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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

Anantha Krishnan M

#BreakingNews #Tejas successfully fires a missile at Jamnagar. Details awaited. Derby or Python, not sure. #IAF


Anantha Krishnan M

#breakingNews Confirmations come in. #Tejas fires Derby BVR missile successfully.
@Ankit Kumar

Livefists article from 2013 made some points
What It'll Take For India's Tejas To Be FULLY Ready

1. Expand flight envelope to -3.5 to 8G (Currently -2 to 6G). DONE as per FB

2. 24° angle of attack (Currently 22°). Done as per FB.

3. In-flight refuelling capability (Integration of Cobham probe complete).
LSP-8 has been integrated with Cobham's IFR probe and is undergoing ground tests as per FB.

4. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Derby BVR air-to-air missile.

5. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Python-5 IIR close combat missile.
Probably same as above.

6. Completion of integration & demonstration of KBP Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 23mm cannon.
Removed from FOC and pushed back to Mk1A as per FB.

7. New design drop tanks for supersonic flight.

8. New radome to improve radar and electromagnetic performance.
Integration and ground tests with Cobham's Quartz radome have been completed as per FB. Flight tests to commence soon.

9. Validate more efficient cooling system for aircraft braking assembly.
Braking issues have been fixed as per FB.

10. Additional weapons testing, including PGMs.
1000 lbs mk11 unguided bombs, LGBs and PB500 successfully tested as per FB. CCM R-73 has been fired over a dozen times and has been guided by MMR/HMDS as per tarmak007.

LIVEFIST: What It'll Take For India's Tejas To Be FULLY Ready
@Ankit Kumar

Livefists article from 2013 made some points
What It'll Take For India's Tejas To Be FULLY Ready

1. Expand flight envelope to -3.5 to 8G (Currently -2 to 6G). DONE as per FB

2. 24° angle of attack (Currently 22°). Done as per FB.

3. In-flight refuelling capability (Integration of Cobham probe complete).
LSP-8 has been integrated with Cobham's IFR probe and is undergoing ground tests as per FB.

4. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Derby BVR air-to-air missile.

5. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Python-5 IIR close combat missile.
Probably same as above.

6. Completion of integration & demonstration of KBP Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 23mm cannon.
Removed from FOC and pushed back to Mk1A as per FB.

7. New design drop tanks for supersonic flight.

8. New radome to improve radar and electromagnetic performance.
Integration and ground tests with Cobham's Quartz radome have been completed as per FB. Flight tests to commence soon.

9. Validate more efficient cooling system for aircraft braking assembly.
Braking issues have been fixed as per FB.

10. Additional weapons testing, including PGMs.
1000 lbs mk11 unguided bombs, LGBs and PB500 successfully tested as per FB. CCM R-73 has been fired over a dozen times and has been guided by MMR/HMDS as per tarmak007.

LIVEFIST: What It'll Take For India's Tejas To Be FULLY Ready

Last week news was there that the missile firing will happen by Feb end, or early March ..... but it was quick.... going by the standards of time management, this is a big achievement in itself.

On the above, most of the things seems to be sorted out, personally speaking, I feel FOC will not happen in last quarter, rather by the middle of this year.

One problem which needs to be resolved is the production rate of HAL. I am not too optimistic about it now.

which verson of derby (or derby-er) was it?
Nothing much is out till now. Wait for some time, everyone is busy in IFR.
Great achievement. Now the only thing remain to be seen is IFR probe integration ( which is on going currently afaik). Once done, we have a true fourth generation aircraft ready to serve.
I think we will see maximum by Q2. But we never know we may squeeze it by March end or max April too..
I thought of March ..

But this is a pleasant surprise ..

Would be wonderful if any videos are made available .. Will have to wait on this.
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Final clearance is approaching near now HAL needs to tighten its resources so as not to fumble in timely delivery
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