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Happy birthday joekrish

When people start getting older they do start behaving like kids. :lol: and I did see that side of you on the beach. :D 

You devil. 
Thank-you @[Bregs] and @Alpha1
That was me regressing back only 12 yrs to when i was 9:) :lol: 
@joekrish, Many Many happy returns of the day. BTW you are in twenties, thirties or forties + or in single digit?
We are both in our late thirties mate:)
So you are in your late 40s? and here i thought i was the oldest one here:)

@Flamingo you cant call me dadu any more , solar is the new dadu of the forum:D

Well, according to scientists youthful age starts from sixties.....men mature after sixties...:azn:, so Relax...
happy birthday my dear friend.

btw,are tamilians still hatching that plan to take over us north indians?? :fie: :D

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