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Composite content of LCA-TEJAS airframe is at 45% by weight of the basic airframe and about 90% of the aerodynamically wetted surface.


Glad to see that our boy won't be old when it comes out in in January and instead be state of the art with constant upgrading of technology inside.

Though I just pray its an all-black cockpit. That smurf blue Russian-inspired color of cockpits was a real put off.

Even Russians don't like it..:lol:
Glad to see that our boy won't be old when it comes out in in January and instead be state of the art with constant upgrading of technology inside.

Though I just pray its an all-black cockpit. That smurf blue Russian-inspired color of cockpits was a real put off.

Even Russians don't like it..:lol:

the best part is that the age-old dial instruments have all been removed and replaced with screens.
^ i don't know if that's a good thing or not, i mean there should always be analogues to fall back upon
^ i don't know if that's a good thing or not, i mean there should always be analogues to fall back upon

Tell that to the cockpits of F-22, F-35 or Rafale.

Analog dials are obsolete as per today's standards of fighter plane cockpit systems.
^ i don't know if that's a good thing or not, i mean there should always be analogues to fall back upon

Today when you have planes that are inherently unstable flying and are only controlable through advanced FBW systems the only time you would need annalougue dials would be a complete and catastropchic flight system/comuputer problem and if that was to happen the utility of an analougue dial is nil because you are in deep $hit! The last thing a pilot is going to be worrying about is the lack of back-up dials-they will have ejected long ago! This is why nowadays advasnced fighters like the LCA have quadraple redundancies and excelaltn safety records.
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