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Has China Punctured India's Pipe Dream of Capturing Gilgit Baltistan with Its Actions in Ladakh?

more interested in it's egomaniacal quest for regional military dominance and hegemony to assuage the humiliation and pain of centuries of colonisation and slavery.

Yes, that can be said about the current Indian leadership at least. Plus there is that lustful look at Israel and how that 'tiny country' has countered Arabs with, of course, unflinching support from the mightiest military power in human history, the United States. There are strong ideological and strategic parallels between the right wing of India and Israel--something both parties downplay publicly but they know they are strong allies, thick as thieves. It's a minor detail for India that it is still a country of 'brown people', and not a 'Western' country and is considered a 'pagan' country. Unless and until India acquires lobbying controls like Israel has, India is very expendable in American eyes.

But I am still hoping that there is a change of heart in even the current leadership. And lately I have seen people like Parvin S. and Shehkar Gupta, timidly but with conviction, suggesting that India should make peace with Pakistan. And if that were to happen, Pakistan should embrace a real, permanent peace keeping in mind Pakistan and region's interests. Pakistan must not forget or forgive the damage done by the Indian-backed terrorists inside Pakistan--which far exceeds any alleged Pakistani involvements in India--but a real peace brings with it potential for centuries of prosperity for the region. That's what we should ultimately all want: A bright future for our next generations.
Yes, that can be said about the current Indian leadership at least. Plus there is that lustful look at Israel and how that 'tiny country' has countered Arabs with, of course, unflinching support from the mightiest military power in human history, the United States. There are strong ideological and strategic parallels between the right wing of India and Israel--something both parties downplay publicly but they know they are strong allies, thick as thieves. It's a minor detail for India that it is still a country of 'brown people', and not a 'Western' country and is considered a 'pagan' country. Unless and until India acquires lobbying controls like Israel has, India is very expendable in American eyes.

But I am still hoping that there is a change of heart in even the current leadership. And lately I have seen people like Parvin S. and Shehkar Gupta, timidly but with conviction, suggesting that India should make peace with Pakistan. And if that were to happen, Pakistan should embrace a real, permanent peace keeping in mind Pakistan and region's interests. Pakistan must not forget or forgive the damage done by the Indian-backed terrorists inside Pakistan--which far exceeds any alleged Pakistani involvements in India--but a real peace brings with it potential for centuries of prosperity for the region. That's what we should ultimately all want: A bright future for our next generations.
I think there are sane voices on both sides that realise the truth of this, but I think as a percentage of the population there are more sane voices on the Pakistani side than the Indian side. The well of goodwill amongst the Indian population has been poisoned against Pakistan to the extent that any politician making a sane and conciliatory move towards Pakistan will be condemned and vilified by the Indian media and the Indian population at large. It has unleashed the genie of communal hatred and supremacy into it's body politic that has raised certain expectations and has taken on a life of it's own. It is a genie that isn't going back in the bottle anytime soon, if ever. It is a problem, but not necessarily for Pakistan who has learned to live with a belligerent neighbour and has made alliances and preparations accordingly.
It is more a problem for India. It has locked India into a spiral of adversarial politics with it's neighbours that it cannot sustain without causing damage to its own interests and it cannot come out of for fear of domestic political consequences. Meanwhile, it plays into the hands of the great powers who will use India as a dispensable pawn in its geopolitical games, only to discard it when the time is right.
It is a noose that India has fashioned for it's own neck and a vicious circle that will eventually consume it.
China on Pakistan side is a blessing for sure as the friendship between two countries is getting stronger as the time goes by. But I am pretty sure, Pakistan can handle India even on its own and can give her a nightmare to remember. If Pakistan was simply, a walk in the park, India could have attacked long ago and captured the areas it wanted. Yes, we lost East Pakistan, but think rationally, it was bound to happen one way or another, there was no DIRECT link, not even by road or by air between two sides, our army was grossly outnumbered, and of course we didn't give them their rights and made the population an enemy of the state.
I think there are sane voices on both sides that realise the truth of this, but I think as a percentage of the population there are more sane voices on the Pakistani side than the Indian side. The well of goodwill amongst the Indian population has been poisoned against Pakistan to the extent that any politician making a sane and conciliatory move towards Pakistan will be condemned and vilified by the Indian media and the Indian population at large. It has unleashed the genie of communal hatred and supremacy into it's body politic that has raised certain expectations and has taken on a life of it's own. It is a genie that isn't going back in the bottle anytime soon, if ever. It is a problem, but not necessarily for Pakistan who has learned to live with a belligerent neighbour and has made alliances and preparations accordingly.
It is more a problem for India. It has locked India into a spiral of adversarial politics with it's neighbours that it cannot sustain without causing damage to its own interests and it cannot come out of for fear of domestic political consequences. Meanwhile, it plays into the hands of the great powers who will use India as a dispensable pawn in its geopolitical games, only to discard it when the time is right.
It is a noose that India has fashioned for it's own neck and a vicious circle that will eventually consume it.

It's a real good summary of what's going on in India as far as geopolitical directions are concerned. I'd also add there is an overwhelming ideological desires in the Hindutva of India to undo the real or perceived harm done to them by the invading Muslims forces centuries ago, to restore the lost glory, to undo the shame of subjugation for centuries, and to gain back the lost ground--the Akhand Bharat (United India) vision. I used to think that the Akhand Bharat vision was just a lazy and marginalized delusion in India but now I am not so sure.

The right wing of India certainly is inspired by the Zionists and are in lockstep with them when it comes to the long term vision. But both of these enterprises are bound to fail in the long term, as would any hardline version of Islam in the long term in the march of humanity.

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