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Haryana discovery that promises to challenge our ancient history

Seriously? Because some one says so....? Rig Vedic Aryans entering in the 15th century BCE? Classic AIT with Max Muller dates......C'mon.
I should 've refrained from posting that link(from Bhadriraju Krishnamurthi's book). :P
As far as I understand your point is, that there is no Dravidan presence in Northern India. But I believe the opposite is true.
There's no way things with Dravidan stamped on them would be found in SSC sites, unless inhabitants of those sites had traveled southwards and eastwards (as their imprints 're found as far as Kampilya). But the constant attacks in northern India should be a reason why it retains lesser amount of the SSC culture, au contraire, southern India has witnessed lesser foreign attacks.But let me assure you that I'm not claiming Dravidan authorship on SSC, because it would be vacuous to do so.
I must confess I've no idea if it was merely trade or was it the migration which caused such cultural influence.

Bang Galore said:
Because some one says so....?
Neither me nor you 're an archeologist(i know tat for sure!!!), so yes we can only believe what others say(unless we pick up axes and rush to SSC sites to make new discoveries). :coffee:
Btw I told already you deserve to be at least TTA in pdf ....
You can always count on my vote for the above suggestions....
I will call you hereon with a new nick name Vidushi(विदुषी).... I hope you wont mind....

विदुषी - विकिपीडिया
Lol.... Noooh!
Anyone who makes good use of google can become an internet pundit.
And you know I am not going to accept all this hype. This is more Horseplay at Harappa * HORSEPLAY IN HARAPPA
ET, as of yet nobody(on this thread) has supported Rajaram's or Jha's theory that they've deciphered SSC script. So why get raucous over it?

And read this by a Indian * Myth of the lost river Saraswati.... We should not let myth and history conflate.
This man called Sanjay Sonawani is a novelist and a story writer, and it is his blog in which he made those claims. That cartoon can not be compared to RS Bhist who is an archaeologist, known for his scholarship on Indus valley civilization(SSC!!!) and efforts to conserve Indian national monuments.
Infact the following prove otherwise:
1) a Pakistani archeologist accepting the presence of Saraswati river bed- video 1
2) The 2nd video shows a pakistani farmer and a Pakistani village which benefited by digging wells on Saraswati's dry river bed. - Video 2
3) Lets not forget that geoscientists found "sandy fluvial deposits approximately 5400 yrs old at Fort Abbas in Pakistan, and recent work on the upper Ghaggar-Hakra interfluve in India also documented Holocene channel sands that are approximately 4300 yrs old.
All these point towards the presence of a mighty river called Saraswati.
ET, pls click on those videos and watch 'em before vehemently opposing everything I say.
I've no idea why you would take a story-writer,blogger, seriously and not an archeologist?
Ppl like Sanjay Sonawani should stick to what they do best....writing crappy stories and producing crappy movies.

I am more partial to the view the pre Indus cultures nurtured in the region of West Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Turkemistan. From there as they matured they took root in the Indus basin in Pakistan. Thus I am confident Indus civilization is central to Ancient Pakistan as Nile was to Ancient Eygpt.
May be ...may be not.
As the oldest harappan site called Bhirrana(dates back to 7500 B.C.E) has been found on this side of the border, makes me doubt if what you said could be true. Let me also add that the largest SSC site, rakhigarhi, again lies on this side of the border, which means that the epicenter of SSC is within the subcontinent.
Or even if I were to assume that Mehrgarh in Pakistan(which dates back to 7000B.C.E) is the oldest site, then again let me remind you that SSC was predated by the first farming cultures in south Asia, which emerged in the hills of what is now called Balochistan...or so it is believed. So your assumption that Turkemistan had influenced SSC or Indus valley civilisation (in your lexicon) would be very wrong.
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Clearly our views diverge so much we are never going agree on common ground. I feel the pre cursor to IVC is to the west of Indus River going from western Pakistan over to sites like Tepe Yayha in Iran, further north Afghan/Turkmenistan area. You have remarkably made a jump over the entire core of the Indus Basin and taken it on the extreme eastern periphery. Still joy, it falls squarely in India. All you now need to do is shift it further east into the Ganges valley .....

My intended audience is fellow Pakistani and in fact I end up just wasting my time tangling with Indian's when your not about to change your minds. Economy demands I focus on the target area therefore let us agree to disagree and further agree to conspicously avoid each other ...

@levina Best thing for us is to put you on my ignore list.
agar muhn par kisi indian ne mujhe keh dia k IVC india se related hai,kasam to ni khaata lekin yaqeen k sath kehta ho k ussey 2 ya 5 dant apne hath main dunga
Economy demands I focus on the target area therefore let us agree to disagree and further agree to conspicously avoid each other ...
As long as you 're not behaving like a rabble-rouser and you're supporting the truth, I wont pick on your posts.

@levina Best thing for us is to put you on my ignore list.
I'm not a kid!!!
I am beyond this.
I've tried that on many users and realised its better to work on the issue than ignoring the issue. And I've already assured you that i wont pick on your posts as long as your posts 're sensible. Lolzz
I'm sure that there must be a reason why you were banned on another forum. :P

Btw this is off topic. :offtopic:
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@ Levina I got banned because I kept playing "cowboy and Indian's". Rather enjoyed it I must admit. Those Yanks have no sense of hoomOr ...ha ha ha

agar muhn par kisi indian ne mujhe keh dia k IVC india se related hai,kasam to ni khaata lekin yaqeen k sath kehta ho k ussey 2 ya 5 dant apne hath main dunga

Are to sir aap fir bologe kaise?

@ Levina I got banned because I kept playing "cowboy and Indian's". Rather enjoyed it I must admit. Those Yanks have no sense of hoomOr ...ha ha ha


Maen yu so kool
Haryana may be the largest site but most historian agree that movement happen from west to east, the whole Indian subcontinent population is a result of migration from west & central Asia even the dravadians who were the earliest migration,most historian agree that indus valley people moved eastward after Indus valley collapsed that mean present day Indian have better claim over it than anyone else, Pakistan have no claim over Indus as their islamic history starts from Qasim @anonymus

Stupid logic never ceases to amaze me.

I think Indians have realized that they can't shift Indus Valley into India, So now they came with theory of opposite drift of population.? So, How IVC people reached Haryana? Any trace in South India? Or they landed there directly from Mars?

Waitin for the day they find something in NE india and claim it is a part of the IVC lol.
Stupid logic never ceases to amaze me.

Waitin for the day they find something in NE india and claim it is a part of the IVC lol.

This thread is still running? o_O

Anyway let the Indian dig all the bharat mata just to find out that all roads lead to rome. :cool:
It is so clear that the whole of the subcontinent shares common roots. This could very well have become a rallying point for a more unified approiach to discovering and analyzing the truth of IVC and shed light on humannities beginning. Instead we get squabbles and quarrels with each side trying to counter the other.

Find the truth. and accept it. there is already very less data available on the subject compared to the other older civilzations.

Can someone point me to a podcast/audible for more details on IVC?
If all roads will lead to Rome, then it would be proved that Rome is part of Akhand Bharat :taz:

The Last Legion Movie came in my mind.

Could it be that they did not have to "reach" Haryana, but instead they originated from there, given the oldest IVC settlement is found in Haryana and also there are more IVC sites in Haryana than anywhere else?

So, there is nothing to show for from Pakistan and you say "wait till we start excavating". People here are indeed juveniles.
We all know Hastinapur has been the most ancient prosperous kingdom with mention in both history and mythology.
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