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Advanced weapons trials in jamnagar.

The article related to the pic:

Tejas completes advanced weapon trials in Jamnagar
Three aircraft from Tejas flight-line have successfully completed advanced weapon trials in Jamnagar as part of the Final Operational Clearance (FOC) campaign, which began in December last year...

..."The first SP-1 is in advanced stages of equipping and we will have the ground run by end of June. The SP-1 should start flying by August. The second, third and fourth production aircraft are in various stages of structural build and we hope to deliver four aircraft in the current year to the Indian Air Force (IAF)," Tyagi said...

...Ahead of the FOC, crucial milestones that the project needs to complete include, integration of the missiles with the radar, integration of Russian-made 23 mm GSH gun, air-to-air refuelling probe, better braking system and change of nose cone radome from composite materials to quartz for an improved range.

Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Tejas completes advanced weapon trials in Jamnagar
There is best explanation on DSI by Gambit, Please read that.
J10B AESA Radar is experimental,
LCA Airframe is good for its role..

Lets not talk about J10B.. Its chinese maal. No one knows the truth about Chinese maal.

It's a PESA radar not AESA because of it's IFF nodes. China bought PESA radar from Russia around early 2000s.

LCA is a Light Combat Fighter, in that role other than Gripen E/F it's the best.

Its actually 25-30 million for blk-I .. 35+ million for Blk-II .. and guess what Blk-I alone is far superior to inferior under development lca ..

Tejas took around 15 years for actual work (designing, construction, testing) to be done. We were making a 4+ Gen fighter for the first time on our own. It took nearly 12 - 15 years to get the necessary industrial capacity together before work could begin. But today it can arguably be said to be the best in it's class (Gripen C/D, JF 17, F16 A/B and early C variants,etc included) due to the some amazing technologies used.

1. HMDS (Dash Helmet Mounted Display Sights)
2. FLIR/ Passive IRST (Litening Pod)
3. Internal MAWS, RWR, systems
4. High Thrust to Weight Ratio 1.07
5. Very Low Wing Loading (50.7 lbs/sqft)
6. All Axis Digital Flight Control System (Quadruplex Redundant)
7. ELTA 2032 Hybrid Multi Mission Radar (150 KM Air to Air range for 3 - 5 msq target, 300 KM for Air to Ground target the size of tank.)
8. Stealth Composites
9. Very Low RCS (0.3 msq)
10. Very Low Cost ($ 26 million only)

JF 17 has only point 10. to call it's own

It's a two seater!
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It's a PESA radar not AESA because of it's IFF nodes. China bought PESA radar from Russia around early 2000s.

LCA is a Light Combat Fighter, in that role other than Gripen E/F it's the best.

Tejas took around 15 years for actual work (designing, construction, testing) to be done. We were making a 4+ Gen fighter for the first time on our own. It took nearly 12 - 15 years to get the necessary industrial capacity together before work could begin. But today it can arguably be said to be the best in it's class (Gripen C/D, JF 17, F16 A/B and early C variants,etc included) due to the some amazing technologies used.

1. HMDS (Dash Helmet Mounted Display Sights)
2. FLIR/ Passive IRST (Litening Pod)
3. Internal MAWS, RWR, systems
4. High Thrust to Weight Ratio 1.07
5. Very Low Wing Loading (50.7 lbs/sqft)
6. All Axis Digital Flight Control System (Quadruplex Redundant)
7. ELTA 2032 Hybrid Multi Mission Radar (150 KM Air to Air range for 3 - 5 msq target, 300 KM for Air to Ground target the size of tank.)
8. Stealth Composites
9. Very Low RCS (0.3 msq)
10. Very Low Cost ($ 26 million only)

JF 17 has only point 10. to call it's own

It's a two seater!
Jf17 dont ahve point 1to 9 ?
@Post #9350:Sources for points 4 and 7(The RADAR is an Indian MMR with some Israeli components,IIRC)
Point 8 is false.
The composites used are just that-'composites' and no usage of 'Stealth composites' has ever been made in the entire program.(Some say that the composites used are a generation behind the ones used on western aircraft,the difference mainly is due to manufacturing processes employed)
Point 9 is a brain fart.
@Post #9350:Sources for points 4 and 7(The RADAR is an Indian MMR with some Israeli components,IIRC)
Point 8 is false.
The composites used are just that-'composites' and no usage of 'Stealth composites' has ever been made in the entire program.(Some say that the composites used are a generation behind the ones used on western aircraft,the difference mainly is due to manufacturing processes employed)
Point 9 is a brain fart.

7. It's an ELTA 2032 HYBRID actually, Indian T/R module with Israeli backend processor. Makes sense as why we should not modify/customize the radar for our use than just buy a new one. Performance as per sources 120km @ 2ms, 150km @ 3 - 5 msq.

8. Composites absorb and deflect radar waves in a different way compared to metal surface. Funnily the radome of the plane absorbs the wavelengths giving only 40 - 50 km radar range as of now, even though radar is 150 KM in A2A range! These composites make the plane lighter and stealthier as a result. Even JF 17 blk III is scheduled to use this technology.

9. Tejas is the smallest lightest plane in the world in it's class. Being small itself gives a very low RCS. With the stealth composites included as well as RAM paint coating, the Tejas has an RCS of just a 1/3 of a Mirage 2000H as per experts. RCS of Mirage 2000H is 1 msq. Thus 1/3 is RCS of Tejas or 0.3 msq.
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How many LCAs are under construction?
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