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'Haryana's shameful social heritage'

Even though I am a kashmiri, but I have lived extensively in Haryana, and interestingly in Kaithal.
I did my studies from Rohtak, as we have a quota in Universities, then I worked in Kaithal for a few years in a Govt agency.
The Jats are a very ferocious people, can not take defeat, and in the name of honor can give or take any ones life. Fire arms is part of their dress, getting in to argument their hobby.
Their language to an outsider is quite intimidating and very frightening.A new comer will not make out if he is angry or just a routine way of his talking.
I initially felt very insecure in their midst, as I found an average Jat to be very well built with an average height of 6 feet plus. What is really strange is that even the Jatni(Female Jats) are very strong and tall.

But once you get to know them, they are one of the most helping people on this earth, if they give their word then they honor it till death.
This incest and all that the media has reported is by the sect of people who are Gypsy and came to settle in Haryana and Rajasthan.

The female foetacide is done by Jats and Rajputs. And the Khap problem is also with in their clan.

I think the writer is getting mixed up with both two different problems, obviously he is not from Haryana.
i m from yamuna nagar,frm where u belong

Hi, you are from Yamuna nagar, I was in Kaithal and been going to Yamuna nagar a number of times.
In Kaithal I was living near the old bus stand.
Haryana is pathetic in everything, people are rude, no manners.

I also find Delhi very frightening. It has a very inhuman and arrogant look to it. I feel very insecure. I just can't read the place (NCR).

The culture of a society is governed by its geography and history. Delhi was constantly invaded from the northwest and the years of strife and war appear to have had an impact on the people of Delhi. Often, South Indians are ready to adjust, but North Indians do not budge an inch. Maybe history also has something to do with the fact that the people of Delhi are so loud, superficial and flashy.

Best city in India is Bangalore IMO.

Whats wrong with people here? Cant you find better words for your own countrymen?

And lest not get into a North vs. South debate here. I am sure both groups have their pros and cons. One can kill their owns sons and daughters for their honor and the other can burn buses and public property at the death of a beloved movie actor. Nobody is a saint here.
Yeah Jatts people are strong built, Majority of my frens in Chandigarh are Jatts (from Moga district).

@ Gucci - I am Punjabi (born in Sangrur), I have maasi in Yamuna Nagar.
The family may not punish anybody but it is the society which render the family pariah if anyone of the family members are involved in gotra marriages . so it is the societal pressure which forces them to inflct punishment to there family members.

Sir ,
The socity is made of families. The outsiders will creat pressure to some extent but its upto their family to committe honor killing. And again socity is made of families
Sir ,
The socity is made of families. The outsiders will creat pressure to some extent but its upto their family to committe honor killing. And again socity is made of families

Bhai Our society is hypocrite. When other's daughter/son do something which is perceived to be wrong then people criticise but if their own daughter/son do something wrong then people try to hide it. It is sad but it is reality.
Sir ,
The socity is made of families. The outsiders will creat pressure to some extent but its upto their family to committe honor killing. And again socity is made of families

But in rural areas or areas like haryana you cannot teach them this fact . The elite forms the rule and common man is crushed by this rule
Female foeticide has assumed alarming proportions: R R Patil

MUMBAI: The problem of female foeticide has assumed alarming proportions and the state home department should be more sensitive to the issue, Maharashtra home minister R R Patil has said.

"For now this question seems minuscule but in the long run it might cause havoc and develop in to a social disaster," Patil said.

"Female foeticide is on the rise, especially among educated class and in higher strata of society. It has assumed an alarming proportion. Every year, 10 lakh female foeticides take place in the country with the help of gender determination tests," Patil wrote on his blog.

Today's woman is educated and has reached a respectable place in our society but people treat birth of a girl as a kind of catastrophe, Patil said.

The minister cited the Human Development Report 2002 published by Maharashtra Government which says 84 per cent women are of the opinion that they should have at least one son.

"With the help of modern technology, many pregnant women, relatives and a few doctors (I am not blaming all the doctors) collude and illegally perform gender detection tests and then abort the female foetus," he said.

Read more: Female foeticide has assumed alarming proportions: R R Patil - India - The Times of India Female foeticide has assumed alarming proportions: R R Patil - India - The Times of India
There are zillions of positive news in this forum by Bharati members. It a good idea to expose sick activities coming out of Bharat since it would like portray itself a good father of civilized nations.

Bye the way, we understand this fact that what's abnormal to us, may be normal among some Bharatis.

As a matter of fact, there are many sicken activities in Bharat. Here is one.

YouTube - Brothers share one wife - Fraternal Polyandry

Aren't you the same people who marry their cousins??? lol And you are talking about Indians!!!
This thread has been derailed. Somebozo and Kinetic have gone on a tangent. This thread should be closed.
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