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Halloween in Saudi Arabia 2022


Tbh For Pakistan you should pick non showbiz people ...

This isn't representative of Pakistan

A few kids, small children and teenagers dressing up for Halloween or whatever it is, in affluent areas of Riyadh, is not representative either.

There are plenty of rich and upper middle class Pakistanis within Pakistan that "celebrate" Halloween by dressing up.

The "luck" here is that we have so many braindead Mullah's that even an innocent kid dressing up for Halloween could risk his own life if he/she encountered the wrong crowd. Not sure if that is something to pride yourself on. Taliban pride themselves on this while being a drug cartel at the same time and engaging in widespread pedo behaviour (bacha bazi).

And let us not mention actual ills such as alcohol, drug, sexual relationship outside of marriage, **** consumption online, corruption, crime etc.

Didn't anyone teach you idiots shirk is not a wahabi concept

It's a Islamic concept that every one worthy of being called a Muslim should have complete understanding of

So make up your mind. Are Arabs all Wahhabis or Satanist worshippers?

And living in the UK and paying taxes to the goras who afterwards invade Muslim lands (Afghanistan and Iraq) is not shirk though?:lol:
Only ultraconservative Mullah's have any problems with small kids and teenagers dressing up without hurting themselves or anyone. Nobody is celebrating any "religious festivals" here.

How dumb must one be to think that anyone is "worshipping" satanism by dressing up as some movie figure or whatever?

What is next, it becomes shirk to play video games or dressing up in Western clothing?

The same KSA obsessed lot in this thread would be the first persons to denounce KSA if they banned kids and teenagers from dressing up as movie characters and whatever and screaming wahhabis left and right.:lol:
Following mushrikeen way of life and festivals is "Shirk"

Muslims everywhere need to be strong, whether in Saudi, Iran, Pakistan you have these haramis trying to normalise this abhorrent behaviour

The idea is bit by bit the infect society

First they try to normalise something small, then they keep pushing

The want us to be no different to the transexual confused homo children in the west

You see it in the protests in Iran, odd haired weirdos dancing on the streets, being celebrated by Westerners
Muslims everywhere need to be strong, whether in Saudi, Iran, Pakistan you have these haramis trying to normalise this abhorrent behaviour

The idea is bit by bit the infect society

First they try to normalise something small, then they keep pushing

The want us to be no different to the transexual confused homo children in the west

You see it in the protests in Iran, odd haired weirdos dancing on the streets, being celebrated by Westerners

So your belief in Islam is so weak that you feel threatened by some small kids dressing up as movie characters purely for fun and with no religious or "satanistic" (LOL) motives at all?

Are you also committing shirk if you buy a spiderman costume or onesie to your kid? Just asking from the resident Mullah's here who are based in the Islamic UK or US.


Shirk or halal?

Also can the resident esteemed Mullah's give an estimation when Saudi Arabia will convert to satanism and leave Islam? Are we talking next week or even sooner?
So your belief in Islam is so weak that you feel threatened by some small kids dressing up as movie characters purely for fun and with no religious or "satanistic" (LOL) motives at all?

Are you also committing shirk if you buy a spiderman costume or onesie to your kid? Just asking from the resident Mullah's here based who are based in the Islamic UK or US.

View attachment 892247

Shirk or halal?

Tell me as Muslims to you Arabs

Should we heed the warnings given to us by ALLAH SWT or ignore them?
Tell me as Muslims to you Arabs

Should we heed the warnings given to us by ALLAH SWT or ignore them?
I am not Arab.

Where does it state anywhere that it is shirk for kids to dress up as movie characters? In which universe is halloween a religious festival? Who even takes it as a religion anywhere? Nobody does, not even the goras.

Also when do you think that people of KSA will leave Islam and embrace "satanism" by your estimation?

Is it also shirk to play video games and adopting video game characters online? It is shirk to buy spiderman onesies to your son? Can the resident Mullah's help me and others out?
I am not Arab.

Where does it state anywhere that it is shirk for kids to dress up as movie characters? In which universe is halloween a religious festival? Who even takes it as a religion anywhere? Nobody does, not even the goras.

Also when do you think that people of KSA will leave Islam and embrace "satanism" by your estimation?

Is it also shirk to play video games and adopting video game characters online? It is shirk to buy spiderman onesies to your son? Can the resident Mullah's help me and others out?

So we Muslims have a choice of following your kind who basically want us to start off small until it's too late to stop the rot

Or we have the choice as Muslims to follow Islam and that is to be strong and steadfast in faith and belief and never waver even for a second against this bullshit

Remember Tinkerbell it always starts off small and that's what your asking of us Muslims, to start accept something that to you is insignificant but really is the start of a act that will lead to further corruption

Beautiful! 😍😍😍
At this rate, they will be celebrating Valentine's Day anytime soon.
So we Muslims have a choice of following your kind who basically want us to start off small until it's too late to stop the rot

Or we have the choice as Muslims to follow Islam and that is to be strong and steadfast in faith and belief and never waver even for a second against this bullshit

Remember Tinkerbell it always starts off small and that's what your asking of us Muslims, to start accept something that to you is insignificant but really is the start of a act that will lead to further corruption

Or maybe, just maybe, I am not so mentally challenged that I feel that Islam is threatened by something as innocent as kids, small children and some teenagers dressing up as movie characters and other completely innocent dresses.

Halloween is not a religious festival and is not followed as such by any people. It is now a global thing mostly aimed at kids and teenagers to have a bit of innocent fun by dressing up as their favorite movie characters or whatever.

Also I am humble enough, based on my personal experience in KSA, not to question the intellect of the average Saudi Arabian Muslim of all people (who by virtue of ancestry, history, language and geography should have the best grasp of Islam and the noble Quran) and not to make up utter pathetic theories of some "satanism" worship or other such nonsense over some small kids (along with their parents) dressing up.

I don't know what Tinkerbell is.

If KSA suddenly made Halloween some kind of public holiday, started engaging in propaganda that pursued people to "celebrate it" (celebration here means dressing up in costumes because I don't know what else is going on?) etc. I would see a problem.

As of now it is completely innocent.

You can even see that women (mother's and just teenagers) are retaining their hijab and decency. The outfits are not "anti-Islamic" per se either.

And believe it or not, but Islamic practices have been evolving for 1400 years. All core beliefs are set in stone but Islam, contrary to other religions, is not an inflexible religion.

Did you know that conservative Mullah's across the Muslim world once banned the television, radio etc.?

Hell, why not ban the internet with all the filth that is widely available there?

No sane Mullah would do that as the internet has good and bad things about it.

Similarly this so-called "Halloween". If you are dressing up in innocent movie character dresses or whatever (as seen here) and hurting nobody and not engaging in any religious ritual etc. (taking this as some kind of religious festival) there is no harm in it.

The Mullah's that prohibit Halloween do it because they consider it as some kind of religious practice which it is not and certainly not taken as such by anyone that "celebrates" it (dresses up) in any Muslim majority nation and even in the West.

This amounts to claiming that any Muslim who happens to be in the US during Thanksgiving and eats turkey or whatever they eat in the US that day, engage in "religious festivals" or paganism.
Good for Turkey and Saudi Arabia. They are progressing

download (4).jpeg

Saudi Arabia
A gay tradition being exported to other countries around the world.

@TruthSeeker Can you shed some light?
From twitter account
Celebration of Halloween in Riyad, Saudi Arabia. The GEA of Saudi organized an event called "Horror Weekend", meanwhile celebration of Mawlid is still banned.

Imagine a country that forbids the commemoration of the Prophet ﷺ because it is more evil than celebrating Halloween… pic.twitter.com/gulK99yO8q

— Musa al-Maghribi 🇲🇦 ⵣ | مُوسَى المَغْرِبِي (@Musa_Maliki_) October 29, 2022
Which even if they did, I see no problem with, as it is not a religious festival, but just a now global practice that is about showing love to your wife. Nobody takes it as some kind of religious practice or sees it as such.
It is not the religious side, of which there is none in Valentine's Day, though named after St. Valentine. But the coexistence of Abaya, Religious Police and Valentine's Day celebrations may be like mixing matter and antimatter, leading to cosmic singularity.
To all the Iranis obsessing about the country (Saudi Arabia) that has heavily influenced them religiously, culturally, linguisticically, and even ruled them for centuries (Arabs) etc.

From twitter account
Celebration of Halloween in Riyad, Saudi Arabia. The GEA of Saudi organized an event called "Horror Weekend", meanwhile celebration of Mawlid is still banned.

Imagine a country that forbids the commemoration of the Prophet ﷺ because it is more evil than celebrating Halloween… pic.twitter.com/gulK99yO8q

— Musa al-Maghribi 🇲🇦 ⵣ | مُوسَى المَغْرِبِي (@Musa_Maliki_) October 29, 2022

So it is not even Halloween officially?:lol: So much for the propaganda. I should have known given that this troll thread was started by an Irani and almost all of them are obsessed about KSA and Arabs 24/7.

Mawlid is shirk because it is a religious celebration by misguided Muslims. The Prophet (saws) never celebrated his birthdate. It is a Christian/Pagan tradition/influence.

On the other hand "Horror Weekend" is not a religious festival.

And there you go

This is the warning that should be ringing in every Muslims head when they see this shit

Don't let these haramis confuse you

It turns out that the KSA-obsesed Irani thread starter made up this thread by making up a lie of this being Halloween. It was not even Halloween nor did it happen on Halloween. It was merely a "horror weekend". Hence nowhere close to being even remotely related to a religious festival.
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