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Halloween in Saudi Arabia 2022

It has nothing to do with the reforms. It's a step towards degeneration.
Halloween, zombies bla bla all the stupid imagination.And most importantly it's far away from the Saudi culture.
But they killed 1000's of Iranians just in the past few weeks. And why do we (Western media) focus so much on Khashoggi when the same West has killed 10's millions of innocent people across the world just in the past 100 years alone?

There have been 1000's of Khashoggis in Pakistan that have been killed by the establishment for speaking out and waderas and other corrupt people but somehow the world never hears about them which is a good thing for our corrupt elites and the "neutrals".:lol:

Khashoggi only gained this much attention because it was KSA and it happened this publicly and due to the incompetence of this operation or whatever it was. Likely some botched work (probably they wanted to kidnap him/intorogate him and he resisted and they killed him)

Anyway this is good for political opponents in KSA, now whenever someone is arrested, it becomes front page news in the world. The "Khashoggi" effect. We could use something similar in Pakistan.:lol:

mbs thought he was 007 and get away but he got caught and exposed.
It has nothing to do with the reforms. It's a step towards degeneration.
Halloween, zombies bla bla all the stupid imagination.And most importantly it's far away from the Saudi culture.

Internet has nothing to do with Saudi Arabian or Pakistani culture either but both are using it.

People dressing up is not exclusive to Western culture and Arabs have their own mythology which includes jins and other "horror" creatures.

There is nothing wrong with kids dressing up either. Completely harmless.

Nor is it/was it Halloween but some horror week event during the Riyadh Season.

Only hypocritical Mullah's seem to have a problem with this or pathetic/obsessed anti-KSA/anti-Arab individuals.

mbs thought he was 007 and get away but he got caught and exposed.

Nobody cares. Khashoggi is long dead. Find another song.
Well, thanks to Iranian propaganda (the user who created this thread) it turned out that this was not a Halloween celebration nor did it take part on Halloween (date) to begin with.

It was merely a completely innocent event called "horror week" which was/is part of Riyadh Season.

You must wait a bit to bash KSA. Maybe another time.
Coming back to the Brit Pakistanis. Sure there are many degenerates within the large diaspora however there are also many successful ones. Brit Pakistanis dominate the fruit & veg desi stores and also have a large hold on the desi cuisine. Pakistanis and Bangladeshis lead the restaraunt and fast food sector. From franchises to small independent owned eateries.
Internet has nothing to do with Saudi Arabian or Pakistani culture either but both are using it.

People dressing up is not exclusive to Western culture and Arabs have their own mythology which includes jins and other "horror" creatures.

There is nothing wrong with kids dressing up either. Completely harmless.

Nor is it/was it Halloween but some horror week event during the Riyadh Season.

Only hypocritical Mullah's seem to have a problem with this or pathetic/obsessed anti-KSA/anti-Arab individuals.

Nobody cares. Khashoggi is long dead. Find another song.

no i will continue this song on replay.
Which even if they did, I see no problem with, as it is not a religious festival, but just a now global practice that is about showing love to your wife. Nobody takes it as some kind of religious practice or sees it as such.

It is just a cultural practice just like Halloween. It might have had some kind of religious/pagan background once but it is no longer the case.

Many Islamic practices were also practiced by Arab pagans, that does not make those practices pagan in their nature.

You are comparing gays and such filth with innocent kids dressing up in movie characters? Are you mentally ill?

Also is it now that we are supposed to be showing you the mirror in terms of the widespread haram and shirk that goes in Iran starting with just the rampant drug addiction that happens to be one of the largest in the world or alcohol consumption? Or general partying by Iranians?

Most of the night clubs in the UAE are famed for being full with Iranians......Iranian diaspora behaviour in the West is world famous for leaving Islam behind or even being widespread anti-Muslims.

Or what about the pathetic transgender nonsense filth that the Mullah's allow openly?

You are the Muslim capital of this filth worldwide!

So don't make me laugh Irani!

There's nothing "innocent" about the satanic pagan holiday known as Halloween. Get your head out the dust.
no i will continue this song on replay.

I prefer focusing on the 1000's of Pakistani Khashoggi's that nobody outside of Pakistan and sometimes Pakistanis themselves are not aware of.

The West, who has killed millions of innocent people, more than anybody else, could not care less about Khashoggi. It was just a failed attempt at weakening KSA/using it against MbS to limit KSA's successful reforms and progress on all fronts. The West does not like independent countries which is why the US/Biden is very angry at KSA for pursuing its own interests and not backing down in regards to their key strategic ties with China.


The Arabs used to rule and control large parts of Western Europe and Europe for almost 1000 years. Used to employ Western slaves even. They were never colonized either. So they don't have a gora complex.

There's nothing "innocent" about the satanic pagan holiday known as Halloween. Get your head out the dust.

Another Mullah?

Except that this is not Halloween but try again. The Irani thread starter has created a fake thread title.

Anyway I guess using your logic, you are a satanic pagan
worshipper for having watched horror movies throughout your life. Or having played computer games based on pagan mythology/fantasy etc.
I prefer focusing on the 1000's of Pakistani Khashoggi's that nobody outside of Pakistan and sometimes Pakistanis themselves are not aware of.

The West, who has killed millions of innocent people, more than anybody else, could not care less about Khashoggi. It was just a failed attempt at weakening KSA/using it against MbS to limit KSA's successful reforms and progress on all fronts. The West does not like independent countries which is why the US/Biden is very angry at KSA for pursuing its own interests and not backing down in regards to their key strategic ties with China.

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The Arabs used to rule and control large parts of Western Europe and Europe for almost 1000 years. Used to employ Western slaves even. They were never colonized either. So they don't have a gora complex.

arabs dont have gora complex go to dubai then. today arabs control nothing under USA hegemony and cant save Palestine. Rember in usa arabs are called sand niggers.
arabs dont have gora complex go to dubai then. today arabs control nothing under USA hegemony and cant save Palestine. Rember in usa arabs are called sand niggers.

Dubai is 90% desi/non-Arab. It is a Pakistani/Indian city by large. You forgot?

Well, they control a landmass larger than Russia. Seems like quite a lot to me.

Well they are not Black and that slur was invented by some US racists (soldiers) against Iraqis. The same slur is used against Pakistanis and every brown Muslims. You think the average gora in Wyoming can tell the difference between an Pakistani, Irani, Arab, Afghani etc.? You must live in "lala" land.
Dubai is 90% desi/non-Arab. It is a Pakistani/Indian city by large. You forgot?

Well, they control a landmass larger than Russia. Seems like quite a lot to me.

Well they are not Black and that slur was invented by some US racists (soldiers) against Iraqis. The same slur is used against Pakistanis and every brown Muslims. You think the average gora in Wyoming can tell the difference between an Pakistani, Irani, Arab, Afghani etc.? You must live in "lala" land.

yes they can. arabs have thobes on. when arab speaks to white man he acts all civilise and with good manners but will act like a wild baboon with pakistanis, indians, bengalis.

they control landmass except palestine. how much they are paying you to serve them?
yes they can. arabs have thobes on. when arab speaks to white man he acts all civilise and with good manners but will act like a wild baboon with pakistanis, indians, bengalis.

they control landmass except palestine. how much they are paying you to serve them?

How old are you again?

So now you are a protector/spokesman of Hindus and Bangladeshis?:lol: Look at you.

There are some 10 million South Asians in Arab countries from Libya to Oman. How many of them are treated badly? 0,5%?

You live in La La land as I wrote and have no idea about Arabs or any Arab country. Just speaking like an dumb and ignorant gora on things that you do not understand.

If Pakistanis were treated badly in KSA there would not be more Pakistanis in KSA than anywhere else outside of Pakistan.

You don't care about Palestine so why do you care? Besides last time I checked there are more Arabs in Palestine/Israel combined than Jews. Besides what has this to do with anything?

The Ottoman (non-Arabs) leaderships/Caliphs were the ones that started inviting and giving/selling land to Jews in the 1880's.

You are blaming a 1-2 million (I think that there were even fewer Palestinians back then) of impoverished Palestinians with no country or army of losing land to US/UK/Western backed European Jews armed to the teeth 100 years ago culminating in 1947? Palestinians had no chance from the beginning.

It is like blaming the ancestors of modern-day Pakistanis for having allowed the British Empire to conquer/colonize/dominate Pakistan.
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The thread title is fake/based on a lie.

It is not Halloween but an event called "horror week" during the Riyadh season.

You can read what Riyadh Season is and the events on this official website.

Comic-con, anime etc. is quite a big thing in KSA and the Middle East in general. Children and teenagers in particular like it.

It has nothing to do with Halloween.

Besides, correct me if I am wrong, in the West Halloween is used as a excuse to party and drink while wearing costumes.

I think that this is a US invention/tradition.

Anyway I see nothing wrong with parents dressing up for fun in harmless customs with their children/small kids to make them happy.

What is next, are we going to ban people dressing up in old traditional dress that is no longer warn on a daily basis? Or are we going to ban children clothing that has motives of spiderman, batman whatever?

It is totally innocent and there is nothing un-Islamic about it. Just families having a bit of harmless fun and some teenagers dressing up in their favourite movie characters.

What is cringe is an individual thing. Some grown ups in their 60's play computer games online and do all kind of strange/cringe things.

It is as if there is nothing more relevant/important to discuss.

This thread is created to bash KSA by the Iranian thread starter. He seems obsessed about KSA and Turkey.
I am not saying to ban them or stop them but I think that it is childish. I am 18 and I wouldn't be caught dead in a costume for no reason.
I am not saying to ban them or stop them but I think that it is childish. I am 18 and I wouldn't be caught dead in a costume for no reason.

I agree. However each to his own. This event in KSA was not Halloween celebrations but some "horror weekend" event during the Riyadh season as I wrote. It looked completely harmless and mostly full of small children, kids and teenagers. Not much different from comic-con etc. I personally never engaged in such stuff, and it has no interest to me, but I have allowed my 2 small sons to dress up in super hero costumes and played along with them. Nothing un-Islamic or harmful in this no matter if retarded Mullah's get their panties in a twist.

In any case, I am 100% sure that htey would be silent if this news was about Iran, Turkey or any other Muslim country.

For instance I am yet to see a Pakistani user on PDF worry about Turkish gay parades in public, Turkish beer and alcohol production and consumption, party scene in Turkey, Turkey being overrun by drunk Western and Russian tourists in Turkish resorts (I am not judging just stating what I have seen and read myself) or whatever ills goes on in Iran (one of the largest drug consumptions in the world, lowest mosque attendance in the Muslim world, hordes of anti-Muslim people), Iranians attacking Muslim clerics (their own) in broad daylight and what not.

Compared to all this, KSA is an innocent lamb whether people like those facts or not. And any Pakistani that has lived in KSA can confirm all this. So it is better left ignored, for some reason or another those lot are obsessed about KSA/Arabs and not really about some innocent "horror event" otherwise they would be focusing on FAR, FAR bigger ills in their favourite Muslim countries but they never do.
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