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HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]


@PARIKRAMA @Water Car Engineer @Koovie @Echo_419 @Levina @acetophenol @proud_indian @hellfire @ito @fsayed @Ankit Kumar @SpArK @nair @MilSpec @Stephen Cohen @Agent_47 @scorpionx @dadeechi
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tejas is by no means the best aircraft around , but its still a good start for indian aviation . it is imperative upon india to develop our aviation industry and this is the right step towards that . a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step .
Finally India has managed to get it's act together and the sense has prevailed. Instead of trying to make an equipment perfect without using it and changing the QR on whims, with the forced induction into an operational squadron there will be an actual interface between the user and the equipment and necessary evolution of the equipment as it is deployed and its various doctrines/procedures are formulated.

It is highly imperative that the airforce gets full support from HAL/private players in now working together to evolve this aircraft into a truly effective piece of equipment. Initial steps and the seriousness being displayed by the present government seems to be a step in the right direction.

Incredible India!!!

Hindu priest performing Puja...
Maulana sahab and Sikh guru in background participating in same.
I take the man in black suit to be a pastor.

What a religious harmony for something that is by product of scientific world.

It happens only in India....
Where these coconuts bursted/cracked on the plane :P

And what is ur problem with it? It's part of Indian culture, isn't it?
This is who we are. Don't like it, move out.

View attachment 315205

a low aspect-ratio wing will have a higher roll angular acceleration than one of high aspect ratio, because a high-aspect-ratio wing has a higher moment of inertia to overcome. In a steady roll, the longer wing gives a higher roll moment because of the longer moment arm of the aileron. Low aspect ratio wings are usually used on fighter aircraft, not only for the higher roll rates, but especially for longer chord and thinner airfoils involved in supersonic flight.

As far as take off and landing distance.

On aesthetics, just feel sorry for your taste.

Well said bro.
Will all Tejas planes in the IAF will have the name TEJAS plastered under the cockpit canopy? I hope after these two inductions, rest of the planes will do away with the plane's name. @Abingdonboy @Joe Shearer comments please.
Tejas Induction A Matter Of ‘Unparalleled Pride’, Says Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today hailed the induction of indigenously-built Light Combat Aircraft Tejas into the Air Force, terming it as a matter of “unparalleled pride and happiness” and a step which illustrates the skills and strengths of Indian scientists. “Induction of indigenously made Tejas fighter jet into the Air Force fills our hearts with unparalleled pride & happiness,” he tweeted. The first squadron of Tejas was inducted into IAF at Bengaluru earlier today, with two fighter planes joining the force, in a major milestone in the military aviation of the country. “I laud HAL & ADA on the induction of Tejas fighter jet. This illustrates our skills & strengths to enhance indigenous defence manufacturing,” PM Modi said in another tweet. State-run HAL handed over the first two Tejas aircraft to IAF, which makes up the first squadron named ‘Flying Daggers’, at a ceremony preceded by inter-faith prayers at the Aircraft System Testing Establishment. The commissioning of the India-made fighter planes comes more than three decades after LCA went into development. The aircraft was named “Tejas” (meaning radiance in Sanskrit) by Atal Bihari Vajpayee as Prime Minister. The squadron will be based in Bengaluru for the first two years before it is moved to Sulur in Tamil Nadu.

http://idrw.org/tejas-induction-matter-unparalleled-pride-says-prime-minister-narendra-modi/ .
One thing I didn't get. How come LCA needs weight reduction when it extensively uses composite? How light do you want it to be? Anyone cares to enlighten me? Thanks. :)
Nearly half ton dead weight use as ballast.
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