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Well.. the same article specifically mentions that the IAF has confirmed the purchase of just 20 LCAs. It seems quite obvious that HAL/ADA are forcefully making IAF buy these fighter jets.

And for any jet engine, thrust is a major factor. IAF has repeatedly said that the Kaveri is too heavy and does not provide enough thrust. This puts LCA at a serious disadvantage compared to other contemprorary fighter jets. Besides, it hasn't been tested for long duration of time to address all reliability issues.
I think you missunderstand some things!
The 20 LCA (other reports say 40, or 2 squads) are LCA MK1 with the GE 404 enginem which will be produced by next year. LCA MK2 which will get the new engine, will be produced from 2014 on and as the article says in numbers of 100 - 150. So if IAF don't want more LCA, why get 100 - 150 new engines?

Check the comparison I made, if LCA MK 1 can fly with an 85 Kn US engine, it could also fly with an 83 Kn Kaveri. JF 17 is already flying with a comparable thrust, also the older version of Gripen which only has 80 Kn thrust. Once again I doubt that thrust of Kaveri is problem!
Hey fellows, problem is not in engine, problem is in the air frame.
Airframe of LCA need drastic changes.
Can you prove that please, because as far as I know the only airframe changes will depend on which new engine it will get. It is statet the the GE 414 engine will cause more changes and the EJ 200 just minor modifications.
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Can you prove that please, because as far as I know the only airframe changes will depend on which new engine it will get. It is statet the the GE 414 engine will cause more changes and the EJ 200 just minor modifications.

I think u r ryt Ej-200 advance in term of technology they give us TVC version + it has ability for S.C. at 1.2 mach. And it has potential growth with some mirror changes it can upgrade thrust by 20-30%.
Can you prove that please, because as far as I know the only airframe changes will depend on which new engine it will get. It is statet the the GE 414 engine will cause more changes and the EJ 200 just minor modifications.

Delta wing design need support of canard wings to be a truly maneuvarable, which is a big reason to go for light a/c. Adding canards on a small aircraft and keeping its weight low, may not be possible.... hence LCA may end up with bigger dimensions and more weight.
Changes due to change in engine would be additional.

I have the feeling that LCA production will only be symbolic and HAL will move on to MCA development.
We all know LCA was inspired from mirrage and we'll see what would be the inspiration for MCA?
Delta wing design need support of canard wings to be a truly maneuvarable, which is a big reason to go for light a/c. Adding canards on a small aircraft and keeping its weight low, may not be possible.... hence LCA may end up with bigger dimensions and more weight.
Changes due to change in engine would be additional.

I have the feeling that LCA production will only be symbolic and HAL will move on to MCA development.
We all know LCA was inspired from mirrage and we'll see what would be the inspiration for MCA?

possibly , but we HAVE to replace the mig-21 fleet and if LCA numbers are fewer and symbolic then it would leave us with a fleet of 200+ high end Sukhoi's but devoid of effective light fighter / Interceptors.

I expect IAF to put it's weight behind the LCA and procure upwards of 150 but figures of close to 400 are unrealistic.
seeing threat from China on its western border IAF has put immediate order to purchase 99 engine from the US
seeing threat from China on its western border IAF has put immediate order to purchase 99 engine from the US
I will take time my bother engine up gradation is not a easy task. and remember lca does not pass ioc Ist it has to clear this then new engine (GE414 or EJ200) integration and radar (AESA) then the foc come. It can not come (lca-mk2) before 2013-2014 because of slow speed by ADA & HAL
Delta wing design need support of canard wings to be a truly maneuvarable, which is a big reason to go for light a/c. Adding canards on a small aircraft and keeping its weight low, may not be possible.... hence LCA may end up with bigger dimensions and more weight.
Changes due to change in engine would be additional.
Or you just get a new engine that combines it all in one, the EJ 200! No big airframe changes, TVC for more maneuvarability and and more thrust for a better t/w ratio.
Delta wing, TVC, 90 - 100 kN thrust, possibly SC and a good AESA radar would make the MK2 version really comparable to Gripen NG!
I have the feeling that LCA production will only be symbolic and HAL will move on to MCA development.
We all know LCA was inspired from mirrage and we'll see what would be the inspiration for MCA?
That can't happen for some simple reasons,
1. MCA development takes maybe a decade and we have to replace Mig 21 by the next few years.
2. Both are meant for totally different roles.
LCA - low cost interceptor with some multi role capability to replace Mig 21
MCA - next gen fighter for BVR combats and special strikes to replace Jags, upg Mig 27 and maybe Mirage 2k

So the least number of LCA must be the number of Mig 21 that will be phased out in the next few years (150 to 200).

Actually the design of the MCA is already done:

Gabbar bhaiiii as I had told u earler that all such news I watched on a reliable news channel called AAJ Tak.......
possibly , but we HAVE to replace the mig-21 fleet and if LCA numbers are fewer and symbolic then it would leave us with a fleet of 200+ high end Sukhoi's but devoid of effective light fighter / Interceptors.
Well ...what shall I call it fortunate or unfortunate!!!
Time line is suerly not in your favor.
You have no choice but to buy off the shelf fighter or keep flying mig-21! and again fortunately or unfortunately there are no such aircrafts which may exactly replace mig-21.. do you have any thing in mind?

I expect IAF to put it's weight behind the LCA and procure upwards of 150 but figures of close to 400 are unrealistic.
Honestly, forcing IAF will not serve any good purpose but choice is all yours. I think figures close to 400 are only possible when you change LCA design to MCA.
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No big airframe changes......

Actually the design of the MCA is already done:


You don't make any sense here....
first... what you are showing us does not translate in to a design
secondly there is no similarity with LCA!
thirdly, twin engine a/c cannot translate in ot an LCA.

Is it my imagination or you also see some similarities

You don't make any sense here....
first... what you are showing us does not translate in to a design
secondly there is no similarity with LCA!
thirdly, twin engine a/c cannot translate in ot an LCA.

Is it my imagination or you also see some similarities
The pic I showed was a response to this:
We all know LCA was inspired from mirrage and we'll see what would be the inspiration for MCA?
LCA and MCA are two different aircrafts and will only have some minor similarities, specially because LCA won't get Kaveri engine now.

If you think LCA MK2 will get such radical airframe changes like your pic shows, you are mistaken. They will do anything now to reduce some weight and get the new engine into it, that's it! Because more changes will cause more time for development and testing. Also The fact that we only will produce a low number of MK1 versions and get the more capable MMRCA above the LCA MK2, means not more developments for LCA are needed.
If LCA was on time and we didn't needed to go with MMRCA, there could be a MK3 version as a further development with more changes.
I guess after the induction of MK2 has startedm the concentration will be focused on next gen techs and developments for FGFA and MCA.
Some american says that, indian LCA fighter is better than the performance of JF - 17 more? So, let us fight in the sky。
Some american says that, indian LCA fighter is better than the performance of JF - 17 more? So, let us fight in the sky。

Friend it has to be better because jet fighter not always about only design. Whats matters is what inputs LCA and JF-17 has. JF-17 inputs build by china. LCA inputs would be israel or french or both mix. If china better in inputs than israel and french than yep JF-17 better. As far as i know russian inputs not upto level of israel inputs while china lags behind russia. What does that mean? Do i have to say it friend? And one more thing that LCA alot small and lite weight. Thats advantage. Its engine the only problem. Once engine gets fixed with more power than matching LCA would be alot difficult for JF-17 unless JF-17 uses better inputs by israel or america. Is that possible? i would say wait and watch.
Friend it has to be better because jet fighter not always about only design. Whats matters is what inputs LCA and JF-17 has. JF-17 inputs build by china. LCA inputs would be israel or french or both mix. If china better in inputs than israel and french than yep JF-17 better. As far as i know russian inputs not upto level of israel inputs while china lags behind russia. What does that mean? Do i have to say it friend? And one more thing that LCA alot small and lite weight. Thats advantage. Its engine the only problem. Once engine gets fixed with more power than matching LCA would be alot difficult for JF-17 unless JF-17 uses better inputs by israel or america. Is that possible? i would say wait and watch.
Don't underestemate the JF 17 and specially the Chinese developments in radar and engine fields! Even if both are not ready yet (just as our indigenous radar and engine), the specs looks not bad at all.
I guess we have to wait and see till both fighters are operational to see what exact specs they have and to make a good comparison. Moreover the block 2 and MK2 versions will be the interesting fighters, both will have full capabilities which are mostly undecided right now.
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