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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

These type of people dont die that easily. . And well after he is recovered, he is going to give very tough time...!
I wish him the best. Regardless of the fact that I don't like him or his terrorist apologetic stance. He is still Pakistani and I cringe when I say this, our brother. :confused: . Get well Hamid inshallah.

As for who did it, it must be ISI

'Our boys don't miss', they could have blown his skull off a from a kilometer away in a moving vehicle with a cartridge that would mingle on impact.

People seriously need to stop creating stupid conspiracy theories.

Whoever did this, the plan might be to scare him and not kill him. It doesn't take a lot of "bahaduri" to kill a man.
so you are justifying that his brother is right, & ISI is responsible for that?
@mods anyone defaming pakarmy is fully responsible for bieng called & tried as traitor?

1. Read my first post on this thread. I suggested that rogue elements within our establishment could be responsible.

2. Amir Mir said that Hamid Mir had said that if he is attacked, some people related to ISI would be responsible. This has been echoed by many other journalists who had been in touch with Hamid Mir. In view of all that has happened, there is a lot of justification for what I suggested in #1 above.

3. Learn to appreciate the value of freedom of speech. Pakistan is not North Korea, or Egypt. We live and operate under a damn good constitution, which likes of you do not respect.

4. People from ISI have threatened many journalists every now and then. Najam Sethi, Imtiaz Alam, Ahmad Noorani, Cheema, etc... Blaming ISI is only natural. However, it is important to note that Hamid Mir's blaming ISI is not necessarily a proof.

5. I have a policy to never engage you because you lack manners and spout idiotic opinions. With Musharraf gone, you should learn to use some sense. But you never learn. Do NOT ever try to engage me. You are not worth my time. I made an exception today, because I am quite riled up at today's development - and that too after PM and COAS tried to put an effort to make a show of normalization.
Get ready for the shitstorm coming towards the Army and ISI.

DAWN even states that Hamid Mir sent a video to a journalist association saying "if i get killed, Lt Gen Zaheer Ul Islam and ISI are responsible".

Can't really say i fell sorry for the guy...but oh well. May he recover.

BTW, as per DAWN,. TTP have claimed the killing.
Dear @Chak Bamu your love is being expressed for such traitors by giving negative ranking who talks about this madir pidar azad traitor ................
..ISI and free journalism never went well together...
pakistn might see some more attacks ..like this.
So they shoot at him only at let height, mir already recorded his statements accusing isi before the attack. And all of the geo brigade is calling for the head of ISI to step down. The bomb drama was a failure, but looks like this time they might just be able to cause some stir.

So, after dictating head of other state authorities as per their wish using pressure tactics now this gang of traitors aka geo group want to dictate the head of ISI & Armed forces?
..ISI and free journalism never went well together...
pakistn might see some more attacks ..like this.

Free journalism :woot:

He is yellow journalist for your information ..................
So, after dictating head of other state authorities as per their wish using pressure tactics now this gang of traitors aka geo group want to dictate the head of ISI & Armed forces?
As i have said before and saying again - there are mafia groups, that are running the counrtry now, just step out of your front door and you will see for yourself....
However two groups really standout - one being Lawyers / Judiciary and Journalist / Media.
They really have been stepping out of the line and someone needs to show them the door.
1. Read my first post on this thread. I suggested that rogue elements within our establishment could be responsible.

2. Amir Mir said that Hamid Mir had said that if he is attacked, some people related to ISI would be responsible. This has been echoed by many other journalists who had been in touch with Hamid Mir. In view of all that has happened, there is a lot of justification for what I suggested in #1 above.

3. Learn to appreciate the value of freedom of speech. Pakistan is not North Korea, or Egypt. We live and operate under a damn good constitution, which likes of you do not respect.

4. People from ISI have threatened many journalists every now and then. Najam Sethi, Imtiaz Alam, Ahmad Noorani, Cheema, etc... Blaming ISI is only natural. However, it is important to note that Hamid Mir's blaming ISI is not necessarily a proof.

5. I have a policy to never engage you because you lack manners and spout idiotic opinions. With Musharraf gone, you should learn to use some sense. But you never learn. Do NOT ever try to engage me. You are not worth my time. I made an exception today, because I am quite riled up at today's development - and that too after PM and COAS tried to put an effort to make a show of normalization.

whole of your dam, post is just another sick effort to prove that ISI , is a evil organization , uncontrolled, un civilized?
sure im not intersted in replying your taitorious posts creating doubts against pakarmy & ISI inthe mind & hearts of common pakistanis, who are being the victim of the fake damocrazy conspirated , & implemented by the croupt judiciary & prostitute media?

Get ready for the shitstorm coming towards the Army and ISI.

DAWN even states that Hamid Mir sent a video to a journalist association saying "if i get killed, Lt Gen Zaheer Ul Islam and ISI are responsible".

Can't really say i fell sorry for the guy...but oh well. May he recover.

BTW, as per DAWN,. TTP have claimed the killing.
may allaha take him in jahanam!
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