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Has the American establishment finally crossed the line with Pakistan ...


May 27, 2018
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Both Pakistan and the USA have had a backwards and forwards relationship, ever since Pakistan came into being as a country. Partnerships were formed, only for the USA to break them, time after time. USA was always given the benefit of the doubt when new partnerships were formed, but the trust level was notched down 1 level each time for Pakistans view of the USA.

Each time the USA took a step backwards with their relationship with the Pakistan it never took a decision to challenge the direct terroritorial integrity of Pakistan, or Kashmir or directly take a path that would lead to harm to the lives of Pakistani's or Kashmiris in Pakistan Kashmir.

Recently, with the American establishments encouragement and support to India, to invade Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit and Balistan as part of its China containment policy, one which will have the direct effect of putting millions of Kashmiri men, women and children under the control of the terrorist Indian Army, has the USA finally gone too far with Pakistan?

It is one thing to cut off funds, not pay your bills, sanction supplies and place both economic and military sanctions, but it is quite another to directly threaten the integrity of the country and create a situation where millions of muslims go under India occupation to achieve a 'strategic objective' on a chessboard with no regard to Pakistan, and its people.

There is no way India would be bold enough to try and occupy Azad Kashmir, and Gilgit and Balistan without direct support and encouragement from the USA...

Is there any turning back for USA and Pakistan relations now?
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Pakistan should be fully in china's camp, I hope the Government
and Army have learnt a lesson by siding with the Americans.

What do you mean by that?

Pakistan and China are very close friends and strategic partners currently. So I don't know what you mean by camp. Also we have to stand on our feets instead of switching "camps".

As for relations with united states, we must have a friendly relation with them as well as with Europe, Russia and even working relations with Israel (with guarantees they will not support India in any form shape or way against Pakistan and Kashmir).

And I don't understand where the op thoughts came from. Can someone show what I'm not seeing here.
Nonsense. The Americans have over the years saved the Pakistanis.
Saved from the might of the shupa power you mean?.... but history tells us otherwise. We have seen how India was whining to the US during Kargil to force Pakistanis to withdraw, we also seen more recently how India was crying on 27th Feb to get their pilot released. The Americans never saved Pakistan otherwise the debacle of 71 would never have taken place.
It will be good if you stop listening to Indian media all the time and start reading open facts for a change from neutral sources.
Pakistan should not have enemy relations with USA. But reality is now, US is strategic partner with India.

So clearly an underlying understanding that America, UK, Israel to clearly support India in any major event, diplomatically, assert pressure and only provide lip service to Pakistan, its govt and army.

Evidence is clear, Imran Khan, Army COAS Bajwa with all the Jammu & Kashmir, Ladhak hue and cry, but India went ahead for land annexation, making new maps, turning it into Union territory, Pakistan & China could only watch and hope. No ground support for Pakistan at all other than Trump's willingness for fake drama of mediation.

Pakistan and China is at lost for any support to expect which Pakistan could gain, no Jammu and Kashmir or Ladakh will not come to Pakistan in a platter. So sadly Pakistan helping US in Afghan Peace Process has in reality its Army or Government got nothing. Sorry state of affairs for Pakistan, but thats reality.
It is the fault of the Pakistan Establishment for the current situation of Pakistan. With a begging bowl for IMF in its hand, I don't think that Pakistan's ruling elites have the courage or the guts to work openly against the US.
Saved from the might of the shupa power you mean?.... but history tells us otherwise. We have seen how India was whining to the US during Kargil to force Pakistanis to withdraw, we also seen more recently how India was crying on 27th Feb to get their pilot released. The Americans never saved Pakistan otherwise the debacle of 71 would never have taken place.
It will be good if you stop listening to Indian media all the time and start reading open facts for a change from neutral sources.

Ha. If you had access you to neutral sources you would know how Nixon saved West Pakistan in 1971.
Here is one -

And the only one who went whining to Clinton on July 4, 1999 was your Prime Minister asking for an exit. Who told you to go? Should have fought if you wanted.
Ha. If you had access you to neutral sources you would know how Nixon saved West Pakistan in 1971.
You hardly broke the defences in Dhaka and here you are talking about taking over West Pakistan. And yes the neutral sources said that Indian enjoyed overwhelming numerical superiority in Eastern Pakistan which was missing against West Pakistan.
Saved from the might of the shupa power you mean?.... but history tells us otherwise. We have seen how India was whining to the US during Kargil to force Pakistanis to withdraw, we also seen more recently how India was crying on 27th Feb to get their pilot released. The Americans never saved Pakistan otherwise the debacle of 71 would never have taken place.
It will be good if you stop listening to Indian media all the time and start reading open facts for a change from neutral sources.
Kargil you said? Was it Atal Bihari Bajpayee who ran to US with his entire family?;)
Also do read American secret papers where Nixon told his ambassador that we wont be part of this civil war as we made a mistake in Vietnam. Indira went to US to get support of Nixon and she got it. The rest is history.
CPEC is the Chinese (Back door) lifeline Incase of US blockade Of the Chinese pacific coast.

US isn’t a fan of Indians, neither they support Indian claims on Kashmir. I don’t think US care about commercial use of CEPC either. US only worry is Closing the back door for the Chinese in case of Naval conflict and Indians comes in Handy for this job.
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