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Hamza Shebaz leaving country today.

When you're a billionare, i hope you stay in Pakistan and trust the said hospitals.

oye listen, i live abroad and we leave all foreign hospital and come to pak for treatment, what u r talking about, wake up blind follower.
O really no Sir we don't respect corrupt morons who have destroyed Pakistan's systems if his father would have bothered to improve health services there would have been no need for Hamza to take her mother out

Why are you taking it so seriuosly? This is an excuse for running away.

This is 6th govt of PMLN in Punjab. If this is the real reason for going abroad, may we ask what exactly were the Sharifs doing in their 5 tenures if there isnt a decent hospital to go to in Punjab?

As for respect. Are we expected to respect people who use our money, abuse the system for personal gains?
No idea why we have to make an issue out of everything

Which politician does not go abroad for medical treatment? Being a member of parliament forbids them to travel abroad and die within the country or see their beloved ones dying in the country?

If its a legitimate reason I see no harm in it. Even my mom had a medical treatment from UK, Pakistan simply lacks a lot of medical facilities and I see no harm going abroad.
Please don't discuss internal politics of the country on this forum, grow up guys, you are making fun of your leaders in the eyes of spectators of the world including neighbors ------- perceived enemies
oye listen, i live abroad and we leave all foreign hospital and come to pak for treatment, what u r talking about, wake up blind follower.
Oi, you should seriously go to western hospital. I fear for your mental health. Perhaps it's because of going to Pakistani hospitals.

I live abroad in Canada. Best hospitals. Yet people go to US, and people from US go to Germany and so forth. Just because someone is born in Pakistan doesn't mean they should only go to Pakistani hospitals.

Also those who choose to go to Pakistani hospitals is to save money. Dental care is quite expensive, so some people from US will choose to have teeth taken out in Pakistan than pay thousands (which they use to pay for air fare)

Guy can't take his mother outside? Who can afford a better hospital? I think she's the 'first lady' for punjab, so she can go any hospital she wishes.

Show some respect.

show some respect? coming from a party which is stopping another person to visit his sick mother abroad and telling him to bring her to Pakistan? talk about being hypocrites :)
show some respect? coming from a party which is stopping another person to visit his sick mother abroad and telling him to bring her to Pakistan? talk about being hypocrites :)
Visiting sick mother???

Hahah. Do you know what Musharaf did when Nawaz father died? Pakistan said they'll book special ambualance service, but face it, musharaf wants to go out of country. Or are you too naive to understand that? Musharaf mother is free to go anywhere she wants.
Perhaps Musharaf should face trial instead of keep extending it if he wants to see his mother so badly and not in Pakistan.

Though I agree Musharraf should be let go, let's not add baseless arguments.
Visiting sick mother???

Hahah. Do you know what Musharaf did when Nawaz father died? Pakistan said they'll book special ambualance service, but face it, musharaf wants to go out of country. Or are you too naive to understand that? Musharaf mother is free to go anywhere she wants.
Perhaps Musharaf should face trial instead of keep extending it if he wants to see his mother so badly and not in Pakistan.

Though I agree Musharraf should be let go, let's not add baseless arguments.

If i am not wrong Saad Rafique or our law minister came on tv and offered Mush's mother to be brought to Pakistan because we have world class hospitals and if i ask why not Hamza takes his mother to the same world class hospitals i am being called naive?
If i am not wrong Saad Rafique or our law minister came on tv and offered Mush's mother to be brought to Pakistan because we have world class hospitals and if i ask why not Hamza takes his mother to the same world class hospitals i am being called naive?
Link to that?

Yes you're naive. Why would one go to Pakistan for treatment when they're in Dubai? Why did Malala go outside Pakistan? She should trust Pakistani doctors.

You heard it wrong. Musharaf only wants to meet his mother. So the gov't said they'll arrange ambulance.

How many people in the world who are being tried want to meet their mother? Why is Musharaf special, knowing he isn't going to come back to Pakistan again? And finally, you should read what Musharaf did to Nawaz's father.

I think Musharaf should be let go, but again, don't offer stupid comments. Pakistani hospitals are not at par as Western hospitals. Some people think Pakistani hospitals are good, some don't think. Also each hospital has it's speciality. What if Hamza mother needs something that Western hospitals offer better? But for Musharaf, angiography is nearly same as any hospital in west and Pakistan. For that, one doesn't need to leave Pakistan.

So in case you're correct about Saad rafique saying that, perhaps Mush's mother doesn't need heart surgery or whatnot and basic necessities, which Pakistani hospitals have at par as some western hospitals.
can anyone confirm this?

I read that he is leaving country in the name of taking his mother for medical treatment abroad.. why dont he just take her to some public hospital or their own hospital ?

why running out of the country and leaving his daddy and uncle, too afraid or what?

he is above you, he is superior to you and wont take his family to dirty Pakistani hospital when he can afford to take her to top hospitals in the west on your money, and no he is not afraid of this lame public they cannot do jack about it and in fact they will vote for them in next election
he is above you, he is superior to you and wont take his family to dirty Pakistani hospital when he can afford to take her to top hospitals in the west on your money, and no he is not afraid of this lame public they cannot do jack about it and in fact they will vote for them in next election
yup. we need land reforms. PMLn can't be in power without all these wadere. Parliament is made up of elected representatives. It is not PMLn at fault, but the members.

For example, do we punish satan for crimes commited by people?

What Nawaz, PTI, PPP does is not allow land reforms and protect these people. In return, they vote them in power. Just like in India, modi is business appeaser, so modi gets to be in power. Same in US, many presidents are friends with boeing, lohead or whatever its called and they get money + power in return for going to wars. People blamed bush for going to useless war with Iraq, but it was the gun manufactures who made best bang. Destroy Iraq tanks, jets and then sell them american tanks and jets. Gotta keep economy going bro!

So whether PTI is in power or PMLn is in power, not much will be improved. To win election, both parties have to appease groups.
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Man I hope the apolitical General Raheel would shove a stick up these potianz and qadri's butt. Sore losers would always remain sore losers.
Man I hope the apolitical General Raheel would shove a stick up these potianz and qadri's butt. Sore losers would always remain sore losers.

I wish democracy prevail, but it seems every party is immature. Can't accept defeat. Raheal is down to earth guy and very neutral. Al though I do not wish for martial law, but he will be one good president.

I wish democracy prevail, but it seems every party is immature. Can't accept defeat. Raheal is down to earth guy and very neutral. Al though I do not wish for martial law, but he will be one good president.

I fear the worse. I think MSF would attack their supporters resulting in a couple of deaths. This issue can turn into an ethnic issue which im the dim doesn't have enough iq to realize. He's already promoting violence by his words.
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