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Has Pakistan Achieved Herd Immunity Against COVID19?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

How widespread are coronavirus infections and vaccinations in Pakistan? Has Pakistan achieved herd immunity or close to achieving it? The latest IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) report on Pakistan (dated August 19, 2021) claims that "about 81% of the population have been infected, and about 65% are immune to the Delta variant". It says that the "cases and deaths are declining in Pakistan, but the situation remains fragile".

The report defines two types of coronavirus variants: escape and non-escape. The escape variants include Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1) and Delta (India) variants while non-escape variants are the original ancestral virus and Alpha (UK) variant. The report projects Pakistan reaching 75% to 90% immunity to various COVID19 variants through a combination of infections and vaccinations by the end of 2021.

The IHME August 19 COVID19 results briefing on Pakistan also warns: "If mobility increases and mask wearing declines as cases are declining (people let down their guard), cases could surge again". Here is the summary of the IHME report:

"Cases and deaths are declining in Pakistan, but the situation remains fragile. We estimate that about 81% of the population have been infected, and about 65% are immune to the Delta variant (accounting for cross-variant protection). If mobility increases and mask wearing declines as cases are declining (people let down their guard), cases could surge again."

If the IHME modeling of COVID19 in Pakistan is correct, it raises hope that Pakistan is nearing an end to the current pandemic that has badly hurt its people and its economy. Achieving this goal will require that Pakistanis continue to implement the following 5 strategies recommended by IHME.

1) Increase vaccination through outreach and perhaps vaccine mandates from employers and making it easy to get vaccinated;

2) Reduce the risk of major transmission if schools are to open through appropriate use of mitigation measures including universal masking, sufficient distancing of students, and periodic testing of all students;

3) Support hospital systems that will be under severe stress in the next 4–6 weeks;

4) Implement mask mandates in states or communities with major surges in hospitalization; and

5) Maintain surveillance on breakthrough infection by type of vaccine and time since vaccination – as well as adequate testing for vaccinated and unvaccinated – in order to accurately track the evolution of the epidemic".

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No it has not , as the variants suggests .

Pakistan is just not counting, i guess it has other things it needs to mange.
Had we not counted properly, cameras would have shown otherwise. Its like India reported its covid deaths at 390,000 but statistics suggest figures in the ballpark of 4 million. This was possible because the people narrated their stories, cameras showed the degree of devastations, pyres burning, oxygen shortage, hospitals overflowing, mass cremations, rivers overflowing with dead bodies and dogs eating them etc. So no one could hide something on such a big scale in today's world. You tried to hide but the world saw the photos coming from your la la land.
Had we not counted properly, cameras would have shown otherwise. Its like India reported its covid deaths at 390,000 but statistics suggest figures in the ballpark of 4 million. This was possible because the people narrated their stories, cameras showed the degree of devastations, pyres burning, oxygen shortage, hospitals overflowing, mass cremations, rivers overflowing with dead bodies and dogs eating them etc. So no one could hide something on such a big scale in today's world. You tried to hide but the world saw the photos coming from your la la land.
Logic often eludes them.
There is no such thing as covid it's called the great reset. A normal flu has been faked as some pandemic and people are getting killed in hospitals by wrong and dangerous drugs like remdesivir, hcq, favipiravir etc.
Pakistan can't achieve herd immunity anymore than it can achieve herd immunity against any other respiratory virus such as rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, seasonal flu.
Oh yes of course , Pakistan is an exception that no other country could emulate indeed.
Who could doubt it.
Wrong. India is an exception because out of the 200 odd countries such distressed COVID pandemic photos came only from India. And no where in the world death figures were suppressed by a multiple of 10. You cant obviously name one other country simply because there is none.
Oh yes of course , Pakistan is an exception that no other country could emulate indeed.
Who could doubt it.

Some people would doubt that? Maybe!

Certain people would be jealous and deny any positive news from Pakistan? For sure!
There is no such thing as covid it's called the great reset. A normal flu has been faked as some pandemic and people are getting killed in hospitals by wrong and dangerous drugs like remdesivir, hcq, favipiravir etc.
some people have their brain cells replaced with fake ones at birth
How we have navigated this crisis is perhaps one of the greatest success stories of our Republic's history.

Everyone around us has been affected but by the grace of Allah we have not lost as many lives as was predicted.
No it has not , as the variants suggests .

Pakistan is just not counting, i guess it has other things it needs to mange.

You can't hide this, the covid disaster can't be hidden,, you Indians should know this after losing millions

Pakistan has genuinely dealt with this (thus far) well

Indians got smacked by this so hard because Indians are a bullshit people,, rather then try to save themselves they went around spreading bullshit about how great they were, how they were a vaccine powerhouse blah blah blah

Only for their own karma to come and slap them.in the face

You Lost MILLIONS of your own people because of your own jahilat, everyone was only lucky that your Hindu kumb Mela was the cause because it made it difficult for Hindus to pin this on Indian Muslims although they tried it in the first wave
No it has not , as the variants suggests .

Pakistan is just not counting, i guess it has other things it needs to mange.

BS... I just got back from Pakistan. They have the most efficient service where NHS comes to your house for samples and creates an online account with results and status for everyone to track. It was really efficient....

Cases are going up... But just not as fast as other places.
Not possible because virus mutates which throws off immune system. That's how virus survive for billions of years.
How we have navigated this crisis is perhaps one of the greatest success stories of our Republic's history.

Everyone around us has been affected but by the grace of Allah we have not lost as many lives as was predicted.
OTT lol, a job well done that's all

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