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Happy Birthday, Quaid e Azam - Beloved Father of the Nation 2012

Happy Birthday of Quaid-e-Azam
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Father of the
Nation, Pakistan
Muhammad Ali Jinnah (December 25,
1876 - September 11, 1948) was a
Muslim lawyer, politician, statesman and
the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly
and officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-
e-Azam ("Great Leader") and Baba-e-
Qaum ("Father of the Nation").
“My message to you all is of hope,
courage and confidence. Let us mobilize
all our resources in a systematic and
organized way and tackle the grave
issues that confront us with grim
determination and discipline worthy of a
great nation.”
Message to the Nation October 24, 1947.
These are the golden words from Father
of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah, the one man, who led from the
front and gave us Pakistan.
On December 25, 1876, Karachi
witnessed an unusual Dawn, somewhere
near the winding streets, was Wazir
Mansion where Mithibai gave birth to a
son, an infant who later would make
news around the globe. After early
schooling form the same city, he went to
London to conquer hallmarks of law and
would return to Hindustan to work for
uplifting and salvation of the suffering
14th August, 1947 was the day when a
new map was drawn on the face of earth
and that of a land where Muslims and
other minority would like according to
their beliefs and customs with full
Quaid left us with a treasure of
quotations, principles and golden words,
which can help us, reshape our life for
betterment of self and fellows. So, as
the New Year unfolds, let’s us all resolve
to learn and work for a better and
prosperous Pakistan. This homeland is
Quaid’s trust in us, he has left his most
precious achievement in our hands, now
it is our duty to step forward and do the
needful, on all platform to keep the flag
fluttering high in skies.
Pakistan Paindabaad!
the day is to remember his vision for Pakistan.
Happy birthday

the boss !!
I read somewhere :Few man can destroy a nation , fewer still can create a nation. Jinnah did both in one life time.

Please don't attempt to troll or misquote... The actual quote is:
Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three
- By Stanley Wolpert.
ومِ ولادتِ باباۓ قوم قائداعظم محمد علی جناح

یوں دی ہمیں آزادی کہ دنیا ہوئی حیران
اے قائداعظم تیر ا احسان ھے احسان
Happy Birthday Sir - I respect you and salute you as always for opposing communal politics in the then British India and later being a straight shooter instead of staying ambiguous - May your vision for Pakistan gets fulfilled.

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