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Hamza Shebaz leaving country today.

I fear the worse. I think MSF would attack their supporters resulting in a couple of deaths. This issue can turn into an ethnic issue which im the dim doesn't have enough iq to realize. He's already promoting violence by his words.
people of pakistan have to get out of their bubble and stop using ethnicity card.

People love killing people. For religion, for ethnicity, for resources. They just want to kill. The sooner pakistan loses the ethnicity pride, the better it'd get.
people of pakistan have to get out of their bubble and stop using ethnicity card.

People love killing people. For religion, for ethnicity, for resources. They just want to kill. The sooner pakistan loses the ethnicity pride, the better it'd get.

Unfortunately that's not possible until quality education.
I fear the worse. I think MSF would attack their supporters resulting in a couple of deaths. This issue can turn into an ethnic issue which im the dim doesn't have enough iq to realize. He's already promoting violence by his words.

Yes your fears are correct, it seems to me that some elements in establishment are using people from KPK cadre of PTI to boil anarchy in punjab when people of punjab are least interested in any kind of government toppling. Imran khan's stupid politics and use of people from kpk to do long march against PMLN starting from Lahore (capital of punjab) will just send a very bad signal to the average punjabi that why the heck the people from another province are coming to punjab to do all thes anarchic long marches to destabilize punjab province and the country as a whole. I have never lost my nerves over these ethnic issues but now it is getting too much and beyond my endurance as it is clear that it is not the people of punjab who will be in the long march of imran khan but the people who will be brought from kpk.........
If ethnic hatred rises in punjab against politically charged people from Kpk lobbying for long march then imran khan will be solely responsible for that dangerous mood shift in the people of punjab. Imran gullu khan is playing with fire under the game plan of his mentors present in the form of rogue elements in establishment. Imran khan has failed to understand the psyche of people in punjab who are mostly peaceful and business oriented folks and they don't see any reason for this fasadi marches and inqilabs by these jokers imran khan and tahir ul qadri.
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This ptian joker Leader is hilarious...never stop amusing us with his conspiracy theory :hitwall:
Unfortunately that's not possible until quality education.
Which is not possible until same people keep get elected. Vote me, im punjabi, not vote PTI peshawar guy because he's not pathan.
the answer is our doctors are good and well known in all over the world and people do come from out side to Pakistan for treatment but this time its a way out for Nawaz family, they are running away..
Our education is also not bad but still people go to abroad for higher education because they can afford it. Even your leader Imran Khan went to UK for higher education and married to videshi gori. Would you say he went there because he never trusted the quality of education in Pakistan where masses get their education? lol..Ptians never stop amusing us with their pathetic logic
Guy can't take his mother outside? Who can afford a better hospital? I think she's the 'first lady' for punjab, so she can go any hospital she wishes.

Obviously not.

As the head of state Nawaz Shariff and his family, particularly his wife, should get the same medical treatment from the same institutions he is chronically mismanaging and underfunding but demands the general public go to particularly in light of poor economic management that's lead to people being unable to afford better medical services because private practitioners are unable to charge higher rates in order to purchase better equipment.

When all of them just run off abroad if things get bad or don't meet their standards what incentive is there for them to actually do something good for the country and its peoples rather than themselves?

When you're a billionare, i hope you stay in Pakistan and trust the said hospitals.

If he doesn't trust the hospitals then he needs to work to improve the hospitals otherwise f*ck off and stop rigging elections so someone else who actually cares about Pakistan and its people can make a difference.

I am very confident in Pakistani medical practitioners and one of my uncles, who happens to be a high ranking medical official, saved my life while I was in Pakistan and have a lot of family members who are doctors there. In fact many doctors within my family who were educated/trained in Pakistan upgraded their specialties in the UK, US, etc... and are practicing surgeons in those respective nations as well.

I'd trust them with my life any day of the week so why can't Nawaz?
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Our education is also not bad but still people go to abroad for higher education because they can afford it. Even your leader Imran Khan went to UK for higher education and married to videshi gori. Would you say he went there because he never trusted the quality of education in Pakistan where masses get their education? lol..Ptians never stop amusing us with their pathetic logic
Or quality of wives? :p:P:P

Why does he go outside to ask for donation? Are Pakistani people not kind enough? :p:P:P

So funny talking to these people. People who live in west and come to Pakistan because the hospitals are better. Yes, americans should come to Pakistan for ilaj.
Yes your fears are correct, it seems to me that some elements in establishment are using people from KPK cadre of PTI to boil anarchy in punjab when people of punjab are least interested in any kind of government toppling. Imran khan's stupid politics and use of people from kpk to do long march against PMLN starting from Lahore (capital of punjab) will just send a very bad signal to the average punjabi that why the heck the people from another province are coming to punjab to do all thes anarchic long marches to destabilize punjab province and the country as a whole. I have never lost my nerves over these ethnic issues but now it is getting too much and beyond my endurance as it is clear that it is not the people of punjab who will be in the long march of imran khan but the people who will be brought from kpk.........
If ethnic hatred rises in punjab against politically charged people from Kpk lobbying for long march then imran khan will be solely responsible for that dangerous mood shift in the people of punjab. Imran gullu khan is playing with fire under the game plan of his mentors present in the form of rogue elements in establishment. Imran khan has failed to understand the psyche of people in punjab who are mostly peaceful and business oriented folks and they don't see any reason for this fasadi marches and inqilabs by these jokers imran khan and tahir ul qadri.

I just fear that they'd attack the locals of rawalpindi and islamabad in case of police brutality. Basically Pindi-Islamabad can become another Karachi but only worse as the countryside is all dominated by Punjabis, and Punjabis love keeping arms. And yeah. Chief Justice's long march was ethnically neutral as it had members from all the provinces. His long marches has ex-ANP voters too high on superiority complex and mercenaries for hire. His long marches look more like an invading lashkar than a peaceful march. He's already preaching violence, forming things like "SSG" etc.

And I don't think the establishment is behind this as they know im the dim won't be controllable and always be pro-Taliban. I think he's insecure that he's already 61+ and might die before becoming a PM, hence he wants to do anything to become a PM. I think he personally fears his legacy as his children are mentally and culturally jews rather than pathans.

PS: His supporters might attack shops and cars, and general locals in case of a police baton charge or something. They were quite rowdy the last time they came.
Obviously not.

As the head of state Nawaz Shariff and his family, particularly his wife, should get the same medical treatment from the same institutions he is chronically mismanaging and underfunding but demands the general public go to particularly in light of poor economic management that's lead to people being unable to afford better medical services because private practitioners are unable to charge higher rates in order to purchase better equipment.

When all of them just run off abroad if things get bad or don't meet their standards what incentive is there for them to actually do something good for the country and its peoples rather than themselves?

If he doesn't trust the hospitals then he needs to work to improve the hospitals otherwise f*ck off and stop rigging elections so someone else who actually cares about Pakistan and its people can make a difference.

I am very confident in Pakistani medical practitioners and one of my uncles, who happens to be a high ranking medical official, saved my life while I was in Pakistan and have a lot of family members who are doctors there.

I'd trust them with my life any day of the week so why can't Nawaz?
Lol calm down, no need to swear.

Hospitals cannot change over night. There is funds shortage everywhere. No wonder we have to take loans. Nawaz can't change the hospitals are run in one year when he was outside of power for like 15 years.

Why did Musharaf want to have angiography outside Pakistan? Does he not trust Pakistani Hospitals? He ruled Pakistan for nearly a decade!

We're talking about Hamza's mother, not Nawaz. Do you even know what the situation is?

What pathetic people. Give these people power and I bet they'll keep all students, sick, elderly and whatnot in a blockade Pakistan, because Pakistan is the best country in the world, has best nukes, jets, pilots, guns, subs and so forth.

Come out of your bubble.
Now that is very naive on your part............. if Mushy can be detained indefinitely, then why this spawn of the devil can leave??? They shouldn't make it out to any safe haven............ change can only come with complete eradication of this particular gene pool..............


Guy can't take his mother outside? Who can afford a better hospital? I think she's the 'first lady' for punjab, so she can go any hospital she wishes.

Show some respect.
Respect Mothers , no matter whose it is .

Not everything is about PTI , Grow Up mentally , & come out of this superiority complex , it has already ruined PTI , dont ruin it any further .

And you need to stop preaching from abroad............. if you'd like to, come back home first...............

people of pakistan have to get out of their bubble and stop using ethnicity card.

People love killing people. For religion, for ethnicity, for resources. They just want to kill. The sooner pakistan loses the ethnicity pride, the better it'd get.
Now that is very naive on your part............. if Mushy can be detained indefinitely, then why this spawn of the devil can leave??? They shouldn't make it out to any safe haven............ change can only come with complete eradication of this particular gene pool..............

And you need to stop preaching from abroad............. if you'd like to, come back home first...............
Because the country is plagued with many different problem. Focus on terrorism, education and whatnot instead of Musharaf. We all know he will be forgiven if proven guility, so just let him get out now.

And just because someone is from outside doesn't mean they can't express their opinion.
Link to that?

Yes you're naive. Why would one go to Pakistan for treatment when they're in Dubai? Why did Malala go outside Pakistan? She should trust Pakistani doctors.

Kindly tell that to idiots like Khuwaja Asif and Pervaiz Rasheed

"“[However], the Prime Minister of Pakistan on sympathetic grounds, is ready to send special plane or an air ambulance to bring his mother back home so as to continue her medical treatment in Pakistan and she could be with her son,” the Government's Spokesman said in a statement issued by the PM's Office.

The Spokesman said the Government of Pakistan would provide all facilities for the treatment of the mother of General (retd) Musharraf."

In case you didn't read my initial statement in which i said its hypocritical to tell a person to bring his sick mother to Pakistan while sending their own mother abroad for treatment. When you tell someone to bring back their loved one from UAE or any other place than in my opinion you are suggesting one of the two possibilities

1. Health care here is at par or superior to the location currently the patient is in
2. Although our medical facilities are not upto the mark but you will have a chance to be closed to the patient at the risk of him/her not getting the top notch treatment they could have gotten.

So my question is if option#1 is correct than why go out, if option#2 is correct than why offer such terms which you will most probably never accept yourself?
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