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After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17.better fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists and employ chinese/Pakistani scientists atleast they will give better result on time than the HAL dumbs.

Employed.. your wish granted..
Yeah i think its true. Even the production unit for MMRCA should not be given to HAL. AMCA project has also not progressed enough.
I think we should start to include private sector more and more. At least for the portion in which we can include IT companies we should do it because IT is whaT we are good at.

India's defense production is still in its infancy.
Very correctly said...I know we are now back on track, but the way we are behaving that we could do anything.

Our scientists are claiming to develop a 5th gen fighter(some even claim AMCA to be 6th gen) when we have just reached 4th gen.

Also everybody knows, in order to develop a 5th gen fighter we have to develop some new technologies. Our claims are just based on what we will gain from MMRCA and FGFA but these deals haven't been signed yet. If we won't gain enough to develop our own 5th gen fighter then what ?/ I don't think we are capable enough to develop these technologies on our own atleast in the duration they are claiming.

These scientists don't even thought before making these claims, what will happen when they won't be able to deliver what they claim. They themselves create the stage for their embarrassment.

The AURA project is the most funny project. The only things the scientist knows is that they know they will make a UCAV named AURA.

Please don't tell me you don't know what is going on behind the scenes, that our scientists are working.

My only answer to these naive people is that, if the project was so secret that nobody knows what is the progress, then why it was disclosed in the first place.

Its not like we have never kept secrets. Look at the ATV subs and k-series projects, they were successfully kept out of public eyes. Even LCH was not so common until it was showcased.

Its not just these projects, earlier we use to start our projects before notifying the whole world that we are building this but now our scientists just think about something and go to the press, this is not professionalism especially in the defense sector, where secret could be an advantage. And our press, especially INDIA TV, they just add spices to it and broadcast it to the world.
IAF Chief's Wish Granted, HAL Declares LCA An Air Superiority Fighter
Joke of the day.

After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17.better fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists and employ chinese/Pakistani scientists atleast they will give better result on time than the HAL dumbs.
Its not right. LCA was the first fighter, we should wait and see LCA mkII. I think IAF is equally responsible. If they had a revised wishlist then they should have told that to HAL 5-10 years ago, when they decided to induct Su30 MKI.

When the customer himself cannot decide what they want, then how come the shopkeeper give him what he wants.
After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17.better fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists and employ chinese/Pakistani scientists atleast they will give better result on time than the HAL dumbs.

1. 3 decades --------WRONG!

2. using top notch israeli and american technology-------WRONG AGAIN!

3. plane inferior than then the j-17------WRONG!

4. fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists------FOOLISH!

5.employ chinese/Pakistani scientists -----FOOLISH AGAIN!

6. the HAL dumbs.------FOOLISH

GOTTA give it to you, gal; you are nothing if not consistent (...ly wrong)!:rofl::rofl:

P.S. Bolster any of these claims with facts and we can have a serious discussion. But experience tells me that you will yet again turn your back and retreat!:pop:
After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17.better fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists and employ chinese/Pakistani scientists atleast they will give better result on time than the HAL dumbs.

This is not your gudda-guddi khel ,but a god damn aircraft !!As you are so des bhakt of pakistan and china then why tricolour is still there,also if am not wrong you been BANNED in many other fora such as defensefora.in for similar kinda trolling even in sticky thread,aint am rite ?enlighten all PDF MEMBERS TODAY becoz I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID AT LAST SUMMER..:lol:lol:
Congrats to India.
Very cute jet. Very large wing for its size will provide excellent maneuverability and take of landing characterstics (important for young pilots and mountain regions). Cockpit provides good vision. Together with HMD it will make him an excellent dogfighter. Because of small sizes and lack of canards it will have little RCS, together with modern radar, ECM and missiles it provides him very good BWR capabilities. SAR mode of radar and Litening targeting pod should give him excellent strike capabilities.
After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17.better fire HAL/ADA/DRDO scientists and employ chinese/Pakistani scientists atleast they will give better result on time than the HAL dumbs.

Lo ji. Phir Garam Hawa! Woh bhi sardiyon mein! :argh:
Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Tejas production method in HAL needs to be well-oiled; 100% indigenization in defense not possible: Saraswat


India’s Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is finally making progress with many homegrown projects. Often on the receiving end of time and cost overruns, DRDO has been kept on its toes by the Indian media, audit agencies, experts and the armed forces. Amidst all the brickbats and occasional bouquets, DRDO held firm, and slowly the products started gaining acceptance by India’s armed forces. India’s industries also came of age and showed increasing confidence in partnering with DRDO. At the helm of DRDO’s affairs is India’s leading missile scientist, Dr. V.K. Saraswat, who is also the scientific advisor to India’s defense minister. “I am for international collaboration and don’t believe in 100% indigenous development, which is not possible in the current scenario. I don’t believe in reinventing the wheel. Development has to be collaborative,” Saraswat tells Anantha Krishnan M., Aviation Week’s Senior Aerospace and Defense Correspondent (India), in a one-on-one interview for the India Thought Leaders (ITL) series. (Below is the gist of the interview.)
On DRDO’s bumpy ride: The last 20% completion phase of various projects needed more time and extra focus than what the initial 80% took and needed extra focus. This was the period, maybe for close to two decades until around 2005, [when] we found that the output was very fluctuating. This became a major sore point as the country and armed forces were concerned. The users thought we were not delivering. Hence, we decided to channelize all our energies toward the critical 20% of the phase in the last two years.
On LCA production: My assessment is that there should be much more effort from the production agencies to take the Tejas program forward. What is required for the production of Tejas, a lean manufacturing process should be in place. We must have good supply chain lines, good contractors (tier I, II) and state-of-the-art tooling systems. We should have excellent methods of contracting, monitoring, evaluating and integrating every work. While we have some of these in patches, HAL needs to consolidate all this into a great process. An efficient production method is yet to be put in place by HAL as far as LCA is concerned.
On the missile front: The focus of DRDO in the next five years will be to build a subsonic cruise missile for multi-platforms. The work has already begun. Now we are focussing on major building blocks for the missile, which means engines. We will begin work on loitering missiles. We are looking at launching multiple sub munitions from a low-cost rocket or a missile, which can be guided against each target.
New areas: The most neglected area is gun development, and we have already started work in this area. We want to develop even the engine in India for FMBT and have launched a national program involving private industries, academic institutions and DRDO.
On international collaboration: I am for collaborations. The whole idea is to accelerate our pace of development and avoid reinventing the wheel. I personally don’t believe in the 100% indigenous philosophy, which is the most impractical one. Today, if anyone wants complete homegrown products in critical areas, it is because of the lack of [understanding] of the dynamics of the market and a lack of understanding of what is global competitiveness.
On DRDO revamp: We are making good progress. We are implementing 20 to 30% of the Rama Rao Committee recommendations on DRDO’s makeover. The complete decision-taking process has been decentralized. Delivery will be the watchword for DRDO’s progress.
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@Sancho ji nahi!my point is just levcon/lerx watever which can help in AOA and also with droping of nose ,no need to strengthen the body etc or landing gears.

Although I would have liked to see them too, they add weight and as I said AoA don't seems to be a real issue (if I'm not wrong 24° was the aim 22° already achieved). Droping the nose was only needed for carrier landings, so isn't important for IAF as well.

After all this 3 decades and using top notch israeli and american technology HAL comes up with a plane inferior than then the j-17

Says who?

The MK1 most likely will have better BVR capabilities than JFT block 1 because it should have a lower RCS (small size, high ammount of commposites and RAM materials), the better radar and longer range missiles.
The TWR is at least comparable, if not better, the engine is better for sure (a bit more thrust, but much less maintenance)
Dash HMS, Litenging targeting pod, Mayavi EWS (co-developed with Israelis)...

There are a lot of fields where even the MK1 offers advantages and also more potential, where it lacks behind are the fields where the initial goals wasn't met so far (VMAX, turn rates, possibly G level).

I agree on the delays (and often criticised it as well) and we also have to admit that we failed on some parts of the development (indigenous radar and engine), but with the FOC and the induction of the first squad into operational service, the decelopment will turn into a success, especially if we keep trying to get the full potential out of it!
Pictures of LCA Tejas handing over ceremony to IAF








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