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Happy Bengali New Year

Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam served well to Islamized Bangla language. He has incorporated Persian and Urdu literature in Bangla. This is the reason Awami maloon doesn't like him much. Kazi Nazr-ul is actually known in Iran.

We Bangladeshi Muslims no longer carry the Imani Jazba of our forefathers. We are destine to malooniyaat due to our failure to preserved our Islamic heritage after the fall of East Pakistan. Inclusion of Pakistan federation was best thing happened to us after the fall of Siraj-ud-Daulah. We lost our chance revived our old glory. We are screwed for good.

Bakhtiyar Khilji, khan Jahan Ali, Hazrat Shah Jalal, Zia-ur-Raman and other Islamic warriors probably turning in their grave with extreme pain whereas Gore Govinda probably smiling with whole teeth out.

By the way, we don't celebrate this pagan mushrik mela. This for Awami and maloon minded Bengalis.

focus on and rediscover their past history of 500 years of Muslim ruling periods, from Khilji to Shirajuddaula.

Farsi/Urdu was official language and they were Persian. I think much water has passed on river Boori Ganj. We lost our chance with United Pakistan.
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I would welcome Khilji's birthday or day of conquest of the Lakkhana Sena's palace in Nodia as a national holiday. But you guys should remember that Bengali calender was introduced by Akbar:
Bengali Calendar was introduced by Emperor Akbar to ease tax collection
akbar was worse than an idol worshipper.
Akbar was sort of heretic. but still the Sanskrit-loving Brahmins would only despise him because Akbar was still a long away from the Sanskrit-only xenophobic mentality carried by Bengali Brahmins. only those Bengali Brahmins could have introduced such pagan event like the "Bengali New Year" where figures like Ravindranath Tagore would be celebrated.
Kazi Nazr-ul-Islam served well to Islamized Bangla language. He has incorporated Persian and Urdu literature in Bangla. This is the reason Awami maloon doesn't like him much. Kazi Nazr-ul is actually known in Iran.

We Bangladeshi Muslims no longer carry the Imani Jazba of our forefathers. We are destine to malooniyaat due to our failure to preserved our Islamic heritage after the fall of East Pakistan. Inclusion of Pakistan federation was best thing happened to us after the fall of Siraj-ud-Daulah. We lost our chance revived our old glory. We are screwed for good.

Bakhtiyar Khilji, khan Jahan Ali, Hazrat Shah Jalal, Zia-ur-Raman and other Islamic warriors probably turning in their grave with extreme pain whereas Gore Govinda probably smiling with whole teeth out.

By the way, we don't celebrate this pagan mushrik mela. This for Awami and maloon minded Bengalis.

Farsi/Urdu was official language and they were Persian. I think much water has passed on river Boori Ganj. We lost our chance with United Pakistan.

Breaking Pakistan was definitely a big mistake by former leaders of East Pakistan. Only now after 43 years, I see most educated Bangladeshi's realize what has happened in 1971. Bangladeshi's need more lessons, so may be a famine or two under Indian puppet Hasina's rule and Bangladesh turning into desert in lean season and a flooded area during monsoon on a wider scale will teach the common masses about what we are up against and what India is turning Bangladesh into.

But all is not lost, I believe there is hope if we can bring China in and offer our entire land as a Chinese base and strategic space.

As for Bangla calendar, we should drop this entire nonsense as we no longer need it for anything, we have English calendar and then there is Arabic calender both of which we need.

I was just pointing out the historic significance of this Akbar introduced system, in the Mughal granary and rice fields in Bengal. Of course the low lives have taken it and turned into a Hinduized and Tagorized festival, which was not the intent of Akbar.

Without Akbar and Mughal rulers, there would not be a Muslim majority East Bengal and no Bangladesh and no Chittagong as part of Bangladesh. So regardless of his weird heretic experimentation, we must give him his due credit. East Bengal became majority Muslim because of clear cutting of forests and rice plantation projects by the Mughals, to turn this low lying area into the bread basket for their entire Hindustan empire. Anyone who does not know this history, should read this from beginning to end, we must make this as a mandatory text book for SSC or HSC students:
The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204–1760
14th April is the first day of Boishakh and first day of new year for Bengalis, Sinhalese, Tamilians, Punjabis, Nepalese, Bhutanese. You celebrate it a day later. :)
Masha Allah you have very beautiful house and happy new year brother. And by the way you might be a rich guy :D
What ever happened in past was history now we should look forward. Because we muslims who ever we r and what ever nationality we posses we basically are all one ummat. We have one Allah one hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and one holy Quran and one Kaaba.
And I'm sure that one day all muslims will unite and becomes one nation. AMEEN.
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