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HAL LCH| Updates and Discussions

mate you didn't mentioned Apahe/longbow. BTW Apache is a heavy combat helicopter but not stealthy as well. Ka-50/52, Mi-28 and A129's overall combat effectiveness is not as capable as LCH. I will talk about it in next post.

That is wrong, simply by the fact that some of these helicopters even have radars, which the LCH does't have so far. It is way too early to jump into conclusions, only because the media is hyping at the moment.
We should be proud of HALs achievement, because it is the first real development they made alone and because LCH will be useful for what it was designed to, but please don't start to dream and make it THE combat helicopter ever like our turkish friend recently did with all turkish developments. :)
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Indigenously Built LCH Takes to the Skies

The maiden flight of the indigenously manufactured Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) heralded India’s entry into the select group of countries capable of developing their own Combat Helicopters. The LCH manufactured by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited took to the skies in the presence of the Defence Secretary RK Singh, Vice Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal PK Barbora, Chairman HAL, Ashok Nayak and senior officials of Defence ministry and the forces at the HAL airport in the city today. Chief Test pilot Unni Pillai and Hari Nair put up a spectacular flying display of the LCH on its maiden flight.

The LCH is a dedicated attack helicopter featuring a narrow fuselage and a tandem seating for the pilot and co-pilot. The machine is designed for low detection (reduced visual, aural, radar and infra red signatures) and has crashworthy landing gear for better survivability. The hingeless rotors and the powerful Shakti engines enable the easy manoeuvring of LCH even with weapons.

The other interesting feature of the LCH is the chin-mounted canon along with the helmet mounted sighting system, which gives the pilot the capability to look and fire at targets around the aircraft. An advanced sensor suite consisting of CCD Camera, Forward looking infrared imaging technology and Laser range finder, facilitates target acquisition in all weather conditions.

The Helicopter would be fitted with a Data Link for network-centric operations facilitating the transfer of mission data to the other airborne platforms and ground stations operating in the network, thus facilitating the force multiplication.

With these features the LCH is expected to play a major impact on Air Defence role against slow moving aerial targets, destruction of enemy air defence operations, escort to special heliborne operations, support of combat search and rescue operations, anti-tank role and scout duties.

PIB Press Release
Snapshots from Super Sunday Show -- LCH Maiden Flight











---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------


Congratulations to HAL on this achievement. Will the LCH be able to carry the anti-tank NAG missile?
Congratulations to HAL. you guys did a fantastic job.
Prateek, I think we can compare with other helicopters in its class based on this pres release from HAL. I will post in details tomorrow.

Dedication of LCH to the Nation


Indian aviation fraternity in general and HAL in particular is eager to witness another milestone event, when Hon’ble Defence Minister Shri A.K Antony will dedicate the Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) to the nation on coming Sunday at HAL Airport. Indigenously developed and built by HAL in a record time, a derivative of Advanced Light Helicopter (Dhruv) is an attack helicopter first of its kind in India.


It became imminent for the MOD and Indian Air Force that the technologies acquired and developed on the Dhruv platform could be translated into developing a dedicated Light combat helicopter appended with newer technologies like low visibility features, Nuclear Biological and Chemical warfare protection, integration of the latest weapon systems, and electronic warfare suite. The HAL Fraternity expresses its gratitude to the nation, MOD and the Indian Air force for giving it yet another great opportunity in realizing this dream.


The LCH inherits many technical features of the Dhruv which includes the rotor system Transmission, power plant, Hydraulics, IADS, weapons system and Avionics. The features that are unique to LCH are Sleek & narrow fuselage, tri-cycle crashworthy landing gear, tandem cockpits, crashworthy & self sealing fuel tanks, aero foil shaped stub wings for weapons, armour protection, NBC protection and, low visibility features Which make the LCH lethal, agile and survivable.

Development philosophy

LCH prototype development was based on the concept of design, ground testing and fabrication concurrently. This resulted in building the 1st machine within 40 months.

The design & manufacturing was carried-out using the state-of-art C.A.D/C.A.M facilities which obviated the requirement of an interface check rig. The ground testing included wind-tunnel testing, landing gear drop tests, and shake test.

A mock up was also built for evaluation by the Indian Air Force.

Development Team

The development team included members of HAL, Indian Air Force, the certification authorities CEMILAC ,DGAQA and the various suppliers of the onboard systems.

Capability and Performance

LCH will be fitted with a 20 mm Turret gun and can carry Rockets, Air-to Air / Air-to-Ground missiles on the weapon stations.

The helicopter would have day/night targeting systems for the crew including the Helmet pointed sight and Electro-optical pod consisting of CCD camera/FLIR/Laser range finder/laser designator. The LRF & LD facilitate measurement of range to the target & guidance to the Laser guided Missiles respectively. A Digital Video Recorder would enable recording of the vital mission for debriefing purposes. The turret gun skewing is controlled by the helmet mounted sight of the gunner.

The LCH is fitted with Self Protection Suite consisting of Radar/Laser Missile warning systems and Countermeasures dispensing system. It is also planned to integrate IR/Laser missile jammer on the helicopter.

The helicopter would be fitted with a Data Link for Network-centric operations facilitating transfer of the mission data to the other airborne platforms and ground stations operating in the Network, thus facilitating force multiplication.

The machine is designed for low detection (visual, aural, radar & infra-red) and includes armour protection of critical areas. A 30 minute dry running capability of the gear box is a built in feature to survive after a ballistic hit to the transmission system. Crashworthiness features are built into the wheel landing gear & structure.

Dual redundant systems also enhance the effectiveness of the helicopter in the battlefield environment.

The performance features of the LCH i.e. rate of climb, cruise speed, service ceiling are on par, if not better than other helicopter in its class like A129/Tiger and with bigger dedicated combat helicopters like Apache, Kamov 30 or Mi-35. LCH has all the makings of a winner in its class of helicopters.

Cost data ( Development cost, unit cost, maintenance cost & operating cost)

The development cost of LCH is very low compared to that of other helicopters in its class, ensuring lower unit costs compared to other attack helicopters. LCH design is optimized to ensure ease of maintenance with improved reliability of all the onboard systems to keep the operating costs low.


Self-reliance in such strategic machines forms an unequivocal requirement for India’s defence and products like the Dhruv & the LCH are missions in this direction. May the Light Combat Helicopter serve the nation for decades to come.




Indian govt officials as well as media have a tendency to create much hype.....yaar its only the first prototype...LCA flew in 2001 first time still we are waiting for its induction....

also LCH is only light weight by name...it is still a lot heavier than its class.....yes no doubt it is a big achievment but its only the first flight....we have still atleast three years before it will be finally prepared into a lethal but actual device....

yes HAL is taking up steps to reduce its weight....even 2nd prototype is less in weight....but still after 4 prototypes it will be 200kg's heavier....thats why its weighing class was changed in defexpo 2010 after some of the foreign companies objected to it......

also its capacity is beyond any comparison to other choppers...only 4 ATGM's promised by HAL in TD-3/4
I am here for full appreciation of HAl..but seriously.i feel instead of celebrating first flight now induction ceremony would have been better......
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lets check the attack chopper scenario in south asia.......


Chinese WZ-10

pakistan uses cobra.........


India's mi-35/24

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