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Happy Independence Day Pakistan, Defence.pk turns 6!

Pakistan National Anthem Record Event successful. 5857 patriots showed up and sang the anthem with high spirits.
Many many happy returns to pakistan on its birthday. I wish you have a peaceful and prosperous journey ahead and may your sacrifices yield positive results. Always remember "there is no alternative to hard work if success is what you desire" and no short cuts. enjoy!!

this is also the day when india lost by an inning and 225 runs :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol:
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Google Pakistan is celebrating Pakistan’s independence day by featuring a Green Doodle with “L” being replaced with Minar-e-Pakistan and a moon along with stars.

This is the first time ever that Google has featured a doodle for any Pakistani event, and what better it could be than the independence day.

Pakistanis celebrate Independence Day on August 14th, with flag raising ceremonies, tributes to the national heroes and fireworks taking place throughout the country.

Pakistani internet users had reservations regarding the Google Doodles, as no Pakistani or Islamic event was featured so far on Google’s home page. But Google users from the region will defiantly be delighted with Google’s Green Doodle for their Independence Day.
Congrats to Pakistan and for being the BIGGER brother for india we have 24 hours earlier independence lol
The land I belong to,
The land I will die for,
The land that defines my identity.
This is my country &
Spread optimism
instead of Negativity
Live for nothing
Die for something…
Brave Pakistanis all!
By uniting we stand
by dividing we fall,
Jashne Azadi Mubarak.
Allah Bless our country


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Independence Day festivities in full swing

The nation will observe 65th Independence Day on August 14 with zeal and fervour.

This year the birthday of Pakistan will be celebrated in the holy month of Ramadan on Sunday, same as it rejoiced 64 years before.
The day would dawn with special prayers in the mosques for the unity, solidarity and prosperity of the country.The celebrations would begin with a 31-gun salute at the federal capital and 21-gun salute at all the provincial headquarters.
Quran Khawani would be held for the Shuhada-e-Pakistan movement for their eternal peace.
The markets are bustling with exited youngsters and happy senior citizens as the “air of freedom” indulges them with honour and pride and prepare for Independence Day celebrations, despite the current political and economical scenario of the country.
The flags would be hoisted on government and private installations. Seminars, competition of debate, essay writing, and tableaus and other programmes would be held in educational institutions in this regard.

Meanwhile, in the wake of security threats, special flag hoisting ceremony would not be held before Parliament House and Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani would hoist the flag at Convention Centre.
Services chiefs, federal ministers, important personalities, diplomats and prominent citizens would attend the ceremony.

Tributes would be paid to the national heroes by raising Flags and fireworks across the metropolis. Guards of honour will be presented at the graves of martyrs.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Independence Day festivities in full swing
How many hospitals or universities did we have in 1947? What was the poverty and literacy rate in 1947? How many urban cities did we have? What was our GDP back then? How many airports did we have back then?
And now fast forward to 2011. Thousands of universities and hospitals in Pakistan. Our Poverty rate is one of the lowest in South Asia, our literacy rate is low but compared to the 5% literacy rate back then its still not that bad. From being nothing but a vast land were now the most urbanized nation in South Asia. Our GDP has grown every year since 1951. Almost every city has an airport now.

From the snowy mountains in the North to the sandy deserts in the South we have it all. Go more South and you got the beautiful blue Arabian Sea. We Pakistanis are the same people that can fight through anything. A country which has seen a financial crisis, terrorism, natural disasters would probably collapse but us Pakistanis have held out heads high. Because no matter how hard you try to destroy us, we'll keep coming back. You beat us with fists, we'll come back with a bat. You beat us with a knife, we'll come back with a gun. And you beat us with a nuke, you better nuke us because we'll keep coming back and back until one of us is dead.

So please before saying we shouldn't be celebrating independence day and Pakistan hasn't done anything for us. Remember this what have you done for Pakistan?
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