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Has India accepted Pakistan's conventional supremacy? May review No-first use policy.

Probably. The last few encounters have been very costly for them and they seem erratic and in a panic lately. Public image has taken a massive hit and it's hard for anyone to defend their actions without making themselves look bad.

On the other hand don't believe no first use theory. It's in their nature to say one thing and do another.
India always had 2 faces. One for world one for inside their heart.

For world No first use policy
Inside in a war we will spread fake news like always and claim other country have fired nuclear missile which was shot by our defence systems.
Do you think they will wait for Pakistan to launch Nuclear missiles if they are losing their territory?

Fascist Hindu won't trigger the nuke even after loosing territory. MAD is something he will never choose. He won't fire conventional nuke even when Pakistan will use Nasr on Pakistani soil.

USA would have never nuked Japan if Japan had even one nuke that could hit any of the major US cities.

Zionist won't allow Fascist Hindu to trigger the nukes either. In MAD situation, Pakistan will send no-return squads to Israel along with missiles.
Pakistan doesn't have conventional superiority. Wake up guys, they literally have 10 times more of everything if they really wanted. Hell their general famously said they waited till 15-1 advantage to intervene in east Pakistan.

Where they fail is these numbers are made off gangus so advantage is reduced considerably. Thats why now they no longer no first use policy.
He could be saying this is relation to China too or in the event of a two front war with Pak/China. In these cases, India would have a clear conventional disadvantage.
Since people here are understanding this in a rather emotional terms, let me break it down.

Till now Pakistan provided support to Kashmiris overtly and covertly under its nuclear umbrella.

Now India is suggesting that we will crush Kashmir issue under their nuclear umbrella.

The main difference now is that India has shifted the threat of nuclear war from a purely public ally announced deterrence role to additional offensive role of coercing international community into stopping Pakistan from providing support for Kashmir.
It points more to India getting the upper hand in a conventional fight but then preemptive strikes on any Pakistan nuclear response. Essentially, not waiting for Pakistan to use TNWs.
I said before and i'll say it again. The gangus are shitting their pants, there's a realization now that Pakistan wasn't/ain't fooling around and conventionally inspite of the numbers disparity Pak has the potential of kicking their dark gangu azz. Think logically for a moment, who threatens someone with 'dire consequences' in a fight? The one who is feeling the heat and is using this as a defense technique, the gangus have gone on the defensive and the war hasn't even started yet ! They are panicking, they are compulsive liars, they are cheap bastards, they'll stoop to any level. Someone rightly said here that Pak hasn't been using the 'nuke' word alot of late and the gangus have started using it. Changing perceptions??
I think india will do nuclear strike if we use tactical nukes on their army and that is what indian minsiter is hinting at .I am saying this in many of my post earlier that any war with india will become full scale nuclear war but many members were not taking it serious

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