saying that they should be provided with Voter id cards,dont think anything could be done.The borders are open....give 200bux to the agent and welcome to India.
You have no clue,how many banglis are brought to India because of "vote bank" politics.And now they are stinging us back.You can also blame the population density of Bangladesh which comes in the world's top 10.

And i totally agree with danny,banglis are a scum over here.

Your leaders wants BD people so who is to blame??So who are the real scums??
Think before you talk silly.:angry:
There are lots Bangladeshi in india ,most of them resides in Assam and then Delhi,now they are moving to orrisa also ,just in 2 decades there is 80% rise in Muslim population of Assam i don't think the refuge of 71 war can produce so much children in 2 decades so when B.S.F try to stop the influx of migrants they blame it on India.Even after liberating their countary they still blame India for their trouble post 71 they were blaming west Pakistan now they blame India for their trouble instead of solving their problem they just blame it on others.

Muslim population is in rise in every corner of World... Does all of them is the result of so called BD illegal immigrant and so called BD breeding capability??? Now another state called Orissa came in discussion.. Why the hell people should move to Orissa? Does not make any sense whatsoever...
BD does not have much issues... BD blame India or PK for what??? Any official reference to you???? Yes we have problems with India in the field of water sharing, border demarcation, illegal smuggling, trade difficulties... These are all legitimate concern and we want to see them resolved.. WAT is wrong with that...
There were a lot of discontent among BD dwellers when India fueled CHAKMA issue... there were discontent when India unilaterally withdrew water from Ganges and divert that to Hugli river, there were discontent when India spread propaganda regarding illegal immigration which tarnish our immage all over the world.. there were discontent when Indian BSF start shooting indiscriminately on civilian........... I can just fill the whole page...
Are these balme?? or BD had to live with these shittt on a day to day basis...
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