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Pics of FBW design LAB, ADA








Blue ***- please, please, PLEASE provide us this video online!!

+ that guys looks funny just sitting there with a HMDS (TOPSIGHT-I IIRC) on!
This video will tell the Pakistanis what it takes to build an effing fighter. They make fun of us. I bet there is no engineer in Pak who can even figure out drdo labs, leave building them from scratch.
Don't we have enough threads ruined by unnecessary blame games?

No one will blame anyone. I definitely won't but the way pics are coming up showing secret labs, it will be self realization for many that people in DRDO arenot retarted and not sitting idle. Tejas is delayed because of bad project management and over expectations but this video will thoroughly display the capabilities developed in 20 yrs. And trust me India is now getting better with project management too. Future will be much more smoother.
This video will tell the Pakistanis what it takes to build an effing fighter. They make fun of us. I bet there is no engineer in Pak who can even figure out drdo labs, leave building them from scratch.


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No one will blame anyone. I definitely won't but the way pics are coming up showing secret labs, it will be self realization for many that people in DRDO arenot retarted and not sitting idle. Tejas is delayed because of bad project management and over expectations but this video will thoroughly display the capabilities developed in 20 yrs. And trust me India is now getting better with project management too. Future will be much more smoother.

First of all, how secret can it be, when they let a camera team for a western show in? ;)
Secondly, these pics doesn't prove anything exactly because Tejas is not operational yet with the techs and exactly because DRDO is responsible for the failurs in the project management. So no need to bring Pakistan, or who is better comparisons in here and lets stick with the fighter itself.

First of all, how secret can it be, when they let a camera team for a western show in? ;)
Secondly, these pics doesn't prove anything exactly because Tejas is not operational yet with the techs and exactly because DRDO is responsible for the failurs in the project management. So no need to bring Pakistan, or who is better comparisons in here and lets stick with the fighter itself.


yess sir :))
I have the video, but unfortunately when I was recording it did not have audio stream :P. The quality is also not good, I am converting the video to have only relevant info will upload it soon provided sandy spares me.

Okay then-eagerly awaiting the vid all the same! It's really annoying you can't find these online though!!

I hope blue uploads the video if he has it.:frown:

i saw the documentary its was nothing gr8.....i think it was shot way earlier during early flights of LCA 2002-2003

highlights of the documentary:-
1) india developed the carbon fiber composites for the body frame of LCA
2) they also developed stimulator for training which was praised by many senior pilots
3) this was intresting ....IB & world fighter jet experts had predicted LCA would crash in his first maiden flight ...following which Defence minister of that time Mr.George Fernendes called the LCA project head....who on hearing the doubt....requested the defence minister to come and see 4 himself if LCA crashes or fly........And viola its flew baby..And still no crash :victory:
4) it praised the FBW developed for the LCA as one the best system in world ...it made flying very easy ..pilot of mirage found LCA more nimble and aagile
5)All in all they called it 4+ gen plane with MK-2 belonging to 4++ gen or u can say 4.5+ gen
i saw the documentary its was nothing gr8.....i think it was shot way earlier during early flights of LCA 2002-2003

highlights of the documentary:-
1) india developed the carbon fiber composites for the body frame of LCA
2) they also developed stimulator for training which was praised by many senior pilots
3) this was intresting ....IB & world fighter jet experts had predicted LCA would crash in his first maiden flight ...following which Defence minister of that time Mr.George Fernendes called the LCA project head....who on hearing the doubt....requested the defence minister to come and see 4 himself if LCA crashes or fly........And viola its flew baby..And still no crash :victory:
4) it praised the FBW developed for the LCA as one the best system in world ...it made flying very easy ..pilot of mirage found LCA more nimble and aagile
5)All in all they called it 4+ gen plane with MK-2 belonging to 4++ gen or u can say 4.5+ gen

Now LCA is close to completing 2,000 flight hours without a single accident, let alone a crash.


How many sorties do you guys think Tejas will fly dropping bombs in the Feb-2013 LiveWire exercise?
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