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Hamid Mir Blasts Ayaz Mir on Iqbal


Apr 28, 2011
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For first time I liked this guy he has written really good colunm and taken on idiot Ayaz Mir very well I must say nice job Hamid Mir
@Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @Pak-one @RazPaK @Slav Defence @Areesh @A.Rafay @JonAsad @mafiya @HRK @tarrar @balixd @fatman17 @Last Hope and others
1. in which book of Iqbal these verses are published which he said on the event of Jalianwala bagh?
2. Iqbal wrote a whole Marsiyah on the death of Queen of England.
3. During his abroad study, Iqbal used to have affair with Atyah faizee. The letters written to Attyah are available.
4. Hamid Mir said that Iqbal wanted partition but on which wall should we through his poem, Hindustani Bachon ka Qoumi Geet?

چشتي نے جس زميں ميں پيغام حق سنايا
نانک نے جس چمن ميں وحدت کا گيت گايا
تاتاريوں نے جس کو اپنا وطن بنايا
جس نے حجازيوں سے دشت عرب چھڑايا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے ، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
يونانيوں کو جس نے حيران کر ديا تھا
سارے جہاں کو جس نے علم و ہنر ديا تھا
مٹي کو جس کي حق نے زر کا اثر ديا تھا
ترکوں کا جس نے دامن ہيروں سے بھر ديا تھا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
ٹوٹے تھے جو ستارے فارس کے آسماں سے
پھر تاب دے کے جس نے چمکائے کہکشاں سے
وحدت کي لے سني تھي دنيا نے جس مکاں سے
مير عرب کو آئي ٹھنڈي ہوا جہاں سے
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
بندے کليم جس کے ، پربت جہاں کے
سينا نوح نبي کا آ کر ٹھہرا جہاں سفينا رفعت ہے
جس زميں کي بام فلک کا زينا جنت کي زندگي ہے
جس کي فضا ميں جينا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے

5. In the address of 1930, Iqbal didn't call for ONLY independent state. It goes like;

  1. I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Provinces, Sind and Baluchistan into a single State. Self-Government within the British Empire or without the British Empire.
He was happy under British rule as well. While Bhagat Singh wanted complete independence from British.

6. Iqbal's ideal society is patriarchal where Mard-e-Momin is available but women are bound in the four walls of house. He himself was having letters correspondence with Atyah who was scholar but was against it at home.

لڑکياں پڑھ رہي ہيں انگريزي
ڈھونڈلي قوم نے فلاح کي راہ
روش مغربي ہے مدنظر
وضع مشرق کو جانتے ہيں گناہ
يہ ڈراما دکھائے گا کيا سين
پردہ اٹھنے کي منتظر ہے نگاہ
1. in which book of Iqbal these verses are published which he said on the event of Jalianwala bagh?
2. Iqbal wrote a whole Marsiyah on the death of Queen of England.
3. During his abroad study, Iqbal used to have affair with Atyah faizee. The letters written to Attyah are available.
4. Hamid Mir said that Iqbal wanted partition but on which wall should we through his poem, Hindustani Bachon ka Qoumi Geet?

چشتي نے جس زميں ميں پيغام حق سنايا
نانک نے جس چمن ميں وحدت کا گيت گايا
تاتاريوں نے جس کو اپنا وطن بنايا
جس نے حجازيوں سے دشت عرب چھڑايا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے ، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
يونانيوں کو جس نے حيران کر ديا تھا
سارے جہاں کو جس نے علم و ہنر ديا تھا
مٹي کو جس کي حق نے زر کا اثر ديا تھا
ترکوں کا جس نے دامن ہيروں سے بھر ديا تھا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
ٹوٹے تھے جو ستارے فارس کے آسماں سے
پھر تاب دے کے جس نے چمکائے کہکشاں سے
وحدت کي لے سني تھي دنيا نے جس مکاں سے
مير عرب کو آئي ٹھنڈي ہوا جہاں سے
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
بندے کليم جس کے ، پربت جہاں کے
سينا نوح نبي کا آ کر ٹھہرا جہاں سفينا رفعت ہے
جس زميں کي بام فلک کا زينا جنت کي زندگي ہے
جس کي فضا ميں جينا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے

5. In the address of 1930, Iqbal didn't call for ONLY independent state. It goes like;

  1. I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Provinces, Sind and Baluchistan into a single State. Self-Government within the British Empire or without the British Empire.
He was happy under British rule as well. While Bhagat Singh wanted complete independence from British.

6. Iqbal's ideal society is patriarchal where Mard-e-Momin is available but women are bound in the four walls of house. He himself was having letters correspondence with Atyah who was scholar but was against it at home.

لڑکياں پڑھ رہي ہيں انگريزي
ڈھونڈلي قوم نے فلاح کي راہ
روش مغربي ہے مدنظر
وضع مشرق کو جانتے ہيں گناہ
يہ ڈراما دکھائے گا کيا سين
پردہ اٹھنے کي منتظر ہے نگاہ

you should really learn some history, about hindutani bachon ka geet, it was written wayyy earlier when iqbal was a romantic poet and was not concerned about Muslim independence. do some research before speaking up

6. Iqbal's ideal society is patriarchal where Mard-e-Momin is available but women are bound in the four walls of house. He himself was having letters correspondence with Atyah who was scholar but was against it at home.

لڑکياں پڑھ رہي ہيں انگريزي
ڈھونڈلي قوم نے فلاح کي راہ
روش مغربي ہے مدنظر
وضع مشرق کو جانتے ہيں گناہ
يہ ڈراما دکھائے گا کيا سين
پردہ اٹھنے کي منتظر ہے نگاہ

please do tell where in the above mentioned stanza does iqbal say that women should stay at home?

about everything you have said, i have one simple answer : a man can change, and Iqbal changed, he was even used to drink, but he stopped drinking later
1. in which book of Iqbal these verses are published which he said on the event of Jalianwala bagh?
2. Iqbal wrote a whole Marsiyah on the death of Queen of England.
3. During his abroad study, Iqbal used to have affair with Atyah faizee. The letters written to Attyah are available.
4. Hamid Mir said that Iqbal wanted partition but on which wall should we through his poem, Hindustani Bachon ka Qoumi Geet?

چشتي نے جس زميں ميں پيغام حق سنايا
نانک نے جس چمن ميں وحدت کا گيت گايا
تاتاريوں نے جس کو اپنا وطن بنايا
جس نے حجازيوں سے دشت عرب چھڑايا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے ، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
يونانيوں کو جس نے حيران کر ديا تھا
سارے جہاں کو جس نے علم و ہنر ديا تھا
مٹي کو جس کي حق نے زر کا اثر ديا تھا
ترکوں کا جس نے دامن ہيروں سے بھر ديا تھا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
ٹوٹے تھے جو ستارے فارس کے آسماں سے
پھر تاب دے کے جس نے چمکائے کہکشاں سے
وحدت کي لے سني تھي دنيا نے جس مکاں سے
مير عرب کو آئي ٹھنڈي ہوا جہاں سے
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے
بندے کليم جس کے ، پربت جہاں کے
سينا نوح نبي کا آ کر ٹھہرا جہاں سفينا رفعت ہے
جس زميں کي بام فلک کا زينا جنت کي زندگي ہے
جس کي فضا ميں جينا
ميرا وطن وہي ہے، ميرا وطن وہي ہے

5. In the address of 1930, Iqbal didn't call for ONLY independent state. It goes like;

  1. I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Provinces, Sind and Baluchistan into a single State. Self-Government within the British Empire or without the British Empire.
He was happy under British rule as well. While Bhagat Singh wanted complete independence from British.

6. Iqbal's ideal society is patriarchal where Mard-e-Momin is available but women are bound in the four walls of house. He himself was having letters correspondence with Atyah who was scholar but was against it at home.

لڑکياں پڑھ رہي ہيں انگريزي
ڈھونڈلي قوم نے فلاح کي راہ
روش مغربي ہے مدنظر
وضع مشرق کو جانتے ہيں گناہ
يہ ڈراما دکھائے گا کيا سين
پردہ اٹھنے کي منتظر ہے نگاہ
You never understood Iqbal all you have written is bullshit he was against education which makes people vulgar and corrupt and we can see that what the hell is going on in our education institutions they have become date points than Mr he was for separation Mr and as for that poem of Iqbal about Hindustan that is his initial poems Mr he also like Jinah was first for Hindu Muslim Unity but as time passed he realized this could never happen so he turned against it and came up with the idea of sovereign areas run by Muslims in Punjab Baluchistan Sindh and NWFP he never mentioned bangal side so first understand Iqbal before talking shit
You never understood Iqbal all you have written is bullshit he was against education which makes people vulgar and corrupt and we can see that what the hell is going on in our education institutions they have become date points than Mr he was for separation Mr and as for that poem of Iqbal about Hindustan that is his initial poems Mr he also like Jinah was first for Hindu Muslim Unity but as time passed he realized this could never happen so he turned against it and came up with the idea of sovereign areas run by Muslims in Punjab Baluchistan Sindh and NWFP he never mentioned bangal side so first understand Iqbal before talking shit

Instead of flinging your so called history knowledge at my head, would you please care answering them one by one so that we can have some academic discussion. I also like Iqbal a lot but we must not avoid discussing about his weak points. After all he is not a Prophet that discussing about him would violate his sanctity.
you should really learn some history, about hindutani bachon ka geet, it was written wayyy earlier when iqbal was a romantic poet and was not concerned about Muslim independence. do some research before speaking up

please do tell where in the above mentioned stanza does iqbal say that women should stay at home?

about everything you have said, i have one simple answer : a man can change, and Iqbal changed, he was even used to drink, but he stopped drinking later

Best example of pick and choose. I raised six bloody points. If you are such a doctorate in Iqbal why be selective in answering?

insofar as your comments are concerned, one thing is that the poem appeared in Bang-e-Dara which was published in 1924. By that time lots of water had flown beneath the bridges as far as Muslims of India are concerned. Khilafat was abolished and Muslims of India did migration to Afghanistan then came back and meanwhile Hindus captured properties of those Muslims. The restoration of Bengal was another setback for the Muslims. Khilafat movement was proven a debacle. If Iqbal was so upset about all this situation of Muslims, he wouldn't have said in his address that he is willing even under rule of British and could have removed the Hindustani Bachon Ka Quomi Geet from his book.

Secondly, even if I agree with for a moment that Iqbal didn't want women to stay at home, what was his problem with women studying English. On one hand he was having affair with a scholar and on the second hand he was writing such poems. In case you don't know, Iqbal arranged a tutor at home for his own daughter and didn't allow them to study in school.

If he changed later on, to what extent? Previously he was a staunch nationalist, like Quaid e Azam, but later own he changed to a Mujahid who wanted Shamseer o Sinan Awwal and Taoos o Rubab Akhir and who Mard e Momim keeps on fighting the evil with bare hands. What kind of change was that?
Instead of flinging your so called history knowledge at my head, would you please care answering them one by one so that we can have some academic discussion. I also like Iqbal a lot but we must not avoid discussing about his weak points. After all he is not a Prophet that discussing about him would violate his sanctity.
Mr I have Iqbal poetry about Hindustan was among his most early poetry he was initially also in favor of Hindu Muslim Unity than he realized its never gonna happen so he turned against and gave the idea of sovereign provinces in the area where current Pakistan is located and he was against that education which makes people vulgar and idiots rather bringing them close to ALLAH his problem was not with English he just took it as symbol man you even understand poetry before writing bullshit he was basically against western culture weather men or women doesn't matter even a person like Sir Syed was against women working Mr He gave just an option dumbo if British will stay than they should make sovereign provinces just wanted to avoid bloodshed He was not having an affair with any scholar stop lying Mr and that was poetry he maintained no problem you came up with most idiotic points mainly brought up by idiot Indians and westerns who have no idea of Iqbal just want to bark

you should really learn some history, about hindutani bachon ka geet, it was written wayyy earlier when iqbal was a romantic poet and was not concerned about Muslim independence. do some research before speaking up

please do tell where in the above mentioned stanza does iqbal say that women should stay at home?

about everything you have said, i have one simple answer : a man can change, and Iqbal changed, he was even used to drink, but he stopped drinking later
He never drank ask his son he refutes it completely it was an allegation on him
Mr I have Iqbal poetry about Hindustan was among his most early poetry he was initially also in favor of Hindu Muslim Unity than he realized its never gonna happen so he turned against and gave the idea of sovereign provinces in the area where current Pakistan is located and he was against that education which makes people vulgar and idiots rather bringing them close to ALLAH his problem was not with English he just took it as symbol man you even understand poetry before writing bullshit he was basically against western culture weather men or women doesn't matter even a person like Sir Syed was against women working Mr He gave just an option dumbo if British will stay than they should make sovereign provinces just wanted to avoid bloodshed He was not having an affair with any scholar stop lying Mr and that was poetry he maintained no problem you came up with most idiotic points mainly brought up by idiot Indians and westerns who have no idea of Iqbal just want to bark

He never drank ask his son he refutes it completely it was an allegation on him
Horrible punctuation, but then what else to expect from terrorists. There is no full-stop in their dictionary.
Mr I have Iqbal poetry about Hindustan was among his most early poetry he was initially also in favor of Hindu Muslim Unity than he realized its never gonna happen so he turned against and gave the idea of sovereign provinces in the area where current Pakistan is located and he was against that education which makes people vulgar and idiots rather bringing them close to ALLAH his problem was not with English he just took it as symbol man you even understand poetry before writing bullshit he was basically against western culture weather men or women doesn't matter even a person like Sir Syed was against women working Mr He gave just an option dumbo if British will stay than they should make sovereign provinces just wanted to avoid bloodshed He was not having an affair with any scholar stop lying Mr and that was poetry he maintained no problem you came up with most idiotic points mainly brought up by idiot Indians and westerns who have no idea of Iqbal just want to bark

He never drank ask his son he refutes it completely it was an allegation on him
:o::o::o:.... what do you wanna say man... take a breath at least...
Best example of pick and choose. I raised six bloody points. If you are such a doctorate in Iqbal why be selective in answering?

insofar as your comments are concerned, one thing is that the poem appeared in Bang-e-Dara which was published in 1924. By that time lots of water had flown beneath the bridges as far as Muslims of India are concerned. Khilafat was abolished and Muslims of India did migration to Afghanistan then came back and meanwhile Hindus captured properties of those Muslims. The restoration of Bengal was another setback for the Muslims. Khilafat movement was proven a debacle. If Iqbal was so upset about all this situation of Muslims, he wouldn't have said in his address that he is willing even under rule of British and could have removed the Hindustani Bachon Ka Quomi Geet from his book.

Secondly, even if I agree with for a moment that Iqbal didn't want women to stay at home, what was his problem with women studying English. On one hand he was having affair with a scholar and on the second hand he was writing such poems. In case you don't know, Iqbal arranged a tutor at home for his own daughter and didn't allow them to study in school.

If he changed later on, to what extent? Previously he was a staunch nationalist, like Quaid e Azam, but later own he changed to a Mujahid who wanted Shamseer o Sinan Awwal and Taoos o Rubab Akhir and who Mard e Momim keeps on fighting the evil with bare hands. What kind of change was that?

my answers cover all of your points, should have read more carefully, again you claim he had an affair with a scholar when he went abroad for studies...when was that now? in the beginning or in the end? and about a separate state, even if it was under the british, it would have had greater autonomy than what was being given to the Muslims living in Hindu majority areas
my answers cover all of your points, should have read more carefully, again you claim he had an affair with a scholar when he went abroad for studies...when was that now? in the beginning or in the end? and about a separate state, even if it was under the british, it would have had greater autonomy than what was being given to the Muslims living in Hindu majority areas

again wrong.. you didn't answer all my questions and your above verbose is reiteration of what you said earlier.
Iqbal like Jinnah was all for Hindustan. But when they had experience with Indian politicians of Hindu background, they realized, there can be no unified Hindustan, it has to be partitioned.

If you stick to a particular time period of these personalities, you can be easily swayed into doing this rubbish propaganda like Ayaz Amir.

Horrible punctuation, but then what else to expect from terrorists. There is no full-stop in their dictionary.

Sorry who did you call a terrorist? What a horrible man you are!
Iqbal like Jinnah was all for Hindustan. But when they had experience with Indian politicians of Hindu background, they realized, there can be no unified Hindustan, it has to be partitioned.

If you stick to a particular time period of these personalities, you can be easily swayed into doing this rubbish propaganda like Ayaz Amir.

Sorry who did you call a terrorist? What a horrible man you are!
Don't worry Sir let them talk shit those who talk crap against Iqbal I don't expect any thing better they are too obsessed with USA and kufr
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