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Happy 20th Anniversary Tejas

Well don't you guys discredit Indian media stating the disinfo thingy
I highly doubt the Indian media would ever look in the mirror and say ugly....it always boxes above weight when it concerns home interests .... prime example of Cat's got the tongue on LAC while steaming from every hole when it concerns LOC.
Ofcourse by value, the indigenous content would be relatively low since engine, radar and avionics account for majority of the costs in any fighter jet which is bound to change with the upcoming developments. But hey, unlike y'all we don't get entire fuselages and every single component shipped from China
Suggest you dig out the article ''Sad Bad Tale of Tejas'' by some retired Indian Admiral,
And all hail to Justice Katju as only your kind will satisfy your self with such claims, maybe Pakistan can do a better job than China ....even for export customers.

I highly doubt the Indian media would ever look in the mirror and say ugly....it always boxes above weight when it concerns home interests .... prime example of Cat's got the tongue on LAC while steaming from every hole when it concerns LOC.

Suggest you dig out the article ''Sad Bad Tale of Tejas'' by some retired Indian Admiral,
And all hail to Justice Katju as only your kind will satisfy your self with such claims, maybe Pakistan can do a better job than China ....even for export customers.

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Lol...the exports have nothing to do with JF's pakistani content and a typical off-topic response which I expected from you

the aircraft itself and the concept is sound. it carries an impressive package and can be a good replacement for the Mig-21, to me it looks like the confused part was coming from the leadership and the politics. its upgraded version and its concept shared on the web reminds me of the movie called "Pentagon wars"! the story about the Bradly infantry fighting vehicle. the movie took a dig at the military leadership but maybe LCA suffered some setbacks from politicians as well.
actually its not..
pure delta without canards is the reason why Tejas is sitting there with IAF not wanting to take it
there are several videos on this design flaw

this was done to cut cost and simply because the fighter was too small, but still it was not a god idea

tejas should have looked like a gripen..

once they noticed this failure in 2005, they should have scrapped the project and instead either built the mk2(the new tejas) or just liscence build the gripen
Lol...the exports have nothing to do with JF's pakistani content and a typical off-topic response which I expected from you

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i wish it would have been f-17 but it is not
its "J"f-17

hence you will see that it will first fly in China not Pakistan, following detail testing and manufacturing, exports will obviously happen from Pakistan

this should be no surprise since this was decided in 1996
Least Conceivable Aircraft is as good as Rafale
Lol...the exports have nothing to do with JF's pakistani content and a typical off-topic response which I expected from you

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It's beyond your comprehension nature to accept that contrary to your gloating of everything being imported from China, most of the equipment is manufactured in PAC .....not just for own use but for exports.....something you can only dream of.
Well don't you guys discredit Indian media stating the disinfo thingy

Here's another article from the same Economic Times which states otherwise and is dated 4 days later to the one you posted

Indigenous content of Tejas 60% by value & 75.5% by numbers

https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/indigenous-content-of-tejas-59-7-by-value-75-5-by-numbers/articleshow/55498923.cms?from=mdr#:~:text=NEW DELHI: The government today,Tejas is of foreign origin.

Ofcourse by value, the indigenous content would be relatively low since engine, radar and avionics account for majority of the costs in any fighter jet which is bound to change with the upcoming developments. But hey, unlike y'all we don't get entire fuselages and every single component shipped from China
Well the saying goes "All is well that ends well". It really doesn't matter how indigenous it is when its end-users are pissed off. Not one, but both!

Ever heard of "a living donkey is better than a dead horse"?

In this case though, it is more like a "living horse is better than a dead donkey".

Now, it really depends on your wit who you take as the donkey and horse here!

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Only Idiots consider a unit with just two aircraft a squadron.

Tejas aircraft inducted in IAF's 'Flying Daggers' squadron today | Oneindia News

After years of delay homegrown fighter Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas is inducted in Indian Air Force today. Two aircraft have been inducted into the IAF squadron, known as the ‘Flying Daggers 45’ at a ceremony in Bengaluru.
Only morons don't know that flying daggers is flying with 16 tejas fighters.
It's beyond your comprehension nature to accept that contrary to your gloating of everything being imported from China, most of the equipment is manufactured in PAC .....not just for own use but for exports.....something you can only dream of.

Err not Correct

Its assembled in Pakistan
From Chinease kits

Where is block 3 being tested & built = YES = Chengdu China =Why = you have no test facilities or development manufacturing testing base

BUT YES = You service and assembly

As for dreaming

TRY building
300 dhruv helicopters
15 guided missles destroyers/frigates last 15 years ie Delhi Class , Kolkatta Class Vizag Class , Talwar class , Shivalk class

Try BUILDING nuke subs like Ardidhman Or Arihant

Or Try bulding an Aircraft carrier

Boasting assembling a chinease fighter is nothing
Paper plane that went dead on day 1 it was conceived.

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