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Has Pakistan become the last hope for all muslims across the world?

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I don't like both names something more local and close to regional culture is better we are not some Anglo or Arab colony

instead of fcuking up historical names (thus history along with them) why don't you all build some thing new and then name it for your new heroes. It was Lyellpur because shah faisal started the city or was it because Lyell did?

Guys, we Faisalabadis love the name of our city and we don’t have any hate of Arabs either.

It is a very traditional city compared to Lahore, most people wear white shalwar kameez, we speak thet Punjabi, and agriculture is big.

Area of Canal road is especially beautiful. Ghanta ghar markets have every conceivable thing you can think of.

Shah Faisal helped Pakistan immensely with our Nuclear program and always gave respect/love to Pakistanis. He was a great man,May Allah swt bless him.

We have no history. Turks do. We disown all prior empires of this land. A people without a history have no identity. Our history begins after the British occupation. Greek history does not begin after the Turkish occupation. Israeli history does not begin after ww2.

We have an old history too brother, which is reflected in our folk culture. We, like Turks, come from nomadic settlers, expect that we were Iranic people such as Sakas (Scythians) and Hephthalites.
We have no history
What is your obsession with history think about present and future
Pakistan has a history of 72 years and this Land has a history of few thousands years
Until 70 or 80 years ago population entire population of this area was very poor main professions of these areas were cattle breeding Camel breeding and agriculture near rivers this is our history nothing special British came and ruled this area for more than a century
Good to see that Pakistanis are going through this uncomfortable introspective journey in order to find more meaning in the present reality. If most of Pakistanis reorient themselves towards value creation - ask themselves "How can I best contribute towards making Pakistan a economic superpower", then after years of hardwork you will see the same fruits as any developed nation in the world and the children of the land will be blessed with abundance, prosperity and respect of the whole world - not just Muslim nations. Pakistan has an abundance of natural resources and workforce which can be harnessed for good.
Most Arab leaders are part of new world order.
Shah Faisal helped Pakistan immensely with our Nuclear program and always gave respect/love to Pakistanis. He was a great man,May Allah swt bless him.
I know hence It would have been more apt to name some thing else like what he actually help built, like a reactor or that strange looking Masjd in Islamabad
What type of Punjabi is spoken in Faisalabad I mean Punjabi of Lahore Gujranwala area what is called majhi or what is called jaangli

It is a similar dialect.

Spoken Punjabi is a little different in Faisalabad, but I wouldn’t know the terminology.
What is your obsession with history think about present and future
Pakistan has a history of 72 years and this Land has a history of few thousands years
Until 70 or 80 years ago population entire population of this area was very poor main professions of these areas were cattle breeding Camel breeding and agriculture near rivers this is our history nothing special British came and ruled this area for more than a century

British came as traders. Back in the day people from Europe flocked to the subcontinent to gain wealth by trade. They competed against one another to gain the attention of the kings. You probably don't even know we had firearms. We were one of the three gunpowder empires. Tell me how we are soverign now? We were last soverign under aurangzeb. Pakistan has always been at the whims of greater powers from inception till now. Do you think sultans of this land had to go begging to other nations? Sorry but the 70 year history pales in comparison to the empires of this subcontinent before it.
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