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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

BENGALURU: The Flying Daggers, the first squadron of the Tejas indigenous light combat aircraft, which currently comprises two jets, will touch its full strength of 20 by 2018.

  • The first squadron of the Tejas indigenous light combat aircraft will touch its full strength of 20 by 2018
  • Tejas is not yet completely combat-ready
  • The Air Force will begin to get the Tejas it really wants only by 2020
Though it has been inducted, the Tejas is not completely combat-ready. It is equipped with close combat air-to-air missiles, helmet-mounted display and precision-guided bombs. The final version will incorporate beyond visual range (BVR) missiles, improved stand-off weapons, and mid-air refuelling capability. IAF also wants an active electronically scanned array radar and advanced electronic warfare suite. The Air Force will begin to get the Tejas it really wants only by 2020.

Group captain Madhav Rangachari, the first commanding officer of the Tejas squadron, completed the first 20-minute flight after Tejas was inducted. The squadron will have seven officers, 42 air warriors and 20 non-commissioned officers to begin with.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his congratulations with: "Induction of indigenously made Tejas fighter jet into the Air Force fills our hearts with unparalleled pride & happiness."

The Flying Daggers will remain in Bengaluru for about two years before moving to its permanent base in Sulur in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district in 2018.

HAL is expected to deliver the next two aircraft in the next few months and three more by mid-2017.

Fourth generation aircraft, Tejas has the best record (with no crashes) for any new fighter platform in the world, having flown 2,029 hours in 3,187 sorties.

Air Marshal Walia said: "It is our aircraft and we will get more of it. The final operational clearance (FOC) is expected in March 2017 and by 2018-end we should have 20 aircraft (including four trainers) as part of the squadron, when it goes to Sulur."

While Team Tejas -Aeronautical Development Authority (ADA) and HAL -maintains the official cost of Tejas MK-I at Rs 9,000 crore, the Centre, citing delays, has put the overall cost at Rs 57,000 crore.

The IAF has committed to acquiring 40 Tejas aircraft, 20 in the initial operational clearance configuration and 20 in the FOC configuration, and the IAF is expected to increase orders to 80 aircraft.Team Tejas has built prototypes of the naval version.A single unit of the upgraded Tejas is expected to cost Rs 275 crore to Rs 300 crore.

Tejas, which compares with the best in its class, will prove much cheaper than imported jets over time. It will reduce the country's strategic vulnerability to foreign-weapon supplies being choked in times of conflict.
@Abingdonboy @ranjeet @PARIKRAMA @Stephen Cohen @GURU DUTT
When 3 soldiers turned priests for the newly-formed Tejas squadron


BENGALURU: Three soldiers — Junior Warrant Officer KK Tiwari, Naik Subedar Karnail Singh and Junior Warrant Officer Mohammed Mushtak Ali — on Friday turned priests praying for the welfare of the newly-formed Tejas squadron, while Peter Rajabon and Karthi Kumar from a nearby church came in to say Christian prayers.

  • Three soldiers on Friday turned priests praying for the welfare of the newly-formed Tejas squadron
  • It is a tradition the IAF follows every time a new squadron is formed
  • The Tejas got a water cannon salute — two fire tenders spraying water on the aircraft — another IAF tradition
It is a tradition the IAF follows every time a new squadron is formed. "It is called the sarvadharma samaroh (interfaith prayer)," an IAF spokesperson said.

Tiwari, who performed the Hindu prayers, said: "We will pray to Ganesha and Gowri and wish for the safety of the squadron."

Following Tiwari's rituals, which included a 'kalash puja' and chanting of the Gayatri mantra, Ali, Karnail and Rajabon read verses from the Quran, Guru Granth Sahib and the Bible.

Coconuts were offered and the new squadron was blessed before its commanding officer, Group Captain M Rangachari, took the Tejas into the skies on its maiden flight in IAF colours. After landing, the Tejas got a water cannon salute — two fire tenders spraying water on the aircraft — another IAF tradition.

BENGALURU: The Flying Daggers, the first squadron of the Tejas indigenous light combat aircraft, which currently comprises two jets, will touch its full strength of 20 by 2018.

Though it has been inducted, the Tejas is not completely combat-ready. It is equipped with close combat air-to-air missiles, helmet-mounted display and precision-guided bombs. The final version will incorporate beyond visual range (BVR) missiles, improved stand-off weapons, and mid-air refuelling capability. IAF also wants an active electronically scanned array radar and advanced electronic warfare suite. The Air Force will begin to get the Tejas it really wants only by 2020.

Group captain Madhav Rangachari, the first commanding officer of the Tejas squadron, completed the first 20-minute flight after Tejas was inducted. The squadron will have seven officers, 42 air warriors and 20 non-commissioned officers to begin with.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his congratulations with: "Induction of indigenously made Tejas fighter jet into the Air Force fills our hearts with unparalleled pride & happiness."

The Flying Daggers will remain in Bengaluru for about two years before moving to its permanent base in Sulur in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district in 2018.

HAL is expected to deliver the next two aircraft in the next few months and three more by mid-2017.
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Fourth generation aircraft, Tejas has the best record (with no crashes) for any new fighter platform in the world, having flown 2,029 hours in 3,187 sorties.

Air Marshal Walia said: "It is our aircraft and we will get more of it. The final operational clearance (FOC) is expected in March 2017 and by 2018-end we should have 20 aircraft (including four trainers) as part of the squadron, when it goes to Sulur."

While Team Tejas -Aeronautical Development Authority (ADA) and HAL -maintains the official cost of Tejas MK-I at Rs 9,000 crore, the Centre, citing delays, has put the overall cost at Rs 57,000 crore.

The IAF has committed to acquiring 40 Tejas aircraft, 20 in the initial operational clearance configuration and 20 in the FOC configuration, and the IAF is expected to increase orders to 80 aircraft.Team Tejas has built prototypes of the naval version.A single unit of the upgraded Tejas is expected to cost Rs 275 crore to Rs 300 crore.

Tejas, which compares with the best in its class, will prove much cheaper than imported jets over time. It will reduce the country's strategic vulnerability to foreign-weapon supplies being choked in times of conflict.
@Abingdonboy @ranjeet @PARIKRAMA @Stephen Cohen @GURU DUTT
every thing aside its combat range is still very low as the engine dose not gets enof air we need F35 air induction system in it to tackle that i hope they do in MK1A

One thing I didn't get. How come LCA needs weight reduction when it extensively uses composite? How light do you want it to be? Anyone cares to enlighten me? Thanks. :)
tejas was in testing so it had many testing and tellematerry instruments there harnasess extra batteries and other things like sepcial fittings plus the ballast weight and super heavy duty landing gear which is more than twice as heavy as required when all of these things be taken out at least 500 to 800 weight is gonna be taken out and there will be much more room to repack and re arrange new and more compact avionicks and batteries and sub systems which will make tejas much more easier to service and mantain plus this weight reduction couplled by new body panels with lesser drag and better aerodynamic profile which gonna increase its agility , fuel economy and range further

Since much is not known about its radar capabilities, I can only comment about its aerodynamic performance. To me it seems to be a lighter version of the Mirage 2000. High on drag, like all delta-winged aircraft. It's aspect ratio is the lowest ever in any jet fighter, to date. This translates into poor turning ability at low speeds due to high induced drag. Also, it means longer take-off and landing distances.
The F-404 engine is a very capable and reliable, though the IAF would be in a mess if it switched to the Kaveri that hasn't worked so far.
The JF-17 is an operational aircraft, and has a proven record. The pilots are quite happy with its performance.
Finally, as an aesthete, I find the Tejas ugly from ceetain aspects, especially the oversized servo actuator fairings on the underside of the wings.
Given a choice, I'd go for a JF-17 to fight a Tejas.
with all due respect TT sir may i add a few things

1.tejas has all axis 4 chanell digital FBW and compound cranked delta wing setup which in turns makes it more than capable to tackle problems arising due to drag at low speeds

2.it also has the bigger wing area than any other comparable jet fighter and the lowest wing loading which gives it much more lift resulting that a fully loaded LCA takes 400-450meter runway for take of or landing while JFT takes almost 650-680meters for the same

3.unlike JF17 tejas has the all important HMDS and HOBS combo (elbit Dash 3 and Python5/R73) givng its pilot to lock and shoot a enemy fighter by just looking at it even if its at 90 degree angle in any axis and no matter how agile is your fighter your pilot can only eject in time if he detects a Python5 coming towards it

4.tejas unlike JFT is also tested under every kinds altitude , weather and day and night conditions with EL2032MMR and Derby and I Derby ER combo and Litening G3 and GBU-16Paveway II laser guided bombs which gives much much better ground strike and BVR capabilty which not even JF-17 Blk 2 has right now

last but not the least Tejas in not a frontline fightre jet like JF17 rather its a point defnce/internal air policing and escort fighter with limited ground strike capability hope you get my point sir
Will all Tejas planes in the IAF will have the name TEJAS plastered under the cockpit canopy? I hope after these two inductions, rest of the planes will do away with the plane's name. @Abingdonboy @Joe Shearer comments please.

WWII bomber pilots had luscious females' pictures on their fuselages. As long as the pilot is happy, and thinks these little touches will compensate for his risking his life, let them be happy.
WWII bomber pilots had luscious females' pictures on their fuselages. As long as the pilot is happy, and thinks these little touches will compensate for his risking his life, let them be happy.

WWII had pilots, i am not sure if WW3 will have them, atleast not in the cockpit. They coming era is of gamers fiddling their HOTAS in an AC vault.
IAF likely to get fully-loaded Tejas version it wants by 2020

The Flying Daggers, the first squadron of the Tejas indigenous light combat aircraft, which currently comprises two jets, will touch its full strength of 20 by 2018.

Though it has been inducted, the Tejas is not completely combat-ready. It is equipped with close combat air-to-air missiles, helmet-mounted display and precision-guided bombs. The final version will incorporate beyond visual range (BVR) missiles, improved stand-off weapons, and mid-air refuelling capability. IAF also wants an active electronically scanned array radar and advanced electronic warfare suite. The Air Force will begin to get the Tejas it really wants only by 2020.

Group captain Madhav Rangachari, the first commanding officer of the Tejas squadron, completed the first 20-minute flight after Tejas was inducted. The squadron will have seven officers, 42 air warriors and 20 non-commissioned officers to begin with.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his congratulations with: "Induction of indigenously made Tejas fighter jet into the Air Force fills our hearts with unparalleled pride & happiness."

The Flying Daggers will remain in Bengaluru for about two years before moving to its permanent base in Sulur in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district in 2018.

HAL is expected to deliver the next two aircraft in the next few months and three more by mid-2017.

fourth generation aircraft, Tejas has the best record (with no crashes) for any new fighter platform in the world, having flown 2,029 hours in 3,187 sorties.

Air Marshal Walia said: "It is our aircraft and we will get more of it. The final operational clearance (FOC) is expected in March 2017 and by 2018-end we should have 20 aircraft (including four trainers) as part of the squadron, when it goes to Sulur."

While Team Tejas -Aeronautical Development Authority (ADA) and HAL -maintains the official cost of Tejas MK-I at Rs 9,000 crore, the Centre, citing delays, has put the overall cost at Rs 57,000 crore.

The IAF has committed to acquiring 40 Tejas aircraft, 20 in the initial operational clearance configuration and 20 in the FOC configuration, and the IAF is expected to increase orders to 80 aircraft.Team Tejas has built prototypes of the naval version.A single unit of the upgraded Tejas is expected to cost Rs 275 crore to Rs 300 crore.

Tejas, which compares with the best in its class, will prove much cheaper than imported jets over time. It will reduce the country's strategic vulnerability to foreign-weapon supplies being choked in times of conflict.

Will all Tejas planes in the IAF will have the name TEJAS plastered under the cockpit canopy? I hope after these two inductions, rest of the planes will do away with the plane's name. @Abingdonboy @Joe Shearer comments please.
That's the IAF's call and it's worth nothing they don't have the names on the rest of the fleet.

The final version will incorporate beyond visual range (BVR) missiles,
I guess we all imagined the LCA firing the Derby off the coast of Gujarat.

What nonsense it this? Comparing the LCA to subsonic AJTs and LIFTs?

Pressitutes being presstitutes.
What nonsense it this? Comparing the LCA to subsonic AJTs and LIFTs?

Pressitutes being presstitutes.[/QUOTE]

Which one did this ? Rajan Guy? No its Chethan Kumari
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