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Has Time Come to reset the Politics of India ?

Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7

Daily dramas are part of politics be it of any country. I don't see India any different there.
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

i agree... i finished writing a long post[1] some 15 minutes ago on a similar track... it is frustrating that much of the indian youth just goes about doing college, jobs, cricket, prayers and married life as if we are the most comfortable and happy society in history.

we need the revolutionary spirit of the pre-1990 years... in pakistan, shaheed bhagat singh is celebrated every year while we have forgotten his socialist revolutionary attitude.

Daily dramas are part of politics be it of any country. I don't see India any different there.

waah, kya attitude hai !! lazy-pan zindabad !! status quo zindabad !! :cheers:


[1] Toxoplasmosis in Asia | Page 3
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7

A nation's political system and democracy represents the people of the that same nation .
Our political system is like this because of our own deficiency .
What can we do when all our political class are the same? In the next GE we can vote this regime out and bring in the next best option but still they are the same.
BJP itself disrupted the parliament over petty issues when congress was in power and is now criticizing the congress for the doing the same.
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7

In true democracies this is how things are. But in India, its a bit too high. Reason being, a party like Congress has ruled India since independance never actually thought of changing India. They always looked after their interests, kept India divided, minority appeasement, kept Indians lured to freebies, beggars and dependent upon them. Whenever they felt threatened, they created pseduos like kejriwal and they were always successful.

But, things are slowly changing now and I'm hopeful.
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7
i get queasy when I see corrupt politicians like Lalu Prasad Yadav winning elections.

There are only 2 ways out:
1) Tit for tat. you fight the corrupt politicians by doing the dirty work yourself.
2) Or You get somebody else to do the dirty work for you. Most probably Narendra Modi falls in this category; for its not easy to maintain a clean image.
What can we do when all our political class are the same? In the next GE we can vote this regime out and bring in the next best option but still they are the same.

which is why we must follow the examples of other societies since 1945 that engaged in revolutionary activism and brought in progressive systems.

the spirit of revolt against wrongs is sadly missing in india generally.

a former colleague of mine had told me that in a tv program he saw there were a group of college students asked about the che guevara picture that is seen on many t-shirts... most didn't know his name and one said "isn't he a famous dj ??"... what can one say to that??
Look all india needs is a few factor market reforms - nothing else really matters

The rest will automatically fall in place

No need to reset anything, politicians can have it their way
which is why we must follow the examples of other societies since 1945 that engaged in revolutionary activism and brought in progressive systems.

the spirit of revolt against wrongs is sadly missing in india generally.

a former colleague of mine had told me that in a tv program he saw there were a group of college students asked about the che guevara picture that is seen on many t-shirts... most didn't know his name and one said "isn't he a famous dj ??"... what can one say to that??
But Indian society is too divided on revolutions like that.
Last time I saw a massive initiative against corruption was the India Against Corruption movement but all the hopes discarded after seeing how the Politicians manipulated the whole movement for their benefits.
which is why we must follow the examples of other societies since 1945 that engaged in revolutionary activism and brought in progressive systems.

the spirit of revolt against wrongs is sadly missing in india generally.

a former colleague of mine had told me that in a tv program he saw there were a group of college students asked about the che guevara picture that is seen on many t-shirts... most didn't know his name and one said "isn't he a famous dj ??"... what can one say to that??
While che was a famous revolutionary , he was far from being an ideal human being , yes his brand of revolutionism may have worked in the 60 s it cant today . we live in a different world now.
And yeah i have seen his face plastered all over AP on bikes and shirts with people having no clue about who he was.
Look all india needs is a few factor market reforms - nothing else really matters

The rest will automatically fall in place

india already suffers from being the most capitalist society in history and you are using phrases like "market reforms"??

read my post linked in my first post on this thread?? i spent three hours writing that post.

No need to reset anything, politicians can have it their way

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