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Handwara Encounter: CRPF inspector, policeman killed, five forces personnel injured

First, we have to make sure no bomb is planted in him.
Be safe, and be sure while doing that he doesn't rape you.

No sharing is better than edited VIDEO by DGISPR. and u agree this is edited version. why look bad.

oh this for uneducated masses propaganda video.

Why don't u ask DGISPR.
You have to have something to share.
I don't have any issue with it. You have issues go ahead ask your hero who disgraced his air force and nation and is being called a hero. :lol:
It's time to show world their class how we got their f16 down with a mig 21.

Wreck havoc.

Lmao keep living in Gangoo fantasy land. We humiliated you. We bombed multiple areas of your land and destroyed your aircraft. We held your pilot hostage and you couldn't do a damn thing about it. And the best part is, Kashmiri rebels have already resumed their activities.

You spectacularly failed. Try something else, we will hit back just as hard, if not even worse.

You were reporting "heavy activity" over Ambala few days ago, what happened to it? :D

Remember what DG ISPR said, that Pakistan will dominate the escalation ladder. and we have proven it in this first round. However, you are free to keep on trying your luck.
Losses are bound to happen.
Ambala has mig21
Modi and other Hindu Nationalists will pressure him to say how badly Pakistan treated him.

This whole episode has been a total disaster for Modi. Lost 2 Planes, pilot captured, no targets hit in Pakistan but an empty forest.
If you think you guys defeated soviets then you must be technologically superior but not even a moped engine you can make.
It's not what I think. The world knows what role we played in the Soviet-Afghan war.

America helped you in that war and now china.
Like Israel is helping you now as usual? :what:
Kidnap some Indian army personnel in cross-loc raids and then show them to the world that they had tried to cause mischief again. Change the narrative in our favor. This is our golden chance.
Dude we are winners we play it fair no dirty games needed when they are showing they are transgressors!
Yep it was Pakistan

Balls of steel, thats what we have

We are ruthless when it comes to our strategic interests
War is not won by bravery
War is one by technology
Otherwise your country stance would have been different they know they cant handle it.
Better celebrate this small victory and save face.
The world saw our hospitality and kindness...now they will see our wrath!
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