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Has India accepted Pakistan's conventional supremacy? May review No-first use policy.

Man up and accept the facts, there is no way Pakistan can win a war against India which is imposed on India by Pakistan, as retarded little kids are harping on and on about. The best we can do is defend ourselves against an Indian attack.

And historically, armies with larger size have won on more occasions than the other way around. Adding to that the fact that the enemy is accepted and supported globally more than Pakistan, is armed a whole lot more than Pakistan, is a lot well off financially than Pakistan and so can sustain a long war etc., are realities which we have to accept.

Stop being a coward.

Pakistanis live for freedom, nothing else.

Perhaps you should apply for an Indian visa, if you need one.

@waz @Arsalan @Oscar
Man up and accept the facts, there is no way Pakistan can win a war against India which is imposed on India by Pakistan, as retarded little kids are harping on and on about. The best we can do is defend ourselves against an Indian attack.

And historically, armies with larger size have won on more occasions than the other way around. Adding to that the fact that the enemy is accepted and supported globally more than Pakistan, is armed a whole lot more than Pakistan, is a lot well off financially than Pakistan and so can sustain a long war etc., are realities which we have to accept.

Pakistan would not go for a war, on its own; it would be the war, which would come to the way of Pakistan and then it would no more be a matter of choice.
Man up and accept the facts, there is no way Pakistan can win a war against India which is imposed on India by Pakistan, as retarded little kids are harping on and on about. The best we can do is defend ourselves against an Indian attack.

And historically, armies with larger size have won on more occasions than the other way around. Adding to that the fact that the enemy is accepted and supported globally more than Pakistan, is armed a whole lot more than Pakistan, is a lot well off financially than Pakistan and so can sustain a long war etc., are realities which we have to accept.
Tell that to the talibs who kept the US at bay for 20 years with rudimentary firepower; only for the US to come begging at the negotiating table.
Probably. The last few encounters have been very costly for them and they seem erratic and in a panic lately. Public image has taken a massive hit and it's hard for anyone to defend their actions without making themselves look bad.
Summed it up nicely. India knows that Pakistan has the ability to deliver massive morale sapping blows to India. They always won't have the ability to fool their masses like they did on 27th Feb. Truth might eventually reach them. Then in order to restore the confidence of the average sanghi in the their armed forces they will have to go nuclear.

On the other hand don't believe no first use theory.......
That was hogwash anyways. No nuclear drill carried out by any country assumes that they will be able to survive a nuclear attack for sure. As soon as it has intelligence that nukes have been launched, it launches its retaliatory nuclear strike of its own
Summed it up nicely. India knows that Pakistan has the ability to deliver massive morale sapping blows to India. They always won't have the ability to fool their masses like they did on 27th Feb. Truth might eventually reach them. Then in order to restore the confidence of the average sanghi in the their armed forces they will have to go nuclear.

That was hogwash anyways. No nuclear drill carried out by any country assumes that they will be able to survive a nuclear attack for sure. As soon as it has intelligence that nukes have been launched, it launches its retaliatory nuclear strike of its own

We are talking about the people who have 'India's first line of defence' written on their international border, so they are well used to living in fear.

There's a good reason for that, and lots of history.
Where do we dig up you guys is beyond any comprehension. 1 Billion Hindus with 1.2 million active and 1.8 million reserve military with 2.5x times our AF and 10 times our financial might are scared of Pakistan. This is not even a joke, this is totally retarded mentality that has been fed to my countrymen over the decades. Why have we been unable to defeat India in '65, '71, Siachin, Kargil and so on if India has been that scared???????

Some of us believe on Allah and early Muslims have left ample examples for us to follow and most recent example is set by Taliban in Afghanistan. I don't need to say more since we two have different belief system. As far as all the wars you mentioned, to me it looks like your source of information is Hindustan times.

Highlighted in large font - This word has been over used infect (raped) here on PDF how about using simple everyday use words that is most commonly used, something like Beyond my understanding, but in your situation a better sentence would be beyond my capacity.
Tell that to the talibs who kept the US at bay for 20 years with rudimentary firepower;

example is set by Taliban in
I beg to differ about USA - Taliban situation.

You are forgetting Trump's statement that USA can destroy Afghanistan if it wants but choose to not do that. In this context we have to accept that Taliban didn't defeat USA. USA simply doesn't want to wipe put Taliban. Taliban has massive support and funding from Arab countries (Qatar is Taliban HQ) and Pakistan supported Taliban by hiding most of its leaders. Since USA has petrodollar alliance with Arabs, USA doesn't want to antagonise Arabs and hence kept the objectives in Afghanistan to strategic containment and didn't pursue aggressive agenda. Otherwise, we have seen how USA defeated Iraq in 1990, which had 4th largest army and had much higher level of weaponry than Afghanistan with comparable overall population to Afghanistan.
USA can destroy Afghanistan if it wants

Wanting is one thing, practically doing it is another altogether! Afghanistan is not an existential Threat to USA either.

Even Genghis khan couldn't wipe out every single person and there was no one more ruthless than him in the known history.
I beg to differ about USA - Taliban situation.

You are forgetting Trump's statement that USA can destroy Afghanistan if it wants but choose to not do that. In this context we have to accept that Taliban didn't defeat USA. USA simply doesn't want to wipe put Taliban. Taliban has massive support and funding from Arab countries (Qatar is Taliban HQ) and Pakistan supported Taliban by hiding most of its leaders. Since USA has petrodollar alliance with Arabs, USA doesn't want to antagonise Arabs and hence kept the objectives in Afghanistan to strategic containment and didn't pursue aggressive agenda. Otherwise, we have seen how USA defeated Iraq in 1990, which had 4th largest army and had much higher level of weaponry than Afghanistan with comparable overall population to Afghanistan.

I can say the same thing, I can destroy US with my fart but choose not to do that.
what matter is what you can and what you choose to.
I beg to differ about USA - Taliban situation.

You are forgetting Trump's statement that USA can destroy Afghanistan if it wants but choose to not do that. In this context we have to accept that Taliban didn't defeat USA. USA simply doesn't want to wipe put Taliban. Taliban has massive support and funding from Arab countries (Qatar is Taliban HQ) and Pakistan supported Taliban by hiding most of its leaders. Since USA has petrodollar alliance with Arabs, USA doesn't want to antagonise Arabs and hence kept the objectives in Afghanistan to strategic containment and didn't pursue aggressive agenda. Otherwise, we have seen how USA defeated Iraq in 1990, which had 4th largest army and had much higher level of weaponry than Afghanistan with comparable overall population to Afghanistan.

No country - and ill repeat NO country wants to loose a war. And Yes US has lost in Afghanistan as they did i Vietnam. Can US bomb Afghanistan out of the existence? Yes they can - but then what will they have achieved? Conquered some inhabitant piece of land?? Bombing Afghanistan out of existence will not benefit US in any way other than a hallow victory they can not use to anything. Bombing Afghanistan will still not mean they can control the area... So US has lost their war in Afghanistan and now they only want a face saving retreat.

And the second part of your post about Afghanistan-Arab-US relations ship... US doesn´t want to antagonize the Arabs....??? - c´mon since when do you know of US sentiments...??? US doesn´t give a sh... about whether or not antagonizing the Arabs.

And about Iraq - different place different situation and different time. Don´t compare cause you can´t....
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Pakistan would not go for a war, on its own; it would be the war, which would come to the way of Pakistan and then it would no more be a matter of choice.

India must be suicidal to ever attack Pakistan, their economy and infrastructure is getting better day by day, I don't think they would be foolish enough to jeopardize it by attacking Pakistan and risking FDI and growth for the next 10-15 years as well as going back 10-15 years!

Hamara kia hai, we already don't have any infrastructure so let the war come!

Tell that to the talibs who kept the US at bay for 20 years with rudimentary firepower; only for the US to come begging at the negotiating table.

You must also note the honesty of Trump and the factual statement that the US can annihilate the entire Afghanistan in under 20 minutes, and then some. It was never US's intention to annihilate Afghanistan, US wants to stay here and keep an eye on Pakistan, China, Iran and perhaps even Russia from Afghanistan and all this is in addition to their other interests there.

On the other hand, India would annihilate Pakistan in an instant, if she could. So do not compare the 2 situations.

Some of us believe on Allah and early Muslims have left ample examples for us to follow and most recent example is set by Taliban in Afghanistan. I don't need to say more since we two have different belief system. As far as all the wars you mentioned, to me it looks like your source of information is Hindustan times.

Highlighted in large font - This word has been over used infect (raped) here on PDF how about using simple everyday use words that is most commonly used, something like Beyond my understanding, but in your situation a better sentence would be beyond my capacity.

To be able to invite Allah's assistance, we first need to become true Muslims. Are we true Muslims? Do we deserve Allah's assistance when we have failed to follow His commands? Your failure is in your view which is through a prism of religion even though we discarded religion a long time ago. We are corrupt, we are unfair, we are unjust, we are ignorant, we are greedy and we are impure.

So leave religion aside, as we have done for decades.
You must also note the honesty of Trump and the factual statement that the US can annihilate the entire Afghanistan in under 20 minutes, and then some. It was never US's intention to annihilate Afghanistan, US wants to stay here and keep an eye on Pakistan, China, Iran and perhaps even Russia from Afghanistan and all this is in addition to their other interests there.
True to some extent; though Pakistan has the capability to strike back, whereas the talibs simply don't; so no comparison there. Pakistan isn't a cakewalk and India knows it. India is a target rich environment IYKWIM.

I beg to differ about USA - Taliban situation.

You are forgetting Trump's statement that USA can destroy Afghanistan if it wants but choose to not do that. In this context we have to accept that Taliban didn't defeat USA. USA simply doesn't want to wipe put Taliban. Taliban has massive support and funding from Arab countries (Qatar is Taliban HQ) and Pakistan supported Taliban by hiding most of its leaders. Since USA has petrodollar alliance with Arabs, USA doesn't want to antagonise Arabs and hence kept the objectives in Afghanistan to strategic containment and didn't pursue aggressive agenda. Otherwise, we have seen how USA defeated Iraq in 1990, which had 4th largest army and had much higher level of weaponry than Afghanistan with comparable overall population to Afghanistan.
see above
Indian army will be on the run after few of hours of conventional war, which is no secret to their own leaders.
Question arise who gave nukes to India?

Just like it did in '65 and '71, Siachin and Kargil?
Delusional members here remind me of how the quality has dropped.
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