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^^ Weight reduction is a false bogey, used by morons in IAF to kill several world class "in-the-initial" stage projects from DRDO.

I give you simple example-

Plane A of country A weighs 5tons and flies at 350m/sec. and carries a payload of 6tons.

Plane B of country B weights 5.5tons and flies at 350m/sec. and carries a payload of 5.5tons.

Now, should country B's airforce reject the plane B just because it doesn't match performance metrics of Country A?

This is how morons in IAF do their maths. They reject wonderful home-made technology just because they are not mature enough to understand that if they don't support home-grown efforts now, it will be too late in future.

IAF thinkless tanks committed same mistake in 1960,70s by diverting huge funds from domestic R&D to Russia. And, now they are repeating the blunders by delaying AMCA by 5 years.
What's the suitability/feasibility of having LCA as a sort of dedicated light ground attack craft.

I think it's small size would be an advantage.
^ It's designed as an interceptor with very low payload, it has no role as an a2g fighter.
What's the suitability/feasibility of having LCA as a sort of dedicated light ground attack craft.

I think it's small size would be an advantage.

^ It's designed as an interceptor with very low payload, it has no role as an a2g fighter.

"The Tejas is single-engined multirole fighter which features a tailless, compound delta-wing planform and is designed with "relaxed static stability" for enhanced maneuverability.
Originally intended to serve as an air superiority aircraft with a secondary "dumb bomb" ground-attack role, the flexibility of this design approach has permitted a variety of guided air-to-surface and anti-shipping weapons to be integrated for more well-rounded multirole and multimission capabilities."

IAF's original requirements in the 80's were for an interceptor.

But after maturity in the program they gained confidence to increase the requirements to a multi-role aircraft. with greater A2G and anti ship capabilites
^ It's designed as an interceptor with very low payload, it has no role as an a2g fighter.

May be following Photos may clear you confusion

1) Tejas with Lightning Pod


2) Image of Tejas carrying Bombs

3) Again LCA with bombs, Missiles and droop tanks


4) LCA and it's weapon (Include bomb)


5) Above image at diff angle(Now also show Rocket Launcher)


6) LCA Dropping Iron Bomb


LITENING targeting pod

LITENING pod on a F/A-18

The AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING targeting pod is a precision targeting pod system currently operational with a wide variety of combat aircraft. LITENING significantly increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft during day, night and under-the-weather conditions in the attack of ground and air[1] targets with a variety of standoff weapons (i.e., laser guided bombs, conventional bombs and GPS-guided weapons). The system was designed in Israel
^ It's designed as an interceptor with very low payload, it has no role as an a2g fighter.

thats a bit of mis-conception.

LCA was never meant to be an interceptor,instead meant to be a multi-role light-combat aircraft.

Its preference for a multi-mode radar says it all.

some circles in IAF even though of getting rid of Mig-27 with LCA as replacements.

Even LCA with is current configeration is a pretty good multi-role fighter( just has to demonstrate precision guided bombing and BVRAAM) with a decent Radar and targetting pods.

While LCA-MKII will bring in more features like AESA radar(which is undergoing testing),OLS/IRST,more advanced EW suit,..... ADA is wanting to match it capabilitites to a 4.5+ gen fighter(which says it all)
Actually, without Russian assitance. LCA will never get to fight in the air. Right now it has no hope. :( While JF-17 numbers have increased from 150 to 200-250. Thats what you call a successful aircraft.

how much indigenous is jf_17. its also using foreign engine and other system . and a lot of work by china.
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