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Has Time Come to reset the Politics of India ?

A nation's political system and democracy represents the people of the that same nation .
Our political system is like this because of our own deficiency .
Absolutely correct, it's us who elected and sent them there knowing fully that what they do
Just look at latest election ie Bihar, Bihari people elected Laloo prasad a court convicted criminal
So whom to blame?

Look all india needs is a few factor market reforms - nothing else really matters

The rest will automatically fall in place

No need to reset anything, politicians can have it their way
And how this will happen??
In present circumstances
like many societies at pre-revolution stage, indian society too is sectarian, reactionary, capitalist and non-contributing, which is why the intelligentsia is always the vanguard of progressive change... a revolution always starts in the ideas of one or two or ten people and then grows into a critical mass.

fortunately, india already has progressive movements but with different ideologies or conflicting paths... these are mainly the true socialist groups and the "aam aadmi party"... apologies to @jbgt90 that i don't include the congress ( :D ) even though nehru in his contradictory way initiated a somewhat progressive environment that contributed to things like setting up of progressive institutions like jnu.

the work for the true patriot would be in joining these movements and the work for these movements would be to unite under a common progressive banner... if you think you can better these movements, join them and prove it to them.

lastly, to quote edward abbey, a american author, essayist, socialist and anarchist - "a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government".
True but every time an individual or a group of people supports revolutions they are labeled retards or anarchists.
The problem is that we love to hear and reaffirm the same 60 years old ideology on which this nation was build upon. While that is a good thing what we need to learn is to allow the different ideologies and revolutionary mindset to endure unless they are harmful to a peaceful society.
Nehru's vision of India was derived from the colonial era which saw exploitation and harassment. It was obvious that he opt for socialist yet a progressive approach at that time. We were very fortunate that our leaders and the champions of freedom struggle were more progressive then our politicians today.
Sir, what we need is EDUCATION. A strong party is never an answer for a successful nation. Educate the people, and you will see the nation progressing as well. Education will be the Renaissance for India. With education will come questions,will come leaders, will come scrutiny, will come rational thinking, people can decide what is wrong what is right, when people will understand democracy is more than just the right to vote, and that few elites doesn't hold all the answers, that my friend is when this nation will be successful.

Education + Awareness of world politics and economy.
I am getting Sick of this daily Drama .
Sometimes I want to Kill myself while sometimes I have this urge to eradicate the Filth in our Country .

68 Years after Independence , What have we made of Ourselves .
Still fighting with each other like we used to do in Era of Empires .

Look at Israel , A small Country surrounded by Ideological enemies , yet withstood them and is Progressing .
Japan , After the world war 2 has moved forward and a nation to look at .
China who shares many things with us have become a Power to recon with .

Before we self destruct as a nation , Its high time to review our priorities and Political system .

There is serious need of a Political Revolution or Political Enlightenment in India .

We should act before its too late

Kashmiri Pandit

@SarthakGanguly @ito @nair @jamahir @zebra7
tell me you did not fail in an exam or something. what triggered this?
we are doing alright I think.
tell me you did not fail in an exam or something. what triggered this?
we are doing alright I think.

Just had a severe head ache from watching the Drama taking place in Delhi
Just had a severe head ache from watching the Drama taking place in Delhi
well news media shows everything like end of world. You should watch less news. Everyday is a new war. lolz.
try to take a long term view, it will make you happier because India is a long term success story.
I appreciate the thought behind the thread......

01 Review system after 3 years . If poor show done in 3 years , Government will be removed .
Most Governments sleep for 4 years and then in last year pass few bills and laws .

Ok.... Who will be the judge, or who will rate this? and what mechanism would be used for this....... Actually the review happens on every 5th year...... UPA 1 had got decent review and they were elected for second term.... UPA2 was utter flop and they were voted out...... If you meant by reducing the term of govt by 3 years, then i would say it is too short to judge a government in centre....

02 Lok Sabha should represent National Affairs and Rajya Sabha should have no role in National affairs .

This is something which i dont see a major problem in implementing....... Most of the time rajya sabha is used as a back door entry by politicians and businessmen

03 Abolishing Multi party system at the center . Not more than 2 parties at center .
Coalitions Governments have kept India Underdeveloped

I think i have discussed this point before here....... This is a good idea, By allowing only 2 parties in central, and not allowing them to participate in state or local body elections..... But our political parties are smart to have unwritten coalition with these parties, to gain the support to win seats in respective states, and the out come would be something similar.... The only difference would be, you wont see mulayam, and lalu in LS......
I appreciate the thought behind the thread......

Ok.... Who will be the judge, or who will rate this? and what mechanism would be used for this....... Actually the review happens on every 5th year...... UPA 1 had got decent review and they were elected for second term.... UPA2 was utter flop and they were voted out...... If you meant by reducing the term of govt by 3 years, then i would say it is too short to judge a government in centre....
Parties come up with manifestos . Things that are logically possible to be done in 3 years time , If not done should be termed as a Failure . LIke CCTV to be placed in Delhi can be achieved in 3 years . Clean India Campaign etc

An organisation can be set up which has 29 representatives , 1 from each state . Which are elected by People .............. Oh ! It may not work

Or we can leave that for the President to Judge
View attachment 279701 Parties come up with manifestos . Things that are logically possible to be done in 3 years time , If not done should be termed as a Failure . LIke CCTV to be placed in Delhi can be achieved in 3 years . Clean India Campaign etc

who will be the judge?? Another agency like Election commission??? Idea is good, but with the state of India is in today, that will give one more opportunity for our bureaucrats and babu's for corruption.....
who will be the judge?? Another agency like Election commission??? Idea is good, but with the state of India is in today, that will give one more opportunity for our bureaucrats and babu's for corruption.....
An organisation can be set up which has 29 representatives , 1 from each state . Which are elected by People .............. Oh ! It may not work

Or we can leave that for the President to Judge
like many societies at pre-revolution stage, indian society too is sectarian, reactionary, capitalist and non-contributing, which is why the intelligentsia is always the vanguard of progressive change... a revolution always starts in the ideas of one or two or ten people and then grows into a critical mass.

fortunately, india already has progressive movements but with different ideologies or conflicting paths... these are mainly the true socialist groups and the "aam aadmi party"... apologies to @jbgt90 that i don't include the congress ( :D ) even though nehru in his contradictory way initiated a somewhat progressive environment that contributed to things like setting up of progressive institutions like jnu.

the work for the true patriot would be in joining these movements and the work for these movements would be to unite under a common progressive banner... if you think you can better these movements, join them and prove it to them.

lastly, to quote edward abbey, a american author, essayist, socialist and anarchist - "a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government".

he was one of the greatest leaders and revolutionaries in history... i say this with confidence despite a biography of him lying with me mostly unread for months. :)

1954 onwards, he engaged in socialist participation, initially preparing and training and soon the armed struggle, the cuban revolution, then as a statesman traveling all over the world to assist and inspire various peoples in resisting capitalist imperialism and to forward the cause of a just world, then back to armed struggle until his murder in 1967.

this was his death[1]...

i didn't know until i began preparing this post that he had come to india in july 1959... not many people would know of this... below are some photos of that visit... @Aminroop




more photos here[2].

such also is the situation in the west[3]...

yes, there are no longer famous transnational individual revolutionaries ( the last of them was carlos ) and some socialist states have fallen ( the last was libyan jamahiriya ) but capitalist imperialism still exists and resistance to that still continues ( example, why do you think the patriotic syrians are still defending against nato's thousands of terrorists on the eve of the sixth year of the war )??

yes, in india from 1989 to until last year in most states we were generally bereft of socialist/progressive agitations in colleges, offices and streets... the bombay film industry no longer has people of hard-socialism background like balraj sahni, a.k.hangal and utpal dutt... but one must be thankful to bjp government for reigniting the progressive and revolt spirit among the intellectuals and the intelligentsia. :D

much better than above are these words from [3] again...


[1] Che Guevara - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[2] Photos: When Cuban revolutionary Che Guevara visited India

You consider Carlos a revolutionary?
Man one day we need to sit down and discuss how is it that you arrive at such fascinating conclusions.:)

The Appointment procedure of President must Change , Otherwise we will be back to where we started .
Buddy i know you are young and thats why you want everything done yesterday , but as you grow older you will realize patience is a virtue. :)
The Appointment procedure of President must Change , Otherwise we will be back to where we started .

You are looking for changing the entire political system, and constitution of India..... Which is not possible.....

But i would say the change should be by youths..... Youth joining politics....... out of 540 odd MP's how many are below 40???? and How many are below 50??? -(Dont count those MP's who are from our good old dynastic politics)
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