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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

Post of the day on that one in my view. :rofl:

Regardless, this to and fro opinions exchange only gives you an indication of inflexibility and rather emotional attachment to figureheads in our nation. Be it Musharraf, IK or Bhutto for some.

Well, there exist a little dictator in every pakistani which make him rigid. A consequence of Dictators ruling us for so long perhaps.

sure you are worried that a slave, of noora get shot?

I'm worried why are you hiding in Thailand?
ToO much Mir discussion today,what if he comes in our dreams . . ?? :fie: :sick:

Are you suggesting some sort of Dream Talk show? Where he asks you about various thin
any one can take on his behalf, but are you ready to come to pakistan?
do you feel safe, with your over eduacted mbrains walking in a court room & then just falling down some where in between, by a bullet fired by a mullha , to take out your priceless brains ?
only then , i guss you will know , what it means to be a pakistani? right?
Im already in Pakistan.. went near the courts yesterday to grab a famous Murgh Chola made in Asli ghee.. supposedly a favourite of the Lawyers and Judges that are there. Felt relatively safe there, as long as you dont take out an expensive mobile or walk around like you dont know where you are.

My suggestion to you is.. learn to debate without getting involved personally. You look and sound like an idiot when you start rambling off on other members and people in angry tirades. When you do that, your whole focus and intent loses its meaning and thought. You have defended your views in the past MUCH better than this.. I suggest you go back to this and stop worrying about my Pakistaniat.

and just to let you know i dislike the way our Media works:enjoy: especially how Pro some of the Political parties they were in last elections,how biased they were in their reporting etc the favourism factor....you know that all...i know the ills...but still the voilence part is...
ریمنڈ میر پر حملے کے بعد یہود نیوز المعروف جیو نیوز نے حسبِ معمول پاک فوج کے خلاف زہر اگلنا شروع کردیا.
You do know that UK & Pakistan's legal precedent are different ..Right ?

and no you cannot call someone A Criminal , Traitor or any other words which is derogatory to his position or effect his lifestyle or harms him in any way physiologically without a possible return Suit of Defamation ,

Here is what is written in Pakistan Law
I dont disagree with you at all. rather the examples were to highlight this facet.

injures the reputation of a person, tends to lower him in the estimation of others or tends to reduce him to ridicule, unjust criticism, dislike, contempt or hatred shall be actionable as defamation.

This particular aspect is up to the person themselves to pursue. Or another party in their place to pursue. So when Saad Rafique or others accuse Musharraf of being a Traitor.. cases may be filed against them by supporters or Musharraf himself.
However, this does not specifically include words of criminal or traitor but rather(as you posted) but any false statement or representation. In that category then also fall the word "Crook".. "Pig".. and so on.. and not specifically "criminal" or "traitor".
Are you suggesting some sort of Dream Talk show? Where he asks you about various thin

Im already in Pakistan.. went near the courts yesterday to grab a famous Murgh Chola made in Asli ghee.. supposedly a favourite of the Lawyers and Judges that are there. Felt relatively safe there, as long as you dont take out an expensive mobile or walk around like you dont know where you are.

My suggestion to you is.. learn to debate without getting involved personally. You look and sound like an idiot when you start rambling off on other members and people in angry tirades. When you do that, your whole focus and intent loses its meaning and thought. You have defended your views in the past MUCH better than this.. I suggest you go back to this and stop worrying about my Pakistaniat.
here we go again?
dumboos like you who keep living in thier panaroid overeducated lives, are the reason why , these croupt politicians are in power in pakistan, cause they can hire a dozen dumboo,s like you , to do a counting for his shoeses?
or to find a suitable farm for his ausrralian cows?
there is no point , taking you dirty thoughts to holy prophet?
dont try to bring holy prophet & good religion , islam to protect your dirty arguments, its a sign of really over educatednspineless coward?

Australian Cows? What is your fascination with cows?
Regardless, one question which I posted was essentially ignored. Are we to consider that an agency where some of the best trained(in many aspects) from the military are recruited.. failed to take a proper shot with a small calibre weapon at less than 10-20 yards range?
Perhaps a mission that went bad???
Here is my take on the scene.
Vehicle slowed down to turn right, vehicle came to halt, guy shows up to the window, pulls out the 9mm pistol and spray the bullets, at the same time second guy fires at the car from a distance of 10- 20 yards.
HM driver, drives off.
One of the pistol used was .30 bore, that was the pistol, the second shooter had or perhaps the third man.

Another thing confusing me is the fact taht only 9 empties of 9mm recovered and one 30cal.
But one eyewitness said after spraying one mag, the guy pulled out the second mag.....
Most of the 9mm in the market has 15+ capacity, so why reload early, unless it was the 30 cal.... that has only 7 bullets, then where are the other empties??

If i was to take the shot, i would have picked 30cal, because of its over penetrating power, it would have passed through the vehicle door and yet manage to exit HM's body if fired from close distance.
پہلے لمحے افسوس ہوا اور رحم آیا ، کیا کریں مسلمان ہیں اور پاکستانی بھی، نرم دل نرم گوشہ، لیکن جب جیو نیوز لگایا اور حامد میر کے بھائی کو سنا اور جس طرح سے نیوز کاسٹر، صحافی پاکستان آرمڈ فورسز اور آئی ایس آئی کی تذلیل کررہے اور آئی ایس آئی کے خاتمے کی باتیں کر رہے -- سب رحم اور نرم دلیختم ہو گئی
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