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I am sure that this is like a sitting DUCK for Anza MK-IIs and Anza Mk-IIIs and BDs must look towards buying these from us along with Srilanka too.

Dude, there's a limit to something called burning rears.

BTW your post reflects two things:

- intention to troll
- total ignorance about how a gunship works.



LCH TD-2 modified for further testing.

Wing stubs more angled, stronger and potentially carry heavier weapons payload within prescribed limits. Excellent!

LCH way to go! Army Aviation is definitely going for the kill with 114 of these beasts. :D
LCH's Service ceiling is 6,500 m (21,300 ft) which Neither the Anza MKII's nor the Anza Mk-IIIs can reach by both range and Altitude. Sorry for waking you up

Yes, but would it not be fun for some combat aircraft to shoot a chugging helicopter at those altitudes.
There's a reason the word "layered air defence" was coined.
for that , we also have some thing called medium weight hellies which are currently in final stage of short-listing and both appache and mi-8 are very good at dealing with thous airplanes.
And thats the reason why light attacke hellies have heavy or medium atteck hellies for esscort.
Yes, but would it not be fun for some combat aircraft to shoot a chugging helicopter at those altitudes.
There's a reason the word "layered air defence" was coined.

Yes it would be!!! So a chugging helicopter can pretty much bait a few combat aircrafts into the reaches of a R77 RVV SD?
Yes it would be!!! So a chugging helicopter can pretty much bait a few combat aircrafts into the reaches of a R77 RVV SD?

Goes both ways.. chopper pilots willing to bait aircraft in should also think that they too may be picked off at range.
point being, it would be sheer idiocy to think that the LCH would be operationally operated at 20000 ft AGL...lest it be used by a professional to make a gloating point.
Its an attack helicopter designed to go low and under the enemy's radar..
it will find itself under threat from MANPADS and AAA.. but then again.. thats what its ATGM's and other long rang systems are for.
A manpad cant react to a chopper popping up from behind a hill with its cannon blazing.
Yes, but would it not be fun for some combat aircraft to shoot a chugging helicopter at those altitudes.
There's a reason the word "layered air defence" was coined.

Too simplistic an assumption!

1. Will that "some combat aircraft" will always be hovering over the targets that LCH will probably engage?

2. In case that this "some combat aircraft" is scrambled to intercept, will the LCH be not warned by friendly sensors (AWACS et al)? There is a reason the term "network centric warfare" was launched..

3. Most important of all, what will the "some combat aircraft" on the other side will do when their choppers are threatened, twiddle their thumbs?

One has to look at the LCH with the type of missions it will be asked to perform. In that light the LCH does bring some respectable capability to the front!

it would be sheer idiocy to think that the LCH would be operationally operated at 20000 ft AGL...lest it be used by a professional to make a gloating point.

It will have to operate at relatively high altitudes in the Himalayan sector. If it performs well at 20000 feet it does augur well for ops at 10000 feet too!
Yes, but would it not be fun for some combat aircraft to shoot a chugging helicopter at those altitudes.
There's a reason the word "layered air defence" was coined.
Why do you think he mentioned the altitude issue ??

Yes it would be!!! So a chugging helicopter can pretty much bait a few combat aircrafts into the reaches of a R77 RVV SD?
Are you serious ??? Why would a helicopter try to engage a fighter jet ?? Any fighter jet is capable of shooting down even the best helicopter if helicopter tries to confront the jet.

point being, it would be sheer idiocy to think that the LCH would be operationally operated at 20000 ft AGL...lest it be used by a professional to make a gloating point.
Most of the Indian disputed border areas are located in HImalayas. During the Kargil war, the war was fought at the heights of 18000 ft. No country in the world has the attack helicopter that can fly in such conditions. Not to mention India-Pakistan has dispute over Siachen too. Now if a war broke of even at Siachen glacier, Indian troops will also have the support of attack helicopter which PA won't enjoy.
Forget about Siachen, most of the JnK is at a very great height. With low radar signature and capability to fly on those altitudes between those ridges, mountains, valleys...no radar can detect for a longer distance. Its a surveillance nightmare if you are using ground radars. Some places like in ladakh areas its possible to some extent but in most of the JnK areas it will be difficult to track it. You cannot expect your fighter jets to provide air support every where. There are times where you need rotors...more specifically attack helicopters.

In short this helicopter will be a game changer for India. Although i think a heavier version should be built to provide support to armored regiment in the Rajasthan and Punjab areas or increase the purchase of Apache to 80.
The key to the apache is the longbow radar,provided apaches lead and guide a pack of LCH armed with HELINA or spike.The job will be done very comprehensively.The pakistani army's greatest offensive weakness is total lack of anti aerial mobile support for accompanying its armour formations.This puts every armoured push requiring cover from the PAF which will be hard pressed anyway.Without paf able to achieve air superiority over its target area,every armoured attack into hostile territory is liable to end up another longewala.
India in this respect at least is better off with sa-8/sa-13 gecko/gopher missile systems and tunguska missile/gun platforms accompnying its armour.But sa-13s are getting a little old and need to be replaced.
The chopper will hit and run. Its not going to loiter around to provide air defence cover. It will come in low and fast. In the plains of Punjab and deserts of Thar, its not going to come in from behind any hillock. The main attack will come from the standoff capability of the ATGM (Helina is estimated at 8kms). And post that get out before the PAF can come in. Leave the PAF fighter jocks to the IAF. The chopper is not built for high altitude dog fights.
Too simplistic an assumption!

1. Will that "some combat aircraft" will always be hovering over the targets that LCH will probably engage?

2. In case that this "some combat aircraft" is scrambled to intercept, will the LCH be not warned by friendly sensors (AWACS et al)? There is a reason the term "network centric warfare" was launched..

3. Most important of all, what will the "some combat aircraft" on the other side will do when their choppers are threatened, twiddle their thumbs?

One has to look at the LCH with the type of missions it will be asked to perform. In that light the LCH does bring some respectable capability to the front!

It will have to operate at relatively high altitudes in the Himalayan sector. If it performs well at 20000 feet it does augur well for ops at 10000 feet too!

Why do you think he mentioned the altitude issue ??

Are you serious ??? Why would a helicopter try to engage a fighter jet ?? Any fighter jet is capable of shooting down even the best helicopter if helicopter tries to confront the jet.

Most of the Indian disputed border areas are located in HImalayas. During the Kargil war, the war was fought at the heights of 18000 ft. No country in the world has the attack helicopter that can fly in such conditions. Not to mention India-Pakistan has dispute over Siachen too. Now if a war broke of even at Siachen glacier, Indian troops will also have the support of attack helicopter which PA won't enjoy.
Forget about Siachen, most of the JnK is at a very great height. With low radar signature and capability to fly on those altitudes between those ridges, mountains, valleys...no radar can detect for a longer distance. Its a surveillance nightmare if you are using ground radars. Some places like in ladakh areas its possible to some extent but in most of the JnK areas it will be difficult to track it. You cannot expect your fighter jets to provide air support every where. There are times where you need rotors...more specifically attack helicopters.

In short this helicopter will be a game changer for India. Although i think a heavier version should be built to provide support to armored regiment in the Rajasthan and Punjab areas or increase the purchase of Apache to 80.

20000ft AGL is above ground level..
an above ground level (AGL) altitude is an altitude measured with respect to the underlying ground surface.

I pray.. will the LCH be flying 20000 ft above a 18000 ft mountain?
again.. the emphasis for an attack chopper is flying low or close to surfaces to avoid detection by the enemy.
I suggest people not take my post with simplistic assumptions :rolleyes:
20000ft AGL is above ground level..

I pray.. will the LCH be flying 20000 ft above a 18000 ft mountain?
again.. the emphasis for an attack chopper is flying low or close to surfaces to avoid detection by the enemy.
I suggest people not take my post with simplistic assumptions :rolleyes:

I was thinking the same- the 20,000 ft ceiling is to reach the highest Indian posts- not to avoid detection/attack this is completely contrary to all logic behind attack helos. One only has to look at the camo on the LCH TD-2 to see what it is intended to do-low level flight (low-vis grey camo is usually for high flying a/c so it blends into the sky when looked at from below). In this case it will be up to the counter-measures, in-built low radar visibility characteristics of LCH, jamming and pilot skill to avoid hits with SAMs.
Goes both ways.. chopper pilots willing to bait aircraft in should also think that they too may be picked off at range.
point being, it would be sheer idiocy to think that the LCH would be operationally operated at 20000 ft AGL...lest it be used by a professional to make a gloating point.
Its an attack helicopter designed to go low and under the enemy's radar..
it will find itself under threat from MANPADS and AAA.. but then again.. thats what its ATGM's and other long rang systems are for.
A manpad cant react to a chopper popping up from behind a hill with its cannon blazing.

Well I see LCH operating in tandem with fast moving IBG's in the plain lands, providing forward air control, lasing targets for CAS fixed wings and ambushing armor.

In mountainous terrain, its often better to overwhelm the enemy with tube and conventional arty. I dont see the LCH doing much in that terrain other Spec ops.
Yes, but would it not be fun for some combat aircraft to shoot a chugging helicopter at those altitudes.
There's a reason the word "layered air defence" was coined.

LCH is not vulnerable to Air Defense, as its designed to undertake missions like destruction of enemy air defense(DEAD). LCH is not invincible either.
To be fair PAK landbased air defences are pretty weak.So to be superior to them is not a great 'feat'.
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