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Hamza Shebaz leaving country today.

Who wants luxury hospital? Are you on the topic or even reading what you are arguing against? Isn't the whole point of discussion why Royal Family is leaving the country in the name of treatment when they themselves produced a health-system for others which is un-usable? They are flying away in the name of health, and flying away from where? from their home? Did they even belong here? They are rich, be that for their own good but make use of that richness and produce something like Agha Khan and use it. Do they call this country their home?

Anybody who has money can go and live in Switzerland but they cannot be our leaders for 25 years and still fly-away for basic health and the reason being their produced hospitals are $hitty. I am wondering are you even aware what you are confronting.. it is betterment for the COUNTRY and ENTIRE population of COUNTRY and QUESTIONING leaders when they are f*ing losers.

EVEN WITH CAPS you are not getting the basic sense of argument. I am wondering if using colors would help?


Let me help you with another basic example.

You hire me, pay me and keep me employed for 25 years to produce a medicine of a disease, lets say medicine of dengue fever and I keep researching and keep producing medicine for you and your beloved family = but after 25 years of service and living on your money, when I suffer from dengue fever, I buy some one else's medicine claiming that what I produced is unreliable. Do you see how lame this argument would be and will you not want to question my 25 years of service and mountain of money you spent on me?

This is what this $hitty family is telling us they are doing, but for the fact we know they are running away as countrymen are questioning them for their 25 years of service. GOT THE POINT YET?
Luxury hospital = World class hospitals.
Don't tell me about topic, you're taking it off topic. I was talking about Musharaf and Hamza mother and here you brought your potian agenda.

Caps = Child yelling. Do you hush them or listen to them?
Luxury hospital = World class hospitals.
Don't tell me about topic, you're taking it off topic. I was talking about Musharaf and Hamza mother and here you brought your potian agenda.

Caps = Child yelling. Do you hush them or listen to them?

Again a stupid point.. Luxury = World Class? For real? Is Alshifa Eye Hospital a luxury hospital? Is Shoukat Khanam a luxury hospital? These hospitals are equipped with needful equipment meant to perform most treatments. Until unless Queen in Pakistan is suffering from a disease only found in America and this is where its treatment exists, she in the definition of democracy cannot leave her country. Rich argument is valid as long as you don't take responsibility of Nation and when you do, you are only an equal not superior. Does that make half sense? Am I talking to somebody who has sensibility to understand basics of democracy?

First lady is not the most valued lady, she is just first among equal. Does that make sense?
can anyone confirm this?

I read that he is leaving country in the name of taking his mother for medical treatment abroad.. why dont he just take her to some public hospital or their own hospital ?

A guy collected donations from across the world and made a hospital out of it and you guys adore him. He JUST did it because he'd made a commitment to himself due to his mother. Another guy is taking his mother to wherever he believes the best hospital may exist....and you have a problem with that? Do you guys have any shame left or is PTI all a bunch of lying fools living off of false hopes and propaganda?

Again a stupid point.. Luxury = World Class? For real? Is Alshifa Eye Hospital a luxury hospital? Is Shoukat Khanam a luxury hospital? These hospitals are equipped with needful equipment meant to perform most treatments. Until unless Queen in Pakistan is suffering from a disease only found in America and this is where its treatment exists, she in the definition of democracy cannot leave her country.

This is an idiotic statement. Let me know when someone from your family goes through a serious illness and you'd keep them in Pakistan, when you can afford to get the best treatment. "Needed equipment" in a hospital isn't the "Best Healthcare" that you can get. Pakistan is still about a few years behind India in medicine and India is a few years behind the West. You know that but you'd just act stupid about it. Sad to see when politics interfere between people's lives, death, sickness and well being. You should be ashamed of yourself
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A guy collected donations from across the world and made a hospital out of it and you guys adore him. He JUST did it because he'd made a commitment to himself due to his mother. Another guy is taking his mother to wherever he believes the best hospital may exist....and you have a problem with that? Do you guys have any shame left or is PTI all a bunch of lying fools living off of false hopes and propaganda?

This is an idiotic statement. Let me know when someone from your family goes through a serious illness and you'd keep them in Pakistan, when you can afford to get the best treatment. "Needed equipment" in a hospital isn't the "Best Healthcare" that you can get. Pakistan is still about a few years behind India in medicine and India is a few years behind the West. You know that but you'd just act stupid about it. Sad to see when politics interfere between people's lives, death, sickness and well being. You should be ashamed of yourself

@orangzaib, take it easy and mind these shame-ashamed words next time you speak - your argument is valued but anger is not!

On the topic, you take responsibility to provide health, security and well-being to 20,00,00,000 people in the country and after 25 years of money sucking and demanding respect, your own performance is that you had to fly out of the country because you were sick? Today Prince Shahbaz claims he made Danish Schools and their quality would be told when he himself makes his/her kids go there. YES OR NO?

Why do you think Shahbaz or his wife cannot get treatment in Pakistan.. because they are rich? I have no objection if Mian Mansha or any Industrialist flies out of country to get a pill of Panadol but when the person and family who ruled the country like Kings does that on the excuse of being rich, that is reflection of their pathetic governance.

Pakistanis are not sentenced to be ruled by these cheats.. if they cannot deliver their promise as a leader, they better stay rich and stay anywhere they want - but as a leader, they have to be equal among equals. This "you are rich" argument doesn't' free you from your responsibilities and cannot hide the failure that you've been.

And to show you an example, Indian PM had his heart surgery done in India.. that is what a leader would've done. What would be your justification of this event.. that Indian PM got his heart surgery in India because he couldn't afford treatment abroad?
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@orangzaib, take it easy and mind these shame-ashamed words next time you speak - your argument is valued but anger is not!

Yo, listen, I don't know what you didn't get but stupidity is stupidity. You are further writing paragraphs that have additional stupidity. I could care less about what you can tell me, but I will keep telling you that playing with 200 million people's lives and with a running system is the ultimate stupidity and whoever does that, he should be tried for treason.
If someone takes his mother to China or the US, you and I have no reason to get involved in it. It's between a mother and her son. Whether corrupt or not, we have NO business judging a mother-son relationship.
By writing these supportive posts, you've further shown me how inhumane and barbaric IK's people and followers are. You don't need to respond to me as your post is probably the worst third class post I could see and didn't read all the way. Politics don't come in between a mother-child relationship. Keep your bullsh*it to yourself. I don't even have words to show you how inhumane you guys sound criticizing a women and her son's relationship. Whatever happened to the peaceful Islam you guys follow? I thought it had a lot of focus on mother and her children? May want to re-read your own basis before spitting crap out.
Yo, listen, I don't know what you didn't get but stupidity is stupidity. You are further writing paragraphs that have additional stupidity. I could care less about what you can tell me, but I will keep telling you that playing with 200 million people's lives and with a running system is the ultimate stupidity and whoever does that, he should be tried for treason.
If someone takes his mother to China or the US, you and I have no reason to get involved in it. It's between a mother and her son. Whether corrupt or not, we have NO business judging a mother-son relationship.
By writing these supportive posts, you've further shown me how inhumane and barbaric IK's people and followers are. You don't need to respond to me as your post is probably the worst third class post I could see and didn't read all the way. Politics don't come in between a mother-child relationship. Keep your bullsh*it to yourself. I don't even have words to show you how inhumane you guys sound criticizing a women and her son's relationship. Whatever happened to the peaceful Islam you guys follow? I thought it had a lot of focus on mother and her children? May want to re-read your own basis before spitting crap out.

Wait a minute.. I wouldn't let you escape by twisting the argument. There is no mother-son relationship under discussion. it is politicians being a failure and showing this failure. Every sick person is a relation to one or the other and this "mother child" story is not relevant to the point.

And READ the post before you reply.. if you cannot.. go and throw your anger over a mirror.
I have seen you discussing the forum posts by replying to every paragraph.. would you go ahead and prove where I have been stupid?
Wait a minute.. I wouldn't let you escape by twisting the argument. There is no mother-son relationship under discussion. it is politicians being a failure and showing this failure. Every sick person is a relation to one or the other and this "mother child" story is not relevant to the point.
And READ the post before you reply.. if you cannot.. go and throw your anger over a mirror. I have seen you discussing the forum posts by replying to every paragraph.. would you go ahead and prove where I have been stupid?

Read the above posts again and the thread. Here's the thread's name in case you are too busy toppling the government and supporting your extremist brethren: "Hamza Shebaz leaving country today." and he's leaving to take his mother for what he thinks better healthcare"
Like I said, its sad to see people like you sitting in Australia, UK, Canda and elsewhere. Making money, enjoying their democratic system while supporting version of terrorism in your own homeland where innocents are getting killed. There are almost a million people displaced due to the military's operations against the terrorists. How come IK doesn't change this march into fund raising or supporting these displaced people and do something good?
Wait, let's not do something good. Let's do violent marches where innocents will get killed and some idiot may get power greed fulfilled. And, let's criticize a politicians son as to why he's taking his sick mother out to where he thinks she'll get better treatment. And also, let's support interfering a mother-child loving relationship just to score political points. Sad!
Read the above posts again and the thread. Here's the thread's name in case you are too busy toppling the government and supporting your extremist brethren: "Hamza Shebaz leaving country today." and he's leaving to take his mother for what he thinks better healthcare"
Like I said, its sad to see people like you sitting in Australia, UK, Canda and elsewhere. Making money, enjoying their democratic system while supporting version of terrorism in your own homeland where innocents are getting killed. There are almost a million people displaced due to the military's operations against the terrorists. How come IK doesn't change this march into fund raising or supporting these displaced people and do something good?
Wait, let's not do something good. Let's do violent marches where innocents will get killed and some idiot may get power greed fulfilled. And, let's criticize a politicians son as to why he's taking his sick mother out to where he thinks she'll get better treatment. And also, let's support interfering a mother-child loving relationship just to score political points. Sad!

You missed the topic by an entire zip-code Mr. Logical

"Hamza Shebaz leaving country today." and he's leaving to take his mother for what he thinks better healthcare.

So even the family thinks system in Pakistan is not "good enough" where mother of defacto CM (Hamza) and wife if declared CM (Shabaz) had to fly to a health care system which in their opinion was better. What does that make the system which they have developed themselves... Inferior or unreliable? Is it hard to comprehend?

You didn't dare dissecting my post didn't you? Obviously you have anger in you for political reasons and will easily miss a valid and logical point made against politicians. You keep calling me stupid, idiotic and all those bad words your education has given you but you fail to make a simple point and in the previous post you jumped to "mother son" and in this post you jumped to everything but the point of discussion. I am clapping for you.

When your anger is cooled down, go and read my posts all over again. Hopefully you will find more wisdom in them than you could see now.

Politically.. we have our favorite party but meaning of favorite is its flaw-less party. What you could say is that I understand they are wrong but I am willing to tolerate them. May be you see they have strengths somewhere else but do not hesitate to acknowledge the weaknesses they possess and when you find weaknesses, tolerate them by acknowledging them or if you cannot tolerate, jump up and contribute to correct them. Defending wrong-doings doesn't make you right neither it corrects them.. instead it prohibits the opportunity where you would've brought improvement.

Please read.. this is not a point-scoring or anger-exhibiting post. It has substance with which you are more likely to agree than not.
You missed the topic by an entire zip-code Mr. Logical

"Hamza Shebaz leaving country today." and he's leaving to take his mother for what he thinks better healthcare.

So even the family thinks system in Pakistan is not "good enough" where mother of defacto CM (Hamza) and wife if declared CM (Shabaz) had to fly to a health care system which in their opinion was better. What does that make the system which they have developed themselves... Inferior or unreliable? Is it hard to comprehend?

You didn't dare dissecting my post didn't you? Obviously you have anger in you for political reasons and will easily miss a valid and logical point made against politicians.

You are back at it again. And yes, I am super pissed off at you and others silly comments. Just because someone is in politics or not, doesn't mean they lose the right to do what they think is best for their family. Poeple like you are what show the world how close minded and extremist society Pakistan really has.
Your IK has kids living in the UK...why didn't he keep them in Pakistan if he thought life was so great there?
Why are YOU sitting in Australia??? Enjoying a non-violence, democratic-monarchy and its benefits while supporting your extremist friends in Pakistan? Shame on you as a human being. I am speaking to you as another human, not due to some political affiliation. And yes, it is very stupid if anyone is trying to prevent or criticizing any family from making a call to treat their mother or loved ones or relatives anywhere they want to,


When your anger is cooled down, go and read my posts all over again. Hopefully you will find more wisdom in them than you could see now.

Politically.. we have our favorite party but meaning of favorite is its flaw-less party. What you could say is that I understand they are wrong but I am willing to tolerate them. May be you see they have strengths somewhere else but do not hesitate to acknowledge the weaknesses they possess and when you find weaknesses, tolerate them by acknowledging them or if you cannot tolerate, jump up and contribute to correct them. Defending wrong-doings doesn't make you right neither it corrects them.. instead it prohibits the opportunity where you would've brought improvement.

Please read.. this is not a point-scoring or anger-exhibiting post. It has substance with which you are more likely to agree than not.

I am not angry. I am seeing you being a hypocrite like majority of you guys on here. Living in the UK, US, Australia and supporting violence and protests in Pakistan and "leaders" who have no idea what democracy is. You are living in Australia but complaining about someone taking their mother to a better place for treatment? Are you crazy? How about you leave Australia, go to Pakistan and show me records of anyone seriously ill in your family member who would be treated in Pakistan even if they had the means to go to Australia. THEN we can talk. Otherwise, its the same stupid mentality that's born out of IK's ethnic relationships and wants another ethnic group out of power while 200 million poor people suffer. People like you, show the Australians, the Americans and others how messed up Pakistan's culture is, just violent and extremism and nothing else! This argument right here is a basic example of it.
You are back at it again. And yes, I am super pissed off at you and others silly comments. Just because someone is in politics or not, doesn't mean they lose the right to do what they think is best for their family. Poeple like you are what show the world how close minded and extremist society Pakistan really has.
Your IK has kids living in the UK...why didn't he keep them in Pakistan if he thought life was so great there?
Why are YOU sitting in Australia??? Enjoying a non-violence, democratic-monarchy and its benefits while supporting your extremist friends in Pakistan? Shame on you as a human being. I am speaking to you as another human, not due to some political affiliation. And yes, it is very stupid if anyone is trying to prevent or criticizing any family from making a call to treat their mother or loved ones or relatives anywhere they want to,


Lets move on step-by-step

Just because someone is in politics or not, doesn't mean they lose the right to do what they think is best for their family. Poeple like you are what show the world how close minded and extremist society Pakistan really has.

1) Agree, everybody has right to think best for their family. No objections here - Now draw this line forward too and see what does that make ruling family? Yes a failure because they couldn't cook something which they could eat themselves. Do you agree?

Poeple like you are what show the world how close minded and extremist society Pakistan really has

2) I am questioning my rulers.. is questioning prohibited? Famiy-to-family relationship is respected the way it should be but politician to public relationship is brought to question. Would you not allow that?

Your IK has kids living in the UK...why didn't he keep them in Pakistan if he thought life was so great there.

No I don't support or defend this aspect that IK is here and his children are in UK. I would want them to be back in Pakistan, just as I want Nawaz and his children to be back in Pakistan.

I am not politically blind and I hope you too take your bias out. Simple.. can you do that.. or try doing that?

I am not angry. I am seeing you being a hypocrite like majority of you guys on here. 1) Living in the UK, US, Australia and supporting violence and protests in Pakistan and "leaders" who have no idea what democracy is. 2)You are living in Australia but complaining about someone taking their mother to a better place for treatment? Are you crazy? How about you leave Australia, go to Pakistan and show me records of anyone seriously ill in your family member who would be treated in Pakistan even if they had the means to go to Australia. THEN we can talk. Otherwise, its the same stupid mentality that's born out of IK's ethnic relationships and wants another ethnic group out of power while 200 million poor people suffer. People like you, show the Australians, the Americans and others how messed up Pakistan's culture is, just violent and extremism and nothing else! This argument right here is a basic example of it.

Blue part
1) You are reading the words which were not ever written. Who is supporting violence? Wake yourself up and show yourself my post and point on a single word which gives you a hint of I supporting violence?

2) No I have no objections if you could afford and go anywhere for treatment.. but if leader who was responsible to give me health goes out of country to receive health.. shame on this leader and shame of his leadership! Such proclaimed leader is a failure! If you take leadership out of equation, we are fine they flying out of country.

Dark Blue
3) You are not just out of context but out of topic here. This is your political opinion and I too have my political opinions and we both can be right or wrong. It is not helping our point of discussion as I can paint you as devilish as you trying to paint me but I am not here to waste your time. Hope you are some consideration about mine!
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Again a stupid point.. Luxury = World Class? For real? Is Alshifa Eye Hospital a luxury hospital? Is Shoukat Khanam a luxury hospital? These hospitals are equipped with needful equipment meant to perform most treatments. Until unless Queen in Pakistan is suffering from a disease only found in America and this is where its treatment exists, she in the definition of democracy cannot leave her country. Rich argument is valid as long as you don't take responsibility of Nation and when you do, you are only an equal not superior. Does that make half sense? Am I talking to somebody who has sensibility to understand basics of democracy?

First lady is not the most valued lady, she is just first among equal. Does that make sense?
You expect luxury hospital to have 5 star beds? What I mean by luxury hospital that it having pretty good stuff to treat patience.

Stop using caps and colors, you're coming off as a child.

And Hamza's mother is not first lady, your reading comprehension failed again. She is "first lady" of Punjab. And she is valued rightly. If she is not, then Imran should be valued as any typical person and should not take helicopter rides, use a bicycle or motorbike instead.
You expect luxury hospital to have 5 star beds? What I mean by luxury hospital that it having pretty good stuff to treat patience.

Stop using caps and colors, you're coming off as a child.

And Hamza's mother is not first lady, your reading comprehension failed again. She is "first lady" of Punjab. And she is valued rightly. If she is not, then Imran should be valued as any typical person and should not take helicopter rides, use a bicycle or motorbike instead.

Huh? how wise of you do you think you sound when you say Hamza's mother is not the first lady but she is first lady of Punjab! So what you mean is you were not referring to humans but humans of earth... Hilarious Stuff!

No one is denying first lady but first lady and his family (husband, son and brother in law) have been responsible for health of entire country for 25+ years. You only want to offer them respect (which I do too) but you are not ready to question their performance and failure that they had to rely on other services than the one thay made themselves. How good you would be at cooking when you cannot eat when you cook for others? Your argument that you are not eating your own food because you could afford to buy is insane. Being rich obviously you can get treated anywhere you like but politically.. it renders you a big time loser.

Learn from Indian PM and try to understand why he didn't had his bypass operation in UK. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&...=hF6znCT0jP96HNUwOqAXmQ&bvm=bv.72676100,d.dGc

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Huh? how wise of you do you think you sound when you say Hamza's mother is not the first lady but she is first lady of Punjab! So what you mean is you were not referring to humans but humans of earth... Hilarious Stuff!

No one is denying first lady but first lady and his family (husband, son and brother in law) have been responsible for health of entire country for 25+ years. You only want to offer them respect (which I do too) but you are not ready to question their performance and failure that they had to rely on other services than the one thay made themselves. How good you would be at cooking when you cannot eat when you cook for others? Your argument that you are not eating your own food because you could afford to buy is insane. Being rich obviously you can get treated anywhere you like but politically.. it renders you a big time loser.

Learn from Indian PM and try to understand why he didn't had his bypass operation in UK. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Indian_Premier_Manmohan_Singh_undergoes_heart_bypass;_Pranab_Mukherjee_takes_charge&ei=MPfmU-amIYXi8AWo5ID4Dg&usg=AFQjCNFxstBHVotcYBB13SUiuZ_jxTCFFw&sig2=hF6znCT0jP96HNUwOqAXmQ&bvm=bv.72676100,d.dGc
I'm done replying to you. You've no manners like PTI/PAT.

Caps, colors, bolds are too much of a headache to go through.
I'm done replying to you. You've no manners like PTI/PAT.

Caps, colors, bolds are too much of a headache to go through.

Sure mate.. I will let you go. In your wisdom, we cannot and shouldn't be questioning our leadership ever and I fundamentally disagree with this mindset. Enjoy being mentally concealed and intellectually enslaved.
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