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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

When you have so much data like i do, it's easy to make anyone submissive. Rest assured you are on evil list since you are a journalist.
o God im not a journalist lolz....:undecided: mujeh itni juldi merny ka shok nae!:tongue:

we closely observed in last elections that how our sold out Media was so biased in their reporting.....unfair reporting etc....everyone knows what GEO is on about!

by the way @Informant even if one has some secret data to pressurize them like you claim then till today each and every channel would have been submissive which isnt the case so...

and they too have tactics and techniques to pressurize in return...i guess its not that simple like you are thinking....
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where did I propose a ban and censorship? I agree that censorship is not the perfect solution but in extreme cases it can help contain the problem or a bigger tragedy.

When I was saying there is no ban, I meant there is no ban on Iranian news content here. Censorship is not the answer, here or there, or indeed anywhere.

please tell me how to deal with someone who is spreading rumours, misinformation with malicious intent and causing distress and anxiety among the public? why authorities in the west keep the information from public and seek the loved ones first and brief them about the tragedy? and why in Pakistan you and I find out through the 3rd parties and media when they are showing your loved ones being mowed down by terrorists between the mobile phone deals by Zong?

Those are all very good questions. The basic difference in the way matters are dealt as you ask is due to the credibility difference: people believe in their government here, but not over there. That is why there is a credibility gap over there that the media take advantage of.

The answer is to provide for correct and early official information so that the media cannot mislead. That can work only if people believe what the government says. That credibility takes a long time to build, and even longer to rebuild once it has been lost.

Knee-jerk censorship is never the answer.
o God im not a journalist lolz....:undecided: mujeh itni juldi merny ka shok nae!:tongue:

we closely observed in last elections that how our sold out Media was so biased in their reporting.....unfair reporting etc....everyone knows what GEO is on about!

by the way @Informant even if one has some secret data to pressurize them like you claim then till today each and every channel would have been submissive which isnt the case so...

and they too have tactics and techniques to pressurize in return...i guess its not that simple like you are thinking....

You are naive to think all journalists are pressurized, only some. Most of them are happy to promote Army. Those who dont have ulterior motives and/or hidden agenda or have an axe to grind.

GEO is a big media house, they have bigger dogs on the leash so does the ISI. Everyone has dirt on them, one doesnt use those cards on issues so small. Poker is what this game is, politics is the name.

The big Media houses have their source of income, especially GEO with it's finances linked to Indian and American ( USAID, other anonymous sources, trust funds in US) sources, one can only doubt their intentions. When their big media men openly accolade world renowned terrorists and homegrown terrorists, nothing is off the table.

They chose their poison, now they have to deal with the venom.
I fail to see how ISI would be a patron of LeJ that has killed its operatives in Punjab and tribal areas, executed 2 generals and other officers and their children in single mosque attack in Pindi? this very "establishment" has lost 4 generals along with other officers including brigadiers, colonels , majors and below to TTP and their LeJ affiliates. I dont get it why an organisation will continue to support a group that is a mortal enemy of its entire organisation? (if LeJ was only killing lower ranking officers and soldiers then I would have understood, but thats not the case here.

very confusing situation we got here. but lets continue this debate in another thread
we got us a journalist who leads the table with his anti Pakistan military rants and his channel has opened the campaign even before the details of the attacks came out as if the story was prepared and ready to air at the allotted time?

why not PTI takes a lead and propose a committee of Parliamentary members from across the house that lead the investigation from any angle that is missed out or takes too long by the judicial commission?

why not rest this case once and for all to prove beyond doubt that ISI is involved in the killing of these journalists?
and not rest on some half arsed statements?

The key word to hammer it home if I may is

Freeedom of Speech ;)
and our right to know the facts,
there is another thing for you. in these modern times, the traditional media organisations have become the second source of information and the public/ social media is a new buzz word in the town
my apologies for the lack of examples but I must say, Iranian run news channels are banned in the west and the Russian run are not banned but are frowned upon while in the same instance we in the third world are preached day and night about freedom of press and all that.

if you know not, established created aalllllllllllllllllllll of these militant and extremist groups. Im not saying that they have control over LeJ in all of its activities, but they do have links to top leadership and they do operate in mutual interests and turn blind eye when required.
Several news sources are reporting that surgery has been a success and Hamid Mir is out of danger. We wish him quick and speedy recovery. We sincerely hope that his friends and family will find the strength to get through this difficult time. We also hope to see the ones responsible caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This is what the State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki, said in regards to this incident:"The United States condemns the vicious attack on television journalist Hamid Mir in Karachi on Saturday, the latest in a series of worrisome attacks on journalists in Pakistan. Freedom of the press, including ensuring that journalists can safely carry out their vital mission, is of paramount importance to freedom of expression and to the healthy functioning of any democracy. We wish Hamid Mir a speedy recovery, and urge the government of Pakistan to bring all those responsible for these attacks on the media to justice."

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
Several news sources are reporting that surgery has been a success and Hamid Mir is out of danger. We wish him quick and speedy recovery. We sincerely hope that his friends and family will find the strength to get through this difficult time. We also hope to see the ones responsible caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

This is what the State Department Spokesperson, Jen Psaki, said in regards to this incident:"The United States condemns the vicious attack on television journalist Hamid Mir in Karachi on Saturday, the latest in a series of worrisome attacks on journalists in Pakistan. Freedom of the press, including ensuring that journalists can safely carry out their vital mission, is of paramount importance to freedom of expression and to the healthy functioning of any democracy. We wish Hamid Mir a speedy recovery, and urge the government of Pakistan to bring all those responsible for these attacks on the media to justice."

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

For this time Ali, i have to contradict you. Hamid Mir is as much useful for 'democracy' in Pakistan as Bill O'reilly and Glen Beck are for the US Democracy.

He is save know. Alhamdullilah
When I was saying there is no ban, I meant there is no ban on Iranian news content here. Censorship is not the answer, here or there, or indeed anywhere.

Those are all very good questions. The basic difference in the way matters are dealt as you ask is due to the credibility difference: people believe in their government here, but not over there. That is why there is a credibility gap over there that the media take advantage of.


Uhh, excuse me, people don't believe in the Obama govt here. He's been a proven liar on many occasions, most recently the botched Obama care plan.

People didn't believe the Bush govt either. Sometimes I'm surprised to hear from Americans how much they doubt their govt and how much they despise their politicians. Look at gov Chris Christie for instance.

Based on my experience in interacting with people here, I would even go as far saying that people here despise their politicians, their corrupt financial system just as much as Pakistanis in Pakistan do.
Uhh, excuse me, people don't believe in the Obama govt here. He's been a proven liar on many occasions, most recently the botched Obama care plan.

People didn't believe the Bush govt either. Sometimes I'm surprised to hear from Americans how much they doubt their govt and how much they despise their politicians. Look at gov Chris Christie for instance.

Based on my experience in interacting with people here, I would even go as far saying that people here despise their politicians, their corrupt financial system just as much as Pakistanis in Pakistan do.

The degree of belief is relative. My point remains valid.

What you describe is part of the political process here. The same people that you think despise the politicians also are the ones that tend to re-elect incumbents, because the system continues to work for them in delivering the results they seek.
The degree of belief is relative. My point remains valid.

What you describe is part of the political process here. The same people that you think despise the politicians also are the ones that tend to re-elect incumbents, because the system continues to work for them in delivering the results they seek.

And despite their shaken confidence in the govt people continue to vote over there, too. My point also remains valid.
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