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HAL to display new chopper models at India Aviation show

All these systems HAL could quite easily do in-house (and has with the ALH, LCH and LUH). As @jarves says, HAL has exactly zero expertise in a medium class help and neither does anyone else in India, to ensure this doesn't turn into a decade long struggle they really do need to tie up with a foreign player- Sikorsky or Airbus Military would be my first choices.

What HAL has today wont be applicable for future helis. Better solutions and technologies should be developed by funding universities just like ISRO has been doing for past years.
Most probably lavish interiors and extra protection to the passengers .
With some air hostesses thrown in for fun during arduous and long VIP journeys. Also a separate Ayurvedic massage cabin to ease the stress of our worthy hardworking VIP politicians, especially during election season. Also........Ok never mind. You get the point! ;)
What HAL has today wont be applicable for future helis. Better solutions and technologies should be developed by funding universities just like ISRO has been doing for past years.
I don't really think this is HAL's place, they are not a research organisation per se like DRDO and ISRO are. Do Boeing or LM fun any universities (they might, I don't know but I doubt it).
I don't really think this is HAL's place, they are not a research organisation per se like DRDO and ISRO are. Do Boeing or LM fun any universities (they might, I don't know but I doubt it).

Yep Boeing and LM fund Unis. Boeing even has collaboration with Indian Unis like IISc. HAL is involved in R&D and their rotor division is quite successful in developing new model like LCH and LUH.
Yep Boeing and LM fund Unis. Boeing even has collaboration with Indian Unis like IISc. HAL is involved in R&D and their rotor division is quite successful in developing new model like LCH and LUH.
Wasn't aware for the first point. Wrt HAL, I'm sure they'll sort their sh!t out sooner rather than later, but really they are far too overwhelmed to be making such calls right now, they arguably have the biggest and most diverse workload of any aerospace manufacturer on the planet right now....
Clicked these on Saturday while the tests were going on.

I am also from Bangalore and HAL: Museum is very informative regarding Indian Aero space industry and its history :cheers:

I have some of the pics of my visit in my fb account :cheers:

These days lot of testing is going on and we can hear aircraft engines roaring day and night.

Clicked these on Saturday while the tests were going on.

All these systems HAL could quite easily do in-house (and has with the ALH, LCH and LUH). As @jarves says, HAL has exactly zero expertise in a medium class help and neither does anyone else in India, to ensure this doesn't turn into a decade long struggle they really do need to tie up with a foreign player- Sikorsky or Airbus Military would be my first choices.
How about MIL
How about MIL

There were negotiations with Russians and Eurocopter for years, to jointly develop a medium class helicopter, but nothing came out of it. But now there is most likely no requirement for it anymore. IAF has filled it's fleet with Mi 17s, IN will aim on Sea Hawks or NH90s and even ICG is meant to get similar helicopters soon. Which makes IMRH to the next HAL project that nobody needs anymore, because it comes too late.
I really hope they try to get a foreign partner to give the naval Dhruv a auto folding system and then participate in the naval LUH competition against foreign counterparts. There isn't a better way for HAL to prove it's real worth by beating the foreign competitors and with the Dhruv they even has a proven base, which only requires some customization.
I wonder if it's possible to add external fuel tanks, to the stations that can hold torpedos under the gears, or add external hardpoints to add fuel tanks:



Both should be ways to meet INs range requirements and increase the chances of the naval Dhruv.

Personally I would prefer HAL to tie up with a Western firm, I think their practices will be more beneficial to India than MIL.
Does Airbus have expertise with choppers?
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