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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

The bigger picture is day by day Pakistan Army and ISI coming down to a human face and body in the eyes & minds of the wider public in Pakistan..............All thanks to their Great General Musharraf & his continous legacy some foolishly trying to hold:lol:

And its in a best interest of Pakistan Army & ISI to avoids this war instead of winning it in plain foolishness.

Nobody apart from geo is even giving it a decent coverage.

Jesus this is Hamid Mir's respect.

You are not getting the bigger picture, why agencies allowed geo to come to that level.

When your kammi stands up against you its you who have to sole search............bcz he is alone today but tomorrow he will gather more and your "Chaudhrahat" will be doomed eventually.......its a sure shot wake up call!!
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A lot of people are upset about blame ISI / PA / agencies. This is totally understandable.

But it can not be helped. PA has had an active role in politics. ISI has been used for meddling in politics via its political cell. It is a known fact that journalists who cross red lines do get threatened in name of national security by 'agencies'.

Take the case of journalist Umar Cheema being abducted, beaten, and dumped a few years back. He was told that he had crossed some red lines. An investigative commission concluded that some government 'agency' was involved in that attack. That is where the whole thing was dropped. I was reminded of this while a panel of journalists were discussing this issue last night.

Who decides why and where such red lines exist and belong? It should be realized that when such things are done in the name of national security, the nation actually suffers from fall-out. Our agencies ought to understand that such actions are counter-productive. Ultimately, it is the people who are custodians of national security and they ought to be trusted to make the right choices. Internal violence in the name of security only creates an atmosphere of doubt, mistrust, and uncertainty.

Just like on this forum - the only thing reprehensible about freedom of expression is indecency. Our institutions are not holy cows. If they mess up somewhere, they ought to be taken to task.

As I had observed earlier, it could be TTP or even MQM - but I thought that some elements from within our agencies are more likely culprits.

If it emerges that TTP really is responsible, then it would be a moral victory for PA / ISI.
The bigger picture is day by day Pakistan Army and ISI coming down to a human face and body in the eyes & minds of the wider public in Pakistan..............All thanks to their Great General Musharraf & his continous legacy some foolishly trying to hold:lol:

And its in a best interest of Pakistan Army & ISI to avoids this war instead of winning it in plain foolishness.

You are not getting the bigger picture, why agencies allowed geo to come to that level.

When your kammi stands up against you its you who have to sole search............bcz he is alone today but tomorrow he will gather more and your "Chaudhrahat" will be doomed eventually.......its a sure shot wake up call!!

Nobody's gonna wake us up. Even Noora's patching things up, it's healthy to have a little differences but not healthy to air them out in public. This Mir guy is totally lost it, a terrorist sympathizer. He makes Al Qaida to be something it is not. Such people are bad for the nation, and you and i both know if this were ISI he'd be dead guaranteed.

Chaudrahat? Nooray ki filein nikalun? Sab ki nikalun? Pot calling kettle black my friend, i dont make army to be something o a pariah or a a prophet. It has its flaws but so do the "democratic" parties like your beloved which only select their own family members for top positions. Khair another day another time.

No prayers from me for this HM guy.
the agency which suppose to be subservient of the elected govt...run a political cell.

That was in the past. There is no more any political cell in ISI. Your prejudice is telling. This thread is not for BS from the likes of you.
so you agree that the Sunnis are proud of killing innocent people and pray for it to happen. That's why I maintain that Pakistanis ar the real terorists. and I don't mean just ISI , but even 99% of the regular people like you.

You went full retard. Never go full retard. You arent Qadiyani as it is an offensive term. And I have an Ahmediya who works for me and no i dont wanna kill him.

I did it on purpose so scummy Indians like you jump on anything to put us down. 10 years of hardcore civil war and we are still one nation. You Indians would have cracked a long time ago under such pressure.

Spare me your bullshit. And yes the guy whose dongle you choke on is an ISI agent.
A lot of people are upset about blame ISI / PA / agencies. This is totally understandable.
It's a deep rooted conspiracy by the TTP+CIA+RAW+MOSSAD+DIA+KHAD+NDS etc. All to tarnish the image of Pakistan's much loved Intel agency - the ISI.

How dare they point fingers at the ISI, Pakistan's holy cow which can do no wrong and is snow white.
That was in the past. There is no more any political cell in ISI. Your prejudice is telling. This thread is not for BS from the likes of you.

come down ... there is a list of adventure or may I call misadventure done by IS I... I can list it all.. but you seem to be biased . so I have dropped the idea.
This thug jabroni Amir Mir Jaffar has written & said a lot of BULL SH*T against Pak Army & ISI in the past.
Nobody apart from geo is even giving it a decent coverage.

Jesus this is Hamid Mir's respect.

You are wrong here mate. This has more to do with inter-channel rivalry. Smaller channels, who are not in the big league ratings hunt have covered this thing well enough. Din, Five, 42. Express has also covered this because they have actually suffered casualties in the recent past and hence they have taken this incident seriously.

come down ... there is a list of adventure or may I call misadventure done by IS I... I can list it all.. but you seem to be biased . so I have dropped the idea.

You may open a thread to discuss what happened in the past. Spare us your OT one-liners here.
I condemn this heinous attack by either element known as jihadist or ''agencies'' against media . may Allah recover him soon
It's a deep rooted conspiracy by the TTP+CIA+RAW+MOSSAD+DIA+KHAD+NDS etc. All to tarnish the image of Pakistan's much loved Intel agency - the ISI.

How dare they point fingers at the ISI, Pakistan's holy cow which can do no wrong and is snow white.

Declare your flags man. If you are not Pakistani, your opinion is not worth much in this thread.
This thug jabroni Amir Mir Jaffar has written & said a lot of BULL SH*T against Pak Army & ISI in the past.
That means the ISI goes and tries to bump him off just because he's said something about them that they did not like?

It's law of the jungle in Pakistan, plain and simple! From Karachi to Waziristan and Balochistan, your country is in an almighty mess - thanks to the machinations of such intel agencies as the ISI.
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