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Halloween in Saudi Arabia 2022

wheres mbs he should be on the front, as a blood sucking vampire with a saw. kashoggi ?
So it is not even Halloween officially?:lol: So much for the propaganda. I should have known given that this troll thread was started by an Irani and almost all of them are obsessed about KSA and Arabs 24/7.

Mawlid is shirk because it is a religious celebration by misguided Muslims. The Prophet (saws) never celebrated his birthdate nor should Muslims celebrate their own. It is a Christian/Pagan tradition.
Don't say that in Pakistan mate, its a very big event in our country lol, some hardcore people may call you not a good Muslim for not celebrating it ...

This is how Eid milad un nabi looks like in our cities...
Wrong to point out saudi only. Pakistanis, iranians and turks are worst and probably do more shirkiya stuff than saudis. But all in all its wrong, we should not be following their stupid culture and celebrating their traditions that are based on God knows what weird beliefs.
The thing is, if u celebrate a certain festival, its akin to endorsing the belief behind it and that can lead u to shirk or kuffr. So we should all be careful.
It is not the religious side, of which there is none in Valentine's Day, though named after St. Valentine. But the coexistence of Abaya, Religious Police and Valentine's Day celebrations may be like mixing matter and antimatter, leading to cosmic singularity.

You do know that the religious police in KSA stopped having any existence/say 7 years ago or so? Even 10 years ago when I lived in KSA they hardly ever bothered anyone. It is a thing of the past. Now this is mostly restricted to Iran and Afghanistan nowadays.
In Pakistan the "religious" police is the illiterate and often misguided awam (mob) that if they have a bad day can lynch an innocent man or woman in worst case scenario.

Abaya is a dress, you might not know it, but women are not forced to wear a hijab in KSA. Also what has an abaya to do with showing your wife love or buying her some flowers?

Also abayas can come in 100's of different colours, shapes, motives etc.




And nobody in KSA wears any burqa. The most conservative dress is a niqab and it usually looks like this.


And often niqab is also due to tribal traditions of modesty for women in public similar to the Pashtun concept/argumentation in this regard.

Are you an Indian btw?

Wrong to point out saudi only. Pakistanis, iranians and turks are worst and probably do more shirkiya stuff than saudis. But all in all its wrong, we should not be following their stupid culture and celebrating their traditions that are based on God knows what weird beliefs.
The thing is, if u celebrate a certain festival, its akin to endorsing the belief behind it and that can lead u to shirk or kuffr. So we should all be careful.

It is not Halloween. It did not even occur on Halloween. It was just a "horror theme" weekend during the Riyadh Season.

It is just false thread title by the Iranian thread starter.

I found it strange as well but an Iranian user posted a tweet that made this clear. Counterproductive for his propaganda though.

Don't say that in Pakistan mate, its a very big event in our country lol, some hardcore people may call you not a good Muslim for not celebrating it ...

This is how Eid milad un nabi looks like in our cities...

Contrary to the propaganda on here, Mawlid is widely celebrated in KSA as well. In Hijaz and the non-Hanbali areas of KSA. Nor is it banned. You can find Youtube videos online of it being celebrated in KSA.

Also I am not against it, I am not some Mullah who is going to decide what is right or wrong. Not a scholar.

All I am saying is that the Prophet (saws) himself never celebrated his own birthday and that this is mostly an later innovation that Arabs began to do.

So I am just using the Mullah's own logic, kids dressing up is shirk/innovation but by that logic mawlid should also be considered shirk.

In reality we don't even know (for certain) the birthday of the Prophet (saws) to even celebrate it accurately.
irani mullah didnt kill kashoggi

But they killed 1000's of Iranians just in the past few weeks. And why do we (Western media) focus so much on Khashoggi when the same West has killed 10's millions of innocent people across the world just in the past 100 years alone?

There have been 1000's of Khashoggis in Pakistan that have been killed by the establishment for speaking out and waderas and other corrupt people but somehow the world never hears about them which is a good thing for our corrupt elites and the "neutrals".:lol:

Khashoggi only gained this much attention because it was KSA and it happened this publicly and due to the incompetence of this operation or whatever it was. Likely some botched work (probably they wanted to kidnap him/intorogate him and he resisted and they killed him)

Anyway this is good for political opponents in KSA, now whenever someone is arrested, it becomes front page news in the world. The "Khashoggi" effect. We could use something similar in Pakistan.:lol:
Don't make me laugh idiot. The Pakistani community in the UK is 1 billion times more haram than whatever even remotely occurs in KSA. There is not even any discussion about this. The Pakistani community in KSA is 1 billion times better than the UK one. Whatever bad names and reputation Pakistan gets in the world, it is mostly the fault of your lot and your hypocrisy.

Widespread Pakistani gangs, crime rings, prostitution rings, drugs, Pakistani males doing all kind of haram stuff on a weekly basis while demonizing Pakistani women who are innocent lambs in comparison, widespread pedo scandals etc.

Now mention me a single scandal (widespread) involving the Pakistani community in KSA?

Start teaching Pakistani youth in the UK not to drink themselves to unconsciousness in the UK while imitating the goras before getting your panties in a twist because some kids dress up as clowns, anime or whatever they are doing.
Plenty of Pakistanis have been beheaded in Saudi due to drugs smuggling.
Plenty of Pakistanis have been beheaded in Saudi due to drugs smuggling.

This is truth but very few compared to the large Pakistani population in KSA (largest Pakistani diaspora in the world by far) and not only that, you are comparing mostly desperate/impoverished people smuggling drugs (KSA is used as a transit hub for drug traffickers due to its location - some expat populations and locals probably also engage in this industry, no country is completely free from this filth), into whole generations of wasted UK Pakistanis who have been given every opportunity to make themselves a successful community? The average Pakistani in the UK is not forced to engage in crime to begin with.

Also why are the problems mostly a second generation thing? The first arrivals were hardworking and law abiding people.

Besides KSA has recently stopped executing people for drug smuggling which I find a good decision as mostly such people are desperate people regardless of origin and not hardened criminals.

There are plenty of successful Pakistanis in the UK but nobody sane should be pretending that there is not a very large group of UK Pakistanis that do nothing else but destroy the already bad reputation of Pakistan.

It is also a personal experience of many UK Pakistanis acting like hypocrite Mullah's online and in person while engaging in shirk and haram activities themselves far too often to lecture anyone.

Anyway if my kids want to dress up as spiderman and other costumes, I will not deprive them of this joy (they are kids) and if that makes me a kuffar by the Mullah lot here, so be it! Let Allah (swt) be the judge, not corrupt/hypocritical Mullah's.

And KSA opening more up is only a healthy thing for Saudi Arabians and Muslims worldwide. Forceful ultraconservatism does not have any other reaction other than people leaving Islam (religion) as a whole.

We all see what is going on in Iran with once ordinary Muslims now having a deep hatred for Islam due to the actions of their rulers (Mullahs).

We even see it among Afghans in the diaspora. Many Afghans are anti-Islam due to what they experienced under the Taliban etc.
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This is truth but very few compared to the large Pakistani population in KSA (largest Pakistani diaspora in the world by far) and not only that, you are comparing mostly desperate/impoverished people smuggling drugs (KSA is used as a transit hub for drug traffickers due to its location - some expat populations and locals probably also engage in this industry, no country is completely free from this filth), into whole generations of wasted UK Pakistanis who have been given every opportunity to make themselves a successful community? The average Pakistani in the UK is not forced to engage in crime to begin with.

Also why are the problems mostly a second generation thing? The first arrivals were hardworking and law abiding people.

Besides KSA has recently stopped executing people for drug smuggling which I find a good decision as mostly such people are desperate people regardless of origin and not hardened criminals.

There are plenty of successful Pakistanis in the UK but nobody sane should be pretending that there is not a very large group of UK Pakistanis that do nothing else but destroy the already bad reputation of Pakistan.

It is also a personal experience of many UK Pakistanis acting like hypocrite Mullah's online and in person while engaging in shirk and haram activities themselves far too often to lecture anyone.

Anyway if my kids want to dress up as spiderman and other costumes, I will not deprive them of this joy (they are kids) and if that makes me a kuffar by the Mullah lot here, so be it! Let Allah (swt) be the judge, not corrupt/hypocritical Mullah's.

And KSA opening more up is only a healthy thing for Saudi Arabians and Muslims worldwide. Forceful ultraconservatism does not have any other reaction other than people leaving Islam (religion) as a whole.

We all see what is going on in Iran with once ordinary Muslims now having a deep hatred for Islam due to the actions of their rulers (Mullahs).
Majority of the British Pakistani communities came from Mirpur and surrounding districts due to the construction of Mangla dam. Many of the first generations were not educated and worked in the declining cotton mills of the impoverished northern mill towns. Unfortunately this had a knock on effect for generations to come.
However there are successful British Pakistanis.
Is is true that the Mawlid is still banned?
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Imagine grown adults dressing up in costumes. Holoween is cringe.
Imagine grown adults dressing up in costumes. Holoween is cringe.

The thread title is fake/based on a lie.

It is not Halloween but an event called "horror week" during the Riyadh season.

You can read what Riyadh Season is and the events on this official website.

Comic-con, anime etc. is quite a big thing in KSA and the Middle East in general. Children and teenagers in particular like it.

It has nothing to do with Halloween.

Besides, correct me if I am wrong, in the West Halloween is used as a excuse to party and drink while wearing costumes.

I think that this is a US invention/tradition.

Anyway I see nothing wrong with parents dressing up for fun in harmless customs with their children/small kids to make them happy.

What is next, are we going to ban people dressing up in old traditional dress that is no longer warn on a daily basis? Or are we going to ban children clothing that has motives of spiderman, batman whatever?

It is totally innocent and there is nothing un-Islamic about it. Just families having a bit of harmless fun and some teenagers dressing up in their favourite movie characters.

What is cringe is an individual thing. Some grown ups in their 60's play computer games online and do all kind of strange/cringe things.

It is as if there is nothing more relevant/important to discuss.

This thread is created to bash KSA by the Iranian thread starter. He seems obsessed about KSA and Turkey.
Only lame when KSA is doing it, not when it is done (widespread too) in Pakistan and Iran?

Hypocrisy much?

And WTF is the problem with some kids, children and some teenagers dressing up and having fun without hurting themselves or anyone?

Are idiots here really buying this satanism nonsense?:lol:

Your IQ can't be higher than 50 if you think that kids, small children and some teenagers dressing up equals abandoning Islam or "satanism".

Mullah's are the Iran worshippers here on PDF who criticize KSA 24/7 when Iran is 100 times worse. Stop wasting peoples times with this laughable nonsense.

Pakistan itself is a cesspoll of haram behaviour from our corrupt elite, politicians, military to the average person.

You are sitting in the UK as well to make it even funnier. Have you seen the Pakistani community in the UK and their behavior or the overall haram cesspoll that the UK is? KSA is an innocent lamb in comparison but you are sitting in the UK and likely engaging in haram stuff 24/7 yourself, yet preaching.:lol:
I’m sure your IQ is equal to the number in your username 😂

“He who imitates any people (in their actions) is considered to be one of them.” Related by Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban graded it as Sahih.

“Whoever resides in the lands of the non-Arabs and then celebrates their religious occasions (such as Nairuz and Mihrajan – Persian holidays) and emulates their practices and thereafter dies in such a condition, shall be raised with them on the Day of Judgement.”
Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration as the statement of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) with two chains.
(As Sunanul Kubra, vol. 9 pg. 234)

Your homework is to evaluate whether low IQ really belongs to the one who is too arrogant to accept there are those more knowledgeable in matters of Deen. If you believe you can design your own religion just as you would your own house, own car, own country then enjoy your own Azab e Qabr. You won’t be getting further replies.

May Allah guide us all.
I’m sure your IQ is equal to the number in your username 😂

“He who imitates any people (in their actions) is considered to be one of them.” Related by Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban graded it as Sahih.

“Whoever resides in the lands of the non-Arabs and then celebrates their religious occasions (such as Nairuz and Mihrajan – Persian holidays) and emulates their practices and thereafter dies in such a condition, shall be raised with them on the Day of Judgement.”
Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration as the statement of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) with two chains.
(As Sunanul Kubra, vol. 9 pg. 234)

Your homework is to evaluate whether low IQ really belongs to the one who is too arrogant to accept there are those more knowledgeable in matters of Deen. If you believe you can design your own religion just as you would your own house, own car, own country then enjoy your own Azab e Qabr. You won’t be getting further replies.

May Allah guide us all.

Well, thanks to Iranian propaganda (the user who created this thread) it turned out that this was not a Halloween celebration nor did it take part on Halloween (date) to begin with.

It was merely a completely innocent event called "horror week" which was/is part of Riyadh Season.

You must wait a bit to bash KSA. Maybe another time.

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