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Hamza Ali Abbasi comments on 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot's Israeli roots

you might be right on that one but the problem is that he is a Mullah in Jeans and a tshirt, he spews that same rhetoric as the Mullahs and reaches out to a wider more moderate audience.
Bro, do we really need to declare any person a Mullah because he does not conforms to liberal ideas in all walks of life?
Bro, do we really need to declare any person a Mullah because he does not conforms to liberal ideas in all walks of life?
My bad, i let my particularly bad day (and roza) get to me, we cant declare anyone a Mullah based on their views but the thing is noone has the right to act as the last bastion of Islam. imho just pray five times a day, keep rozas, give charity and dont be a dick, and you will be a good Muslim, no need for these useless fatwa shenanigans to get attention and publicity.

He happens to be the same person who was the first to stand up for Ahmadis i wouldn't right him off as a Mullah
That is classic attention whoring, just watch some of his movies and see how Islamic he really is. I am no one to judge someone based on religion, far from it, but I am totally against people acting like religious saints to remain remotely relevant.
Even though usually I don't even care about such petty things and say that we should rise above this constant hate for certain religions and even though most of the time hamza Ali Abbasi is usually dropping bombs here and there just for the sake of it , I think he has a very valid point here.

The film will thrive, so what if a couple Muslims don't watch the film ? The revenue that goes to Hollywood is what ? 6-7% from the Muslim world ? Films will continue to be made and the actress will still prosper. But still I think this doesn't start and end on whether we are Muslims or not, I think any humanitarian would condemn what was done to Palestine and for that even though indirectly each one of us should show that we still remember and condemn the acts of Israel.
Even though usually I don't even care about such petty things and say that we should rise above this constant hate for certain religions and even though most of the time hamza Ali Abbasi is usually dropping bombs here and there just for the sake of it , I think he has a very valid point here.

The film will thrive, so what if a couple Muslims don't watch the film ? The revenue that goes to Hollywood is what ? 6-7% from the Muslim world ? Films will continue to be made and the actress will still prosper. But still I think this doesn't start and end on whether we are Muslims or not, I think any humanitarian would condemn what was done to Palestine and for that even though indirectly each one of us should show that we still remember and condemn the acts of Israel.

Your post will end up making me see it. Any cinema showings in Karachi? I am down there in a couple of weeks
Your post will end up making me see it. Any cinema showings in Karachi? I am down there in a couple of weeks

Haha please do as you would like. And I'm not aware of this because as the name suggests I'm 'thelahoriguy' :)
Haha please do as you would like. And I'm not aware of this because as the name suggests I'm 'thelahoriguy' :)

Should have gone with this message in the first place.
It's a movie with a cute Jewish chick in it. How dramatizing it would help anyone apart from this Hamza fellow apparently
Hamza is spot on. It is a matter of principle. A lot of well known people got jailed in the west just for saying they doubt the exaggerated figure of millions of jews being killed in Nazi camps. For Example, the famous writer David Irving. Do read his excellent work and learn what a real war is.

There is a time for tharak bazi and then there is a time to be serious. I guess some people can't distinguish one from the other.
One thing must clear
Islamic religious bigots ( extermists )
All are branches of same tree in their roots hates pumping up.
Condemn them no matter he or she.

Sexist all of you.

Superman didn't create this much hype.
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