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Happy Bengali New Year

Happy New Year to Bengali Hindus

if that is the case, then Bengal is predominantly supposed to be alien (aka Muslim) culture. and most people are aliens or "contaminated" with alien blood. what is alien to you is (Muslim) Bengali to me.

according to you, Muslims were never "pure Bengali" and according to us, although you were once part of a Muslim state, you were a different type of Bengali that stayed away from all civilization and culture brought by settler Muslims from the West from within and outside the subcontinent

i am well oriented on both Nazr ul Islam geeti as well as Rabindra sangeet.
You are wrong. Bengali Indian muslims are (till now) the most liberal Muslims in all India. Personal experience :smitten: Most of the trouble makers or those who reject bengali culture - are mostly Biharis.

As for Nazrul Geeti - do listen to his Shyama sangeets as well... again personal connection :smitten:

Pagal hai kya?? :angry: We are just making them understand the fact that we are the only real Bengalis, and they are just Bangladeshis. :enjoy:
They have still not succeeded entirely in shedding Bengali-ism. But I hope sincerely they do in the next couple of decades. It gives clarity, the muddy water gets settled.
Pagal hai kya?? :angry: We are just making them understand the fact that we are the only real Bengalis, and they are just Bangladeshis. :enjoy:

I knew you are a hater of Muslim Bengalis and Bangladesh. :mad:

West Bengal is a small land compared to Bangladesh (East Bengal). Most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. You don't even celebrate Pohela Boishakh that grandly because you don't care much. We care our Bengali heritage, language, culture everything. World knows Bengal because of Bangladesh and they know there is a language called Bangla for which Bangladeshis gave blood in 1952 and to remember great sacrifice whole world including Pakistan observe Mother Language Day on 21st February.
I knew you are a hater of Muslim Bengalis. :mad:

West Bengal is a small land compared to Bangladesh (East Bengal). Most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. You don't even celebrate Pohela Boishakh that grandly because you don't care much. We care our Bengali heritage, language, culture everything. World knows Bengal because of Bangladesh and they know there is a language called Bangla for which Bangladeshis gave blood in 1952 and to remember great sacrifice whole world including Pakistan observe Mother Language Day on 21st February.
May be till now you are not a minority but going to be. Bengali nationalism will no longer be supported by most Bangladeshis. Support for Hindu-like festivals will go. Matter of time.
I knew you are a hater of Muslim Bengalis and Bangladesh. :mad:

Didn't I write "Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali, and those Muslims who share similar kind of tolerant & liberal outlook are also Bengalis"?? :o::o: I just hate a particular kind of them, and they are not Bengalis, and Bangladesh belongs to that particular kind of them only, you may be a Bengali, but then you are a misfit among real Bangladeshis. :D

West Bengal is a small land compared to Bangladesh (East Bengal). Most Bengalis live in Bangladesh. You don't even celebrate Pohela Boishakh that grandly because you don't care much. We care our Bengali heritage, language, culture everything. World knows Bengal because of Bangladesh and they know there is a language called Bangla for which Bangladeshis gave blood in 1952 and to remember great sacrifice whole world including Pakistan observe Mother Language Day on 21st February.

Those who live in Bangladesh are all Bangladeshis and only a handful of them are still Bengalis. This Poila Boisakh and all are just a desperate attempt by the handful of Bengalis to retain their Bangaliyana among the ever growing number of Bangladeshis, but they will fail eventually and all these Bengali culture & literature, even language with stinking Hindu odour will make way for the superior culture from Arabia. :D

We might want to rescue you to West Bengal if you still want to remain a Bengali, let me check, @SarthakGanguly should we rescue those handful of Bengalis from Bangladesh? :)
Didn't I write "Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali, and those Muslims who share similar kind of tolerant & liberal outlook are also Bengalis"?? :o::o: I just hate a particular kind of them, and they are not Bengalis, and Bangladesh belongs to that particular kind of them only, you may be a Bengali, but then you are a misfit among real Bangladeshis. :D

Those who live in Bangladesh are all Bangladeshis and only a handful of them are still Bengalis. This Poila Boisakh and all are just a desperate attempt by the handful of Bengalis to retain their Bangaliyana among the ever growing number of Bangladeshis, but they will fail eventually and all these Bengali culture & literature, even language with stinking Hindu odour will make way for the superior culture from Arabia. :D

We might want to rescue you to West Bengal if you still want to remain a Bengali, let me check, @SarthakGanguly should we rescue those handful of Bengalis from Bangladesh? :)
:D Saving stranded Bengali Bangladeshis? If they come as religious refugees, fearing persecution, I can't do anything but allow them in... otherwise..... let's see - now where did I keep the old dusty files of Shanti Bahini? :ashamed:

@BDforever - Sorry to increase your workload... can't seem to find those damn files... :hitwall:
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Kazi Nazrul Islam was a Bengali, and those Muslims who share similar kind of tolerant & liberal outlook are also Bengalis, but a part of undivided Bengal wouldn't become East Pakistan if people like Kazi Nazrul Islam were in majority or in control of affairs in that region, nor the Direct Action Day and subsequent religious persecution would have happened, and continue to happen till date. There you guys proved that you are not Bengalis but just East Pakistanis and subsequently Bangladeshis. What you now have in Bangladesh is not Bangaliyana but a dead skin of it on the corpse of the murdered Bengaliyana. You can also refer to my post no. 86 on that. :-)

Good thing is that now many of you want to discard even the dead corpse of Bangaliyana as you are too ashamed of its perceived Hinduness, that is a very good development that will end the farce and free us from the burden of sharing our Bengali identity with Bangladeshis. :-) Please embrace all civilization and culture brought by settler Muslims from the West from within and outside the subcontinent, whatever it may be, import some fresh high quality culture from Arabia if required, and spare our own inferior Bengali civilization & culture carefully preserved by us.......please. :)
the hatred the average Bengali Hindu holds for something non-Sanskrit is largely because of its hatred for North Indian culture. N. Indian culture which is more diverse and cosmopolitan than their purist Sanskrit-dominated "Bangaliyana". it is because of such narrow-mindedness that Bengali Hindus cannot stand Muslim culture (in Bengal) by trying to mock it with terms like "desert culture" and "alien" and "are you trying to be arab slaves?" and other BS. they know well that Islamic culture of Bengal is/had been perfectly naturalized and embedded. and attempts to call it "alien" is plain stupidity and ignorant.

Bengali Hindus essentially want to turn back the clock to a time before Muslims settled or converted to form their community in Bengal especially. this is following the same mindset from the 200 years colonial period when a Brahmin-Hindu class achieved wealth and power all over Bengal. they attempted exactly that i.e. to turn back the clock, re-establish a dominance of Hindu culture by imposing it on Bengal Muslims.

yes Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam came from a different environment that was Hindu-majority. he probably did not directly champion the cause of a separated and protected Muslim region around 1900 and in 1947. but the circumstances i.e. the Hindu cultural and socioeconomic domination under which Muslims lived pre-1947, was an experience all Muslims went through including Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam. those circumstances are the basis why a Muslim region and a secular-Hindu region had to be separated. and by officially becoming a part of Bangladesh later in his life, Nazr ul Islam attested to the Muslim national identity

@aazidane @Al-zakir @kalu_miah @Md Akmal what do you think?
the hatred the average Bengali Hindu holds for something non-Sanskrit is largely because of its hatred for North Indian culture. N. Indian culture which is more diverse and cosmopolitan than their purist Sanskrit-dominated "Bangaliyana". it is because of such narrow-mindedness that Bengali Hindus cannot stand Muslim culture (in Bengal) by trying to mock it with terms like "desert culture" and "alien" and "are you trying to be arab slaves?" and other BS. they know well that Islamic culture of Bengal is/had been perfectly naturalized and embedded. and attempts to call it "alien" is plain stupidity and ignorant.

Bengali Hindus essentially want to turn back the clock to a time before Muslims settled or converted to form their community in Bengal especially. this is following the same mindset from the 200 years colonial period when a Brahmin-Hindu class achieved wealth and power all over Bengal. they attempted exactly that i.e. to turn back the clock, re-establish a dominance of Hindu culture by imposing it on Bengal Muslims.

yes Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam came from a different environment that was Hindu-majority. he probably did not directly champion the cause of a separated and protected Muslim region around 1900 and in 1947. but the circumstances i.e. the Hindu cultural and socioeconomic domination under which Muslims lived pre-1947, was an experience all Muslims went through including Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam. those circumstances are the basis why a Muslim region and a secular-Hindu region had to be separated. and by officially becoming a part of Bangladesh later in his life, Nazr ul Islam attested to the Muslim national identity

@aazidane @Al-zakir @kalu_miah @Md Akmal what do you think?

I think pohela boishakh as a national holiday should be abolished and the day of Khilji conquest of Bengal should be celebrated.
I think pohela boishakh as a national holiday should be abolished and the day of Khilji conquest of Bengal should be celebrated.

Exactly that is what I am saying, Poila Boishakh is a Bengali culture that only Bengalis should celebrate, Khilji is a good idea. :tup:
Pehla Boishakh is pagan and Hindu culture. only Muslim culture should be Bengali culture. on a serious note I like @aazidane's proposition to commemorate Bakhtiyar Khilji

Poila Boishakh is a Bengali culture and shouldn't be celebrated in Bangladesh, Muslim culture should be Bangladeshi culture, Khilji is good, Bangladesh should celebrate that and spare our culture.
May be till now you are not a minority but going to be. Bengali nationalism will no longer be supported by most Bangladeshis. Support for Hindu-like festivals will go. Matter of time.

U really think people even understand bengali nationalism?:D Its a dead ideology only spouted by awami maggots with no historical, political or practical basis. Hell not even the current constitution recognizes bengali nationalism. Its Bangladeshi nationalism coined by President Zia that forms basis of BD's identity to this day. When u guys hand over WB to BD then we can talk abt this bengali nationalism or what ever u call it. Btw u seriously think that @imbengali guy is a Bangladeshi? :rofl:

True nationalist Bangladeshis like @khair_ctg along with the nationalist parties and organizations like BNP, Jamat, Hefajot, etc. will ensure that we the people of West Bengal will remain the only Bengalis on this planet. :-)

Our perception of bengaliness naturally differs from yours. We have our own unique culture that naturally differs from yours. U r pagans and we are not. The only thing i see here is u Indians trying desperately to relate to us while we don't want anything to do with WB in the least bit. Can't u get this simple notion? Some nutcases rallying in the streets of Dhaka doesn't represent a country of 160 mn. BD is a typical muslim state with its fair share of islamophobic scums. I thought u guys got that answer back in 1947.
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Our perception of bengaliness naturally differs from yours. We have our own unique culture that naturally differs from yours. U r pagans and we are not. The only thing i see here is u Indians trying desperately to relate to us while we don't want anything to do with WB in the least bit. Can't u get this simple notion? Some nutcases rallying in the streets of Dhaka doesn't represent a country of 160 mn. BD is a typical muslim state with its fair share of islamophobic scums. I thought u guys got that answer back in 1947.

Yep, we don't want anything to do with BD and that's why you guys were cut off from the main land back in 1947, now stay there and cut the Bengali culture crap.
U really think people even understand bengali nationalism?:D Its a dead ideology only spouted by awami maggots with no historical, political or practical basis. Hell not even the current constitution recognizes bengali nationalism. Its Bangladeshi nationalism coined by President Zia that forms basis of BD's identity to this day. When u guys hand over WB to BD then we can talk abt this bengali nationalism or what ever u call it. Btw u seriously think that @imbengali guy is a Bangladeshi? :rofl:

Our perception of bengaliness naturally differs from yours. We have our own unique culture that naturally differs from yours. U r pagans and we are not.
True. You are Bangladeshis. That is my point as well. I care not what you impose upon yourself. I give a damn if you declare an Arab Islamiyyah Jumhuriat. I don't have any such interest - as long as all of your 'non-pagan' illegals remain in your state.
the hatred the average Bengali Hindu holds for something non-Sanskrit is largely because of its hatred for North Indian culture. N. Indian culture which is more diverse and cosmopolitan than their purist Sanskrit-dominated "Bangaliyana". it is because of such narrow-mindedness that Bengali Hindus cannot stand Muslim culture (in Bengal) by trying to mock it with terms like "desert culture" and "alien" and "are you trying to be arab slaves?" and other BS. they know well that Islamic culture of Bengal is/had been perfectly naturalized and embedded. and attempts to call it "alien" is plain stupidity and ignorant.

Bengali Hindus essentially want to turn back the clock to a time before Muslims settled or converted to form their community in Bengal especially. this is following the same mindset from the 200 years colonial period when a Brahmin-Hindu class achieved wealth and power all over Bengal. they attempted exactly that i.e. to turn back the clock, re-establish a dominance of Hindu culture by imposing it on Bengal Muslims.

yes Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam came from a different environment that was Hindu-majority. he probably did not directly champion the cause of a separated and protected Muslim region around 1900 and in 1947. but the circumstances i.e. the Hindu cultural and socioeconomic domination under which Muslims lived pre-1947, was an experience all Muslims went through including Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam. those circumstances are the basis why a Muslim region and a secular-Hindu region had to be separated. and by officially becoming a part of Bangladesh later in his life, Nazr ul Islam attested to the Muslim national identity

@aazidane @Al-zakir @kalu_miah @Md Akmal what do you think?

This is their dream of a Bangaliyana or Bangalitto that was before the conquest of Bengal by Bakhtyar Khilji. As far as I can recall the Brahmins of Bengal hated the vernacular Bangla language and were bent on trying to impose Sanskrit on the hapless people of Bengal. The Muslim immigrants saved the people from this Sanskrit onslaught for 500 years and patronized the vernacular Bangla. But the descendant of these Brahmins went right back to work under the English professors at Fort William, Vidyasagar et al, to reintroduce Sanskrit words in Bengali again. From Khariboli came Urdu and from Urdu came Hindi, cutting off the foreign words and replacing them with Sanskrit words (a dead language from the past). The same process happened with Bangla, but a lot earlier in Fort William college under British patronage, as I indicated in another thread. By now the old Musalman Bangla is lost, and what remains is the Sanskritized Hinduized skeleton.

What Bangladesh Muslims need to do is throw out the imposition of Kolkata Bengali renaissance sanskritization and focus on and rediscover their past history of 500 years of Muslim ruling periods, from Khilji to Shirajuddaula. Tagore is not our hero, he is a scion of a long line of these Sanskritizors starting from Vidyasagar.

You can read more here:
How Bengali language developed
Happy new year!! It is also the Sinhala and Tamil New year in Sri Lanka and in Thailand

P.S: House look ace!!.. :tup:

Hey gibbsy.

Good to know it was Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

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