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Haryana: 40 Muslim families convert to Hinduism

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Muslim low caste are barred from SC/ST reservations, they would get it as Hindus.

Even in 2005 Sacchar commission said 'muslims economic condition is equal to Schedule Tribals,who lives in jungles'.

Actually Hindutva was not started at that time but now u see India is changed a lot in the decade now mostly they are Proud Hindus.
Even in 2005 Sacchar commission said 'muslims economic condition is equal to Schedule Tribals,who lives in jungles'.

Actually Hindutva was not started at that time but now u see India is changed a lot in the decade now mostly they are Proud Hindus.
lol, It may be a comment on literacy rates and educational attainment but Muslims still have more wealth than SC/STs.

You are a dirty Indian who is used to being under the control of governments that's why you would be proud of central government jobs. But anyone outside of a 3rd world country would realize that wealth is not built depending on the government let alone the Hindu government.
Listen stupid, I am myself a Muslim and I was explaining their intentions only.
Even in 2005 Sacchar commission said 'muslims economic condition is equal to Schedule Tribals,who lives in jungles'.

Actually Hindutva was not started at that time but now u see India is changed a lot in the decade now mostly they are Proud Hindus.

That is a sad state of affairs. Muslims as a minority should not rely on the government for their livelihood. Minorities have one advantage over the majority and that is their identity. Indian Muslims don't have any leadership or identity because they want to assimilate with Hindus. If Hindus could help others, they would first help Dalits as a whole and lift them out of poverty. I mean talk about essential workers.... Sadly Islam was sold out in India by the religious class when they decided to cooperate with Hindus and do the bhai-bhai shit. Now their homes are being burned and the helper hindus are on the sideline throwing gas on the fire.

200 million Muslims and only 1 Muslim majority "state". Indian Muslims should be ashamed..

Look at any country with a successful minority class.. They do not rely on the government for jobs and help.

Actually VHP and Bajarangal guys do these conversions (They call it as Gharwapsi) but now some muslims are voluntarily converting,may be in one or two years it become mass movement across India.

btw most Indian muslims mostly look/behave/follow Hindu customs ....Am not a religious person but my muslim friends knew Mahabharat and Ramayan more than me.

Arya Samaj does most of the conversions and largely it is for people who were.promised money and.jobs after conversion and given nothing. Indian Muslim poor who don't come from a solid muslim caste biraderi are always susceptible to conversion.
lol, It may be a comment on literacy rates and educational attainment but Muslims still have more wealth than SC/STs.

Listen stupid, I am myself a Muslim and I was explaining their intentions only.

Stupid or not, It doesn't say on your forehead that you are Muslim. You are an Indian Muslim which is worst than an Indian Hindu. You guys are rats and stand by while other Muslims are getting killed. Now you are getting killed so people should show you sympathy. Do bhai-bhai shit and get raped every day while you beg for government jobs.
That is a sad state of affairs. Muslims as a minority should not rely on the government for their livelihood. Minorities have one advantage over the majority and that is their identity. Indian Muslims don't have any leadership or identity because they want to assimilate with Hindus. If Hindus could help others, they would first help Dalits as a whole and lift them out of poverty. I mean talk about essential workers.... Sadly Islam was sold out in India by the religious class when they decided to cooperate with Hindus and do the bhai-bhai shit. Now their homes are being burned and the helper hindus are on the sideline throwing gas on the fire.

200 million Muslims and only 1 Muslim majority "state". Indian Muslims should be ashamed..

Look at any country with a successful minority class.. They do not rely on the government for jobs and help.


Sikhs,Jains,Parsis,Buddhists(not new converts) and Christians (All are below 2%, real minority) are filthy rich and well educated in India (better than Hindus).
Am talking about 2005 during Congress tenure and now the situation is lot worse u must know most puncutrewalas,mechanics and butchers in India right now are....!!
33% Urban Hindus are "self-employed", so are 50% of Urban Muslims. Yup, a little more worse but not like you portray.
Hinduism is not even remotely look like a Religion (One big daddy controls everything etc), it is more like Culture or way of life of Indian subcontinent so by default all are Hindus(RSS definition).
Shakha crap.

Stupid or not, It doesn't say on your forehead that you are Muslim. You are an Indian Muslim which is worst than an Indian Hindu. You guys are rats and stand by while other Muslims are getting killed. Now you are getting killed so people should show you sympathy. Do bhai-bhai shit and get raped every day while you beg for government jobs.
lol, you can FO.

Sikhs,Jains,Parsis,Buddhists(not new converts) and Christians (All are below 2% real minority) are filth rich and well educated in India(better than Hindus).

You don't understand the point. Since when did Parsis and Jains cry about government jobs? Sikhs have a whole state that they control.. What do Indian Muslims have? I know when they have a cricket match they are the first ones to yell go india..
Stupid or not, It doesn't say on your forehead that you are Muslim. You are an Indian Muslim which is worst than an Indian Hindu. You guys are rats and stand by while other Muslims are getting killed. Now you are getting killed so people should show you sympathy. Do bhai-bhai shit and get raped every day while you beg for government jobs.

Seriously? Your parents sure have raised some wonderful kids who call other Muslims as "rats".
33% Urban Hindus are "self-employed", so are 50% of Urban Muslims. Yup, a little more worse but not like you portray.

Shakha crap.

lol, you can FO.

And We did FO, Our forefathers had the insight to FO and yours should have done the same my man.. My grandfather FOed from Gurdaspur to Sekupura for this reason. His Hindu buddies were telling him to stay and that they would help and protect him. But at the end of the day, a kafir is a kafir and they cannot and will not help you.
You don't understand the point. Since when did Parsis and Jains cry about government jobs? Sikhs have a whole state that they control.. What do Indian Muslims have? I know when they have a cricket match they are the first ones to yell go india..

Indian Muslims have the pleasure of getting abused from all sides.

And We did FO, Our forefathers had the insight to FO and yours should have done the same my man.. My grandfather FOed from Gurdaspur to Sekupura for this reason. His Hindu buddies were telling him to stay and that they would help and protect him. But at the end of the day, a kafir is a kafir and they cannot and will not help you.

Says the person who happily sits in the land of Kafirs and waxes eloquence on why others should not live among Kafirs.
Seriously? Your parents sure have raised some wonderful kids who call other Muslims as "rats".

My parents did what they could and I filled in the rest. What else should we call the Indian Muslims?

Indian Muslims have the pleasure of getting abused from all sides.

lol. You will get abused if you are divided and have leadership like owasi..

Indian Muslims have the pleasure of getting abused from all sides.

Says the person who happily sits in the land of Kafirs and waxes eloquence on why others should not live among Kafirs.

I live in the land of kafirs but I never relied on a kafir to give me anything. And you need to recheck your demographical data on the United States.
There are a lot of Muslim organizations, and individual Muslims engaged in teaching Islam, in areas where "nominal" Muslims exist. I am familiar with several organizations in my area.
Can you kindly DM me?

These people were not converted from Hinduism by force or religious teaching but they themselves got converted because they want some economical gain from Muslim rulers....Look at their names even today they use Hindu names....and now they see powerful Hindu regime so they decided to reconvert back to Hinduism to have some gains....

These very poor people have no religion but a fight to stay alive under changing religious regimes....

Feel pity for their poverty....

In Islam there is saying that "It is near that poverty takes you paganism"....
@AfrazulMandal @Joe Shearer
I understand that and do not judge them, at all.

But this is a concern since there are many like them and these cases will increase when the NRC is started.
My parents did what they could and I filled in the rest. What else should we call the Indian Muslims?

lol. You will get abused if you are divided and have leadership like owasi..

I live in the land of kafirs but I never relied on a kafir to give me anything. And you need to recheck your demographical data on the United States.

Yaar....Indian Muslims are terrible people, and you indeed are the epitome of civilization. I wonder why you are wasting your time with such terrible people?

As far as "never relied on a kafir to give me anything"...your entry in the US was due to laws written by kafirs. It was not Muhammedan law that got you there.
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