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Has India accepted Pakistan's conventional supremacy? May review No-first use policy.

okay since nuclear has been brought up, does anyone know if Pakistan has hydrogen bombs? if so how many MT? It wont be 'MAD' if they use the baby ones they tested in 1998.
okay since nuclear has been brought up, does anyone know if Pakistan has hydrogen bombs? if so how many MT? It wont be 'MAD' if they use the baby ones they tested in 1998.
According to report of international media Pakistani nukes are of much better quality and are in greater numbers than indian ones.India not has any tactical nuke and are much behind Pakistan in terms of nukes
I said before and i'll say it again. The gangus are shitting their pants, there's a realization now that Pakistan wasn't/ain't fooling around and conventionally inspite of the numbers disparity Pak has the potential of kicking their dark gangu azz. Think logically for a moment, who threatens someone with 'dire consequences' in a fight? The one who is feeling the heat and is using this as a defense technique, the gangus have gone on the defensive and the war hasn't even started yet ! They are panicking, they are compulsive liars, they are cheap bastards, they'll stoop to any level. Someone rightly said here that Pak hasn't been using the 'nuke' word alot of late and the gangus have started using it. Changing perceptions??
Something very "nasty" must be happening to them...
Folks, sometime back when attack were happening back to back, I predicted something major politically by India. It happened.

Let me make another predicion : this nuclear policy posturing is a rather intresting tool. It tells everyone that India will consider a nuclear war if any unwinnable situation happens - like Pakistan China combined battle or similar. It’s a way to build international pressure on China and Pakistan to avoid any conflict militarily with India. It’s a sign that India likes the status quo and will keep it that way.

Everyone knows Chinese dont attack anyone, Hindus see the war mood in Pakistan and they are really scared. The world belongs to those who dare, Kashmir is ripe, this is reverse 71 all over again.
No chance of nuclear war.
I wish I could agree you. Unfortunately, unless the world at large comes to it's senses and does away with nukes, a nuclear war will always be a question of 'when' rather than 'if'
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Infact, it is just to warn Pakistan to not play the Nuclear card as that is the only weapon we have which can annihilate India as she is known today. They don't want their destruction, not even 10%-20%, let alone a lot more even at the cost of total annihilation of Pakistan and so the warning.

The conventional power of the Indian Military is overwhelming; it can only be countered by defensive arrangements and very selective offensive measures. For anything to be effective, we need air superiority.

Everyone knows Chinese dont attack anyone, Hindus see the war mood in Pakistan and they are really scared. The world belongs to those who dare, Kashmir is ripe, this is reverse 71 all over again.

Where do we dig up you guys is beyond any comprehension. 1 Billion Hindus with 1.2 million active and 1.8 million reserve military with 2.5x times our AF and 10 times our financial might are scared of Pakistan. This is not even a joke, this is totally retarded mentality that has been fed to my countrymen over the decades. Why have we been unable to defeat India in '65, '71, Siachin, Kargil and so on if India has been that scared???????
Infact, it is just to warn Pakistan to not play the Nuclear card as that is the only weapon we have which can annihilate India as she is known today. They don't want their destruction, not even 10%-20%, let alone a lot more even at the cost of total annihilation of Pakistan and so the warning.

The conventional power of the Indian Military is overwhelming; it can only be countered by defensive arrangements and very selective offensive measures. For anything to be effective, we need air superiority.

Where do we dig up you guys is beyond any comprehension. 1 Billion Hindus with 1.2 million active and 1.8 million reserve military with 2.5x times our AF and 10 times our financial might are scared of Pakistan. This is not even a joke, this is totally retarded mentality that has been fed to my countrymen over the decades. Why have we been unable to defeat India in '65, '71, Siachin, Kargil and so on if India has been that scared???????
How many reserve do Pakistan has?
On face value, this statement appears to be an attempted deterrent to starting a war. They are probably trying to protect their economy.

Completely irrelevant statement.
Infact, it is just to warn Pakistan to not play the Nuclear card as that is the only weapon we have which can annihilate India as she is known today. They don't want their destruction, not even 10%-20%, let alone a lot more even at the cost of total annihilation of Pakistan and so the warning.

The conventional power of the Indian Military is overwhelming; it can only be countered by defensive arrangements and very selective offensive measures. For anything to be effective, we need air superiority.

Where do we dig up you guys is beyond any comprehension. 1 Billion Hindus with 1.2 million active and 1.8 million reserve military with 2.5x times our AF and 10 times our financial might are scared of Pakistan. This is not even a joke, this is totally retarded mentality that has been fed to my countrymen over the decades. Why have we been unable to defeat India in '65, '71, Siachin, Kargil and so on if India has been that scared???????

They were mostly stalemates, against an army two or three times the size.

There's also more to war than just sheer numbers, and I don't think any intelligent person requires further clarification on what that statement means.

This is the second person, at least today, who is coming out with seriously negative vibes.
They were mostly stalemates, against an army two or three times the size.

There's also more to war than just sheer numbers, and I don't think any intelligent person requires further clarification on what that statement means.

This is the second person, at least today, who is coming out with seriously negative vibes.

Man up and accept the facts, there is no way Pakistan can win a war against India which is imposed on India by Pakistan, as retarded little kids are harping on and on about. The best we can do is defend ourselves against an Indian attack.

And historically, armies with larger size have won on more occasions than the other way around. Adding to that the fact that the enemy is accepted and supported globally more than Pakistan, is armed a whole lot more than Pakistan, is a lot well off financially than Pakistan and so can sustain a long war etc., are realities which we have to accept.

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